Good new article today: ... ing-events
Let’s take a look at Wayfarer Hills, the norn starting area, as an example of our iterative process.
The southern area of the map has four shrines, each dedicated to one of the great totem animals. The original design called for four identical events, where the Sons of Svanir—norn who have forsaken the Spirits of the Wild in favor of the Ice Dragon—would attack the shrines and you’d have to try and fight them off. We got these events in, and while they worked just fine, they didn’t feel very compelling.
Not wanting to throw away the work that had been done, we first tried to bandage the original events by changing the enemies at some of the totems from Sons of Svanir to dredge, another norn enemy. We still didn’t like the way this felt though, since each event was mechanically the same, and all the totems felt exactly the same.
After another meeting, we finally settled on the current design:
Bear Shrine
This event was almost unchanged from the original design, but it seemed appropriate, since the Sons of Svanir want to prove that Dragon is stronger than Bear, so they’re trying to deface Bear’s shrine.
Wolf Shrine
I didn’t want all the totem spirits to feel too passive, so I turned the tables in this event: the Wolf Shaman at the shrine calls a pack of wolves to join you in an assault on a nearby Sons of Svanir camp.
Raven Shrine
This event is totally different from anything else on the map; it’s a riddle contest. There’s little combat involved, unless you stray into the outskirts of the shrine where skelk like to steal raven eggs. The riddles have an old-school adventure game feel.
Snow Leopard Shrine
For this event, I decided to try something a little wacky. We wanted Snow Leopard to feel like a hunter, and we kept tossing around ideas for how to make a hunt-themed event. The final result: dredge from a nearby mine are digging their way under the area and threatening the sacred snow leopards around the shrine. Speaking to the Snow Leopard Shaman will allow you to transform into a snow leopard, and you can reveal the hidden dredge by snarling at them and frightening them.
We went from four carbon-copy events to four unique events that each reflect the theme of the area and the character of the norn. New events always mean additional work, both for me and QA, but in the end, we were much happier with the feel of the area. We also like that two of the first events you run into—at the Raven and Snow Leopard shrines—feel a lot more involved than content you’d expect to find at the beginning of most MMOs.
As you can see, flexibility is very important in concept design, as is accepting criticism and coming up with ways to fix issues that arise. Sure, it can be a little frustrating when QA sends you some minor bug on the fifth version of an event, but in the end, it’s all worth it. I don’t mean to gush, but this team is so easy to work with and smart about their requests that I never feel like I’m being asked to do the impossible. I listen to every suggestion and try to make everything as awesome as possible. ... ing-events