Finishers? Doublejumps? Huge (and inventive? what? for Christ's sake, that's DooM we're talking about!) weapons? What?
Also, I don't understand why, after Carmack had left, id/Beth didn't try to just rehire all the "old guard" (Hall, Romero, Adrian Carmack, Wilbur, Kevin Cloud, if he has already been fired, Paul Steed, etc.), Carmack has personally managed to oust from the company in the first place. I mean, it's barely even id at this point, more like "Tim Willits' little derpityland". I mean, rehiring at least some of those guys and giving them something like 30 people in order to create some sort of experimental "vertical slice" prototype of something new (and with maximum openness to and active communication with the community), while the main part of the team would still be working on, say, DooM reboot, would be one way to save id's face even if DooM plants itself head first right into the ground. AND, as I've said before, it would at least be clear, just why that place is still called "id" and not "TWLD" (see above). The only other option for "id", should DooM end up a total failure, I fear, is being renamed to "idTech5 engine support house" by Beth and being done with the games for good.