What? If he could posses almost anybody the game wouldn't make it perfectly clear that he can only overcome the will of weak souls. In the game, outside the animancer, he only possess patients from the sanitarium and a hollowborn girl, and it isn't really difficult to asume that Thaos is responsible for putting someone he can manipulate at the duc's hearing, as he has done in all his plans.My original argument wasn't that they had to be very weak (although I would say so if Thaos was to perform a trick like the one at the sanitarium. There's a reason why the girl with an awakened soul don't get possesed, or the other patients that aren't in the cells), but to illustrate that those patients have weak souls and the game let you know this.
The original argument for why he doesn't possess you and other party members is that he can only possess weaklings. But the way it plays out is that he can possess just about anybody except characters with plot shield.
Shits over internal consistency? Avoids doing the obvious?He could have done a lot of things to kill the duc and blame animancy, but he always would do that directly. It's pretty important for his plan that animancy gets blamed, and the assassination of the duc is key to this, and is part of Thaos character to do this stuff by himself to ensure it gets done.
The point is that it plays off like a badly written manga where the character avoids doing the obvious (or shits over internal consistency) for the sake of the plot (and in this case an unnecessary detail at that).
Explain to me what would be the obvious and what consistency problems creates, because I don't see them