Whoa, that's quite interesting. Using weather as a situational advantage.Also metal weapons/armor will scrape on the ground when you're crouched and sneaking, making more noise. Heavy rainfall, however, helps mask the sound of your footsteps.
Video was recorded on following specs: i7-4790K, GTX 780, 8GB RAM. I choose to not alter the speed of the video to best represent how it actually runs. But I did prepare a shader cache so there is no extra suttering. Audio is muted because it is just white noise.
Lots of bugs that make the game unplayable. Physic glitches, rune abilities that require object selection don't work, no water collision, etc. Essentially it's impossible to leave the tutorial area without using a save.
Holy shit, Cemu team got Zelda running in next versionNot even one week
Yeah, this game is full of those little details. If it's raining, you'll keep sliding down if you try to climb up rock faces. Rain also puts out torches and campfires; I found one campfire that has a shelter built over top of it. You can chop trees down and they will inflict a lot of damage if they fall on a monster. If you fire arrows and miss, uou can usually pick them up again. You can burn more than just grass; many wooden items will burn as well (not houses obviously). Early in the game, I used the magnetic rune to pull a metal chest out of the water -- you can also use it to pick up metal weapons and attack enemies with floating weapons. Your horse can't go inside buildings, but instead of just running into an invisible wall, the horse slowly turns away as you approach the entryway.
I still haven't figured out how to start a fire with flint
Where did you get the hat?
Yup. I don't remember which shrine, but all of them seem to have a secret chest that can have some good stuff.
Getting the bandana inspired me to go hunting for shrines in more dangerous areas, where most things can easily 1-shot me. Nothing mind-blowing so far, but I've pilfered some nice weapons and shields from some of the scarier ones.
Any good store where I can buy a Wii U for cheap?
On an unrelated note, can I hook up a Wii U to my laptop screen?
Interesting... the question is - should I pay $260 jut to play Breast of the Wild?I got a refurbished Wii U directly from Nintendo back in 2014 for a reasonable price ($200 CAD), so that's one place to try. Or try eBay.
Interesting... the question is - should I pay $260 jut to play Breast of the Wild?