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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Dec 4, 2010
The thing is that to be able to carry your entire team out of a shitty game you need to be better then the elo you are aiming for. So yes if you are 1450+ elo you can prob get out of elo hell. If you are a normal/average player you will prob stay stuck because you arent good enough to make up for the mistakes of an entire team (or 2 extreme feeders).

Having said *that* once i do manage to carry the majority of games ill see it as good practice and im sure it will be rewarding as hell :P

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Also, with bad enough teamates, it's just impossible to carry. I can rofl stomp 2 lanes, but if the third one has someone dominating with mejais/bloodthirster/etc. fed to hell by retards it won't matter. Especially if it's a hero that counters yours well.

Equally fun is when midgame comes around and your team absolutely refuses to stay grouped, and gets picked off by themselves 1-2 at a time for 30 minutes straight. Even if you had a massive lead before that, all the enemy has to do is attack where you aren't to rack up a huge advantage. Even a more skilled player can't win a 3v5 at an enemy tower, so pushing isn't an option either.

In short, while there is correlation between skill and ELO in these sorts of games, it's certainly not 100%.
Dec 31, 2009
Jasede is right of course, but I will start this post by musing over some of the cultural conventions of lower levels of play. Namely, the ritualized battle.

In lower elos and among less skilled players, there is an expectation that a team battle has to take place, no matter what; and that if there is a lull in fighting, it is the responsibility of both teams to line up at a suitably neutral place and create a teambattle. We can see this in my descriptions of earlier games; in both cases, when the enemy was MIA the rest of my team instinctually went to the mid and... Well, not exactly roamed, rather just stayed there to wait for something to happen. We were outfarmed and outleveled by the enemy, but yet they all dutifully teamed up near the mid tower, waiting for... Something. Eventually they grew so tired of waiting that they assaulted the enemy team 4v5 (I was pushing top) near their tower.

I saw it again when I tried a couple of 3v3's today. Yes, I know, 3v3'ers are horrible creatures etc but bear on with me. In both cases the first thing happening was a rush to that bush near the bottom mid lane. I didn't much participate at first, instead going to the top and awaiting minions to kill. I was immediately called a n00b and pingspammed to go to that teamfight spot... This happened in both games, even when my two allies were nidalee and caitlyn and the enemies were all tanky deepses that could probably steamroll us, so I don't think we had much chance of winning that engagement.. In fact no sides tried much they were content to send snipes at each other until minions broke forth. But what struck was the regularity and regimentation of it; both teams went to this neutral ground, in spite of it having no strategic importance (unlike for example the blue buff that are sometimes fought over at lvl 1 in high level play) but yet they all went there, driven by some strange natural impulse...

We must keep in mind, however, that to them, this was perfectly rational; in fact, nothing else could happen. They are lol players, and lol players fight teambattles in the mid. Of course they react with frustrated aggression when something or someone does something that shatters this worldview, like splitpushing. We should expect them to lash out when something threatens their sense of self and the very idea of what they are.


Dec 4, 2010
Man dont get me started on the 3v3 initial 'ganks'
I never participate in those when there is a chance that we will get raped (you know when they are lee sin, garen and... le blanc for all i care)
very often my 2 team mates will rush the bush and when one of them or both of them gets raped they say its my fault. It never seems to occur to them that they had the chance to not just 'gank' and chill at the tower.
Its also fun to point out that it isnt a fucking gank when it happens EVERY fuckign game and the enemy knows its gonna happen. makes these people sound like they honestly think they are being sneaky.. and sadly i think that is the case now and then


Dec 4, 2010
Also i finally bought the only sub 3150 champ i didnt own. that little fag ammumu. I see why hes banned in every low elo game as well. Ult = Won teamfight. Over and over

People also seem to like beating on him


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
So, I've been playing this off and on for a while now. Solo Ranked is close to pure random chance when it comes to building ELO. It's more of a game of ditching during team select, as usually the game is won and lost there. However, even with great comps, and when I play really well, sometimes we just lose. IMHO, this is not a competitive game unless you play on a predesignated team.

Currently waiting on DOTA 2. LOL will never be a good competitive platform with the money platform they have. ALL new champions are over powered, to get impulse buys, then nerfed back. IMHO, that hurts the game in the long run.

Personally, they need to stop releasing champions and start reworking all of the items, current champions, and the maps. They could all use a lot of fine tuning, which would make the game far more competitive then it currently is.

Also, runes. Wtf is this shit? Totally ridiculous in terms of competition. They should be removed from rank play. Again, the game promotes their $$ earning shenanigans and not the competitive gameplay, esport model. Thus, LOL will always be mediocre.

Hopefully DOTA 2 can change this, as it's money model should be quite different.



A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Xi said:
Also, runes. Wtf is this shit? Totally ridiculous in terms of competition. They should be removed from rank play. Again, the game promotes their $$ earning shenanigans and not the competitive gameplay, esport model. Thus, LOL will always be mediocre.

Considering you can't buy runes with money... :M

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Except you can buy IP boosts with money, which amounts to the same thing. It just caps the amount you can buy based on how much you're playing.

Hopefully DOTA 2 can change this, as it's money model should be quite different.

That's what HoN offered, then they went back on the promise. My hopes for DotA 2 aren't much higher, to be honest.

At least in LoL, if you play enough (though its a fuckton of matches you need) you can eliminate any mechanical gap between you and a user that paid more.

My main gripe with LoL is how needlessly opaque a lot of the UI and hero abilities are. I shouldn't need to go to a fucking fan wiki to find out the range of spells or attacks. Especially for a hero I haven't purchased yet and can't try.


Dec 4, 2010
Xi said:
Currently waiting on DOTA 2. LOL will never be a good competitive platform with the money platform they have. ALL new champions are over powered, to get impulse buys, then nerfed back. IMHO, that hurts the game in the long run.

