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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Going down a Elo pit, damn, sometimes I just want to punch some of my teammates in the face
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Going down a Elo pit, damn, sometimes I just want to punch some of my teammates in the face
Having the same problem here. Unless I go mid - mid inevitably feeds, losing us the game when the opposing mid roams, netting every single dragon in the process.

AP Zilean is a blast. Sticking one bomb on each of your melee heroes and then having them explode for 1600 damage is just so much fun, or managing to stick one on an escaping enemy with just a sliver of health and counting down in chat.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
If I see another streamer building AP on Jax I'm gonna scream. Look at them skills. Look at them! There is not a single one that benefits more from AP than from AD except the Q, and that one only very, very slightly.
AP is generally cheaper to build than AD though afaik.

I mean, a long sword is 415 geld for +10 AD, an amplifying tome is 435 geld for +20 AP. I think the same is true for BF sword versus needlessly large and so on. That could be the reason.
Dec 31, 2009
Nah, I adjusted for that, assumed that one AD=2 AP. Still comes out in favour of AD. I think it's mostly because of old habit.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
When it comes to getting out of derp level elo my only advice is this never ever fucking jungle. Some people recommend jungling to carry yourself and your team out of elo hell because apparently you have influence on every lane as a jungler. That is in fact bullshit. Why? Because if the people on your team are morons they will keep overextending, not warding, not looking at the minimap and outright feeding and you won't be able to help them. Then they will blame you for being a shitty jungler because you don't gank that 4/0 udyr top or because they keep getting ganked because they overextend like the dumbfucks they are.

Hell even if everything is going fine your gank results in a double kill (and no deaths on your side), you ward and try to gank when the enemy pushes too much some retard will still blame you for not ganking often enough. The retards aren't aware that the jungler can't be fucking everywhere on the map and that he has to farm or he will fall behind and that he can't gank if the lane is pushed. Basically these are the same fucking people that keep feeding junglers and get some ridiculous idea that junglers are fucking guaranteed to kill you when they want to god-tier champions because they keep overextending while having zero map awareness.

Honestly want to get out of elo hell? Play top or mid, most people who pick a jungler know what the hell they're doing so that way you are guaranteed that 2 people (including you) won't fuck up and you don't need worry about that support fucking up and feeding or taking CS which can cost you your lane. Then pray to whatever dark gods you worship that bot and the other solo lane isn't retarded. But never fucking jungle. The same thing applies to playing support. Babysitting won't do much when rambo ashe keeps walking into sivir's boomerangs or if she's AAing minions thus pushing all the fucking time.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Having the same problem here. Unless I go mid - mid inevitably feeds, losing us the game when the opposing mid roams, netting every single dragon in the process.

We should Duo Queue sometime. Sure, I'm not the best of players but I'm certainly competent and much better than most of the dumbfucks in this Elo range.

And I agree with you Hellraiser, playing in a lane at least you can manage to hold your lane competently taking some pressure from you jungler. Also, people always blame the jungler when they're failing and that gives a lot of rage.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Speaking of jungling after jungling around a bit with lee sin and jax (mostly jungle pathing with jax in customs) I realized I need new runes for those two. So I'm derping around as jungle Cho'Gath in normals after some very positive comments on his jungling. Holy fuck is he underrated as a jungler, he could jungle before the jungle rework but now I would say he's at least a tier 2 jungler. He barely loses any health in the jungle (hell you you barely lose health even without a leash), his ganks are pretty solid (and he can gank at level 2) although dependent on hitting Q (so are lee sin's and his Q is even fucking harder to hit especially with minions around), he can easily secure buffs and dragon/baron with smite+ult (only nunu is better in that area IMO).

His only real problem is that early in the game you can't 1v1 some enemy junglers like udyr (but lets face it udyr is just bullshit) or jax. Although if I ran AS runes with AD quints that might have changed. Still Q will allow you to get away most of the time should they try to invade or if you run into them on the river when you want to ward it/gank a lane. Also you can build him as you fucking please. Tanky bruiser? Sure go ahead atma's impaler is godlike with stacks from his ult, grab a wits end for more spike spam and mres. Tanky AP? Why not, he has decent ratios on his AOE skills and vorpal spikes scale of AP, so does his true damage ult. Full tank? You have enough CC to be a fucking nuisance, Q+W can turn a team fight around. Personally I prefer being a really bulky mage but bruiser Cho is most likely best ATM (and should be until they nerf atma's). I guess you could build hybrid but there's no incentive to do so IMO, gunblade is expensive as fuck and wits end>rageblade on Cho IMO.