Tell that to the yorick/skarner/riven guys ^^
Still they tend to be more op then not.

*Shrug* I actually think they are incredibly fair when it comes to the business model. You can play this game competivly without spending a dollar except maybe if you have a family (and job). Even then you arent gonna be playing enough to ever get very good anyways and you will easily be able to afford the thing you cant get due to lack of ip.
In any case i just cant see it being any fairer (realistically)

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Can't believe it took me this long to find out I like Zilean. This hero is the best troll ever. You can dick with people constantly during the laning phase with your bombs that outrange almost any other targetable spell, and from midgame on you just constantly screw people out of kills with speed bursts and rezes. The best is pretending your spell is on CD until they've almost maybe caught up then zipping away again. Also great is when they try to counter harass you once you've already placed a bomb and you just drop another one on their face for slightly more mana.
Dec 31, 2009
ALL new champions are over powered

Just like skarner and wukong amirite

Personally, they need to stop releasing champions and start reworking all of the items, current champions, and the maps.
Personally, they need....? You schizo bro?

Also take that piece of crap DOTA2 out of here, it is for spergers that want to play the same game over and over and over again. Shit game for shit people.

Also, runes. Wtf is this shit? Totally ridiculous in terms of competition.
The people that have played long enough to compete intelligently have already played enough to buy propah runes. It doesn't change competition one iota.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

Also, Yorick at release :lol:

Yeah, go on Xi. Spew your ignorant mainstream bullshit. League has, if anything, a reputation for crapping out underpowered champions. There was so much criticism of this fact that they promised to up the power at bit. They went overboard with the burst of some (Graves) and they were promptly nerfed. Yet Graves and Vayne, for example, are some of those hailed as most overpowered but they both pale in comparison to Caitlyn, an AD Carry that is forcing the bot meta all by herself at the moment.

Seriously, spewing "dis champ OP" a week after release is maybe the most basic tell-tale sign of you having absolute 0 understanding of the game.

Champions with a high burst are ALWAYS seen as OP by the bulk of players, while most forget that champions with much higher burst are already in the game.

ALSO: Stop this "ONE CHAMPION A WEEK MEANS THEY HAVE NO TIME TO DEVELOP THEM!" crap. Champions take months to develop - they just have many teams working on them and multiple champions being developed at any time.

It's not often I jump on the defend-Riot-band wagon but when it comes to champion development and balancing I'm amazed they resist upping the power-creep as well as they are.
Dec 31, 2009
Personally, they need to stop releasing champions and start reworking all of the items, current champions, and the maps. They could all use a lot of fine tuning, which would make the game far more competitive then it currently is.

Also, do elaborate. Why would they need to fine tune the items? I mean, not that they aren't continuously developing the game and tweaking items here and there, but what is it about the items that strikes you as "uncompetitive"?


Jan 20, 2008
Also they recently changed jungle mechanics and masteries so what you ask for was done in the past month, so you argument about twiking the main game is invalid.

All they need to do for me is spectate in normal and ranked games.
Dec 31, 2009
I am hoping to bring a couple of friends into this in about 1-2 weeks from now on. Which heroes should I recommend to them? The heroes must be 450 or 1350 IP class heroes. One of them is set on jungling, so I recommended warwick. I have also recommended Annie since the Q is so easy to lasthit with. Dunno which others, tips?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Annie for AP
Ashe for AD
Warwick for jungle
Soraka for support
Garen for top

That should give them some pretty easy champs to start off with, who will all stay more or less viable through their career and, more importantly, play as a sort of "how to" for their respective positions :)


Jun 18, 2010
Cho jungle, Morgana top, kass mid, corki/ali bot. Laugh as they all completely fail to use their champs to best effect. you know you want to :D


Dec 4, 2010
Man another (minor) thing about this community that pisses me off is the completely 'accepted' practice of using 'Strong Champ' as a synonym for 'Fun champ'

I cant read a thread about how fun a champ is without idiots posting how fun or unfun they are due to the ability to noobstomp others.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
True. The champ that's been most fun for me to play so far is Maokai, and I don't think many would consider him a particularly strong champ, although he's gaining popularity as a jungler. I like Nunu as well, but think that he could use a buff/makeover. His Q really helps in the jungle, but is p. worthless later.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I don't think many would consider him a particularly strong champ

Most of the pros seem to disagree with that statement as for late :D

Do you guys watch State of the League? In all honesty it's not a very good show but it's easily the best we have when it comes to league of legends, and it features most the pros - some of the more sensible ones include Jatt, GuardsmanBob, SYDTKO and Chaox. You're better off just ignoring HotShotGG, WickD and Dyrus for the most part ;)



Jan 10, 2010
Grunker said:
You're better off just ignoring HotShotGG, WickD and Dyrus for the most part ;)

Dyrus is actually an extremely nice guy, and arguably the strongest player right now in terms of sheer versatility (at least during WGC he was). Hotshot is a bit of an ass at times, but he can be very insightful. Wickd is very blunt, but offers a lot of high level insight into top lane. Dunno why you'd ignore them.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
The wink was very intentional, here's what I mean:

HotShotGG is an asshole, pure and simple. He represents the 'bad athlete' almost to a stereotype. I recognize that he is an insanely strong player, but I dislike him.

Dyrus is a very nice guy, very level-headed and down to earth. Problem is, around 50% of what he says is lost in the constant fog he seems to be in (dat weed?) so you can't always tell the insightful comments from the 'imma dyrus and imma wasted' ones.

WickD's problem is that (because of his youth?) can't seem to have a two-way discussion. When WickD has a 'debate' he doesn't listen or answer the other part. That annoys me.

That said, all of them are good players and offer some good insights. I just have a personal dislike towards them :)

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