Jungle speed seems decent, I start with E atm which both saves mana and allows you to jungle faster (and kill those pesky small minions without even attacking them directly). I'll run some tests to measure his time and see if he can start boots+3 or regrowth+1 (so far only did cloth+5). Same goes for AS runes with vorpal spikes they can prove to be rather effective. Now if only lol didn't decide to sodomize itself and force me to reinstall.
Dec 31, 2009
Lee sin isn't dependent upon hitting his Q though, in fact it is not usually the best way to initiate a gank. The best way is to walk next to them and hit E, then E again, and when they flee (in a nice straight line) you use Q as a catch up.

I agree with the jungling thing though. Generally speaking a jungler will be underleveled/farmed compared to the lanes, so when ganking you are dependent upon a competent ally in the lane. If the ally in the lane is at 1/4 HP, he can't really help you and it becomes a 1v1 with you at the disadvantage. I suspect playing someone that can gank top and bot lanes from mid is the best way to carry a game.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
When it comes to getting out of derp level elo my only advice is this never ever fucking jungle. Some people recommend jungling to carry yourself and your team out of elo hell because apparently you have influence on every lane as a jungler. That is in fact bullshit. Why? Because if the people on your team are morons they will keep overextending, not warding, not looking at the minimap and outright feeding and you won't be able to help them. Then they will blame you for being a shitty jungler because you don't gank that 4/0 udyr top or because they keep getting ganked because they overextend like the dumbfucks they are.

Hell even if everything is going fine your gank results in a double kill (and no deaths on your side), you ward and try to gank when the enemy pushes too much some retard will still blame you for not ganking often enough. The retards aren't aware that the jungler can't be fucking everywhere on the map and that he has to farm or he will fall behind and that he can't gank if the lane is pushed. Basically these are the same fucking people that keep feeding junglers and get some ridiculous idea that junglers are fucking guaranteed to kill you when they want to god-tier champions because they keep overextending while having zero map awareness.

Honestly want to get out of elo hell? Play top or mid, most people who pick a jungler know what the hell they're doing so that way you are guaranteed that 2 people (including you) won't fuck up and you don't need worry about that support fucking up and feeding or taking CS which can cost you your lane. Then pray to whatever dark gods you worship that bot and the other solo lane isn't retarded. But never fucking jungle. The same thing applies to playing support. Babysitting won't do much when rambo ashe keeps walking into sivir's boomerangs or if she's AAing minions thus pushing all the fucking time.
You gotta have faith. :)
Its always hit or miss with solo que, but most of the time when people outright demand their roles I usually dont protest. Mostly they have played a few games with the champ they want to play. Ive been duo-queing with another codexer a bit this week usually as me jungler and he support with some really good results(+100 elo or so).
Being a good support as he is, hes been excellent at telling his carry what to do, warding and babysitting. Its just a different game when hes popping those wards all the time and always in the right place in teamfights. Strong jungle makes lanes stronger too, I try to ward as much as I can,look for easy ganks and my Malph is a scary mofo with wriggles+trinity. I think we won as jungle-support about 10 and lost 2 or 3 games this week.


Oct 12, 2006
Yeah i got to stop solo queue for real, lost 4 in a row because of outright trolls or just plain bad players, the kind doing everything possible wrong. Having a duo partner drastically decreases the chances of these people on your team.

And yes, a mid like Morgana or Malzahar who can destroy a minion wave in a seconds and then go gank can carry very hard. Problem is there's usually 3 people shouting MID!! in champ select.
Dec 31, 2009
Just in: Renekton is a shit hero that is raped by everything. Why on earth would SK counterpick themselves like that? They could have put udyr top or something and lee sin in the jungle, but nooo they had to go renekton top of all things.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Just in: Renekton is a shit hero that is raped by everything. Why on earth would SK counterpick themselves like that? They could have put udyr top or something and lee sin in the jungle, but nooo they had to go renekton top of all things.

I had the exact same thoughts after watching this gaem.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Just in: Renekton is a shit hero that is raped by everything. Why on earth would SK counterpick themselves like that? They could have put udyr top or something and lee sin in the jungle, but nooo they had to go renekton top of all things.

Seems like they wanted to end the game in the early stages... Renekton is one of the best champs for that. Shit just backfired strong.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Watching now. Domination by TSM.
Finals are gonna be a blast to watch tommorow. 2 mega agressive teams against eachother.


Jan 10, 2010
TSM won first. 15-1 in kills or something, really dominated, looks like they still are.

Not really surprised. This tournament was going to be TSM vs M5 grudge match finals from the start. I know I didn't say this here so I can't say "TOLD YA SO" but I've told a few IRL friends this.


Jan 10, 2010
Also, I said Shyvana is extremely strong from the start. NOW she's going to be flavor of the month, long after the fact with no changes to her. Oh well.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Looking forward to the finals, I'm quite happy to see it's M5 vs TSM, one of the strongest "conservative" teams and a Russian meta-wrecking team, that succeeds with unorthodox plays. The competition needs more innovative teams like M5 to keep things interesting.

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