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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Apr 18, 2009
See, that's the power of Twattymir; all of the people who have been splashed by his blood will be dead in about twenty years. I guess that's why all of his other abilities are so crap... balance and all that.


Jun 18, 2010
Oh man, SV reminds me it's been way too long since I made a smurf and lol'd at the silly antics of new players.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009


Return of the AoE meta :M

Do yourselves a favor and do this sometime. It was hilarious. Then we came up against a team who got the hint, split-pushed forever, and raped us.


Jan 10, 2010
Stereotypical Villain said:
herostratus said:
From what I heard, the designer of vlad considers him an experiment gone wrong and hates his design. He will likely never be anything more than second tier.

Why did they even bother making a new skin for him then? Christ.

I sometimes wonder just what the fuck is wrong with Riot... They make champs which are really, really, really, balanced (Like Xerath, which I still consider to be one of the best incarnations of the bog-standard mage in LoL) and sometimes they make overpowered piles of bullshit and wank, like that asshole Tryndashit (which is probably an effect of that fucking character being the CEO's former EQ character).

Fix the champions you have before you start milking the fanbase for more money. I know that money whoring is tempting, but you will always get a better reputation in the long run if you try to keep things nice and balanced... and don't forget about champions.

P.S. I still think that Vlad is a decent champ, but even I must wake up and smell the roses from time to time.

P.P.S. Fuck Fizz.

So, you just called the strongest AP champion in the game balanced and a pubstomper overpowered.


Edit: By strongest I am not taking into account utility. Most pro players are in agreement that Xerath's insane AoE burst, laning, and range are what makes him so formidable. Strongest does not mean best pick all of the time however.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
^ Indeed. I can't help but feel Xerath is actually overused by the pros.

In SV's defence, also, Xerath is really bad at 1500- because people can't play him properly.


Jan 10, 2010
Absolutely true. There are some champs that you simply won't see used well that often unless you are playing at a high level (Cass, Xerath, and Anivia come to mind)
Apr 18, 2009
I'm glad to see circle jerking in this thread! It just means that you fit the LoL demographic.

But anyway: I've played the game for a long time now, although most of that time has been spent with my mates... and as such the only ranked games I've played are by my self. (Though I don't lose a lot in them)

All in all though: shine on. And while you're at it... move on over to the LoL forums. Your egos would find more of a challenge in that place.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
You realize this applies to my level of play also, right SV? I was defending your statement...

That said, the Codex is all about hanging folks who don't know shit from shit out to dry, and calling Tryndamere overpowered is that kind of statement. But if you can't take the heat, well...
Apr 18, 2009
But I altered my statement into something a bit more accurate: I hate ADs. Why? Because I am a mage fanboy. Always has been.

And no, I wasn't aiming my vitriol at you; it was more or less aimed at a certain moron by the name of Ulblahblahdurdi.


Jan 10, 2010
SV, in case you haven't noticed, 90% of my posts in this thread have been randomly popping in and pointing out the flaws in someone's statement. Nothing personal.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
herostratus said:
Grunker said:

So I herd vollybear is butthurt about magic

Sensible given the circumstances though. How did you ever bring him down?
Void Staff and Sorc Shoes on every champ + Abyssal Scepter aura + haunting Guise (for one of guys) + runes and masteries. Gets his resistances down from around 250 to around, I don't know, probably 30 - 50.

I wonder why he didn't buy a Quicksilver Sash instead of MOAR Cloaks.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

Kindda what Jim said, but also; it didn't help Voli much that he was last man standing. I mean, if we rape all his team-mates and he's alive, he can do that much.

Personally I think he got the right idea sortta, he should've build Quicksilver + Banshee's and been used to bait our ultis instead.

BUT, as I said, the correct way to kill this team is to just avoid team-fights altogether. We have no chance in hell against split-pushers, not a single one of us except maybe Vladimir can do anything one-on-one in late game.

But when you go up against teams that team-fight you, it's fucking hilarious. You can end a 5v5 literally in the two seconds it takes for every to ult.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Ok, can someone tell me how to not fail completely in 5v5 teamfights. It's impossible to tell what's going on because it's always just one huge clusterfuck and there's so many different champions that it's impossible to keep track of what kind of spells each one can throw at me. Pretty much every single teamfight involves me waiting for one of my teammates to initiate and then hitting the closest or most vulnerable enemy with everything I've got and then trying to run away if I see my health become low. But what usually ends up happening is me dying pretty much the very instant I join the fight, and then watching as my teammates do all the work (or get owned themselves).

I'm lvl 18 and playing as a jungling warwick btw. I'm decent in the early and midgame portion. I usually manage to successfully gank atleast a few enemies without dying much myself, but once it gets into the lategame, I'm just terribad.

Also, I'm having a problem where the post-game stats don't show up after the game. Pretty much nothing pops up. I just have to restart LoL at which it tells me that there's another version running and asks me if I want to terminate that first. I recently played a game where a teammate who played Master Yi managed to get 2 quadrakills and one pentakill (I shit you not) and I wanted to see what sort of gear he was using but the stupid postgame stats didn't show up.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
How's your build? Your job as WW is to be tanky as fuck, so if you are dying that might be it.

Also, WW is a great initiator, so your job is to initate good fights.

In fights, either protect friendly carries or seek-and-destroy enemy ones.

Also, to see what killed you, always open the death-recap. If a particular damage type is always slaying you, buy more defensive against that damage.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Grunker said:
How's your build? Your job as WW is to be tanky as fuck, so if you are dying that might be it.

Also, WW is a great initiator, so your job is to initate good fights.

In fights, either protect friendly carries or seek-and-destroy enemy ones.

Also, to see what killed you, always open the death-recap. If a particular damage type is always slaying you, buy more defensive against that damage.
At the moment, it's 18/0/0 but the final build I'm going for is 21/9/0. Maybe I should spread that out a bit more evenly.

Yeah, I pretty much never pay attention to stuff like damage type. I just buy the same set of items pretty much every single game regardless of what champs I'm facing against. That's something I ought to look into.

Also, it doesn't help that a lot of the people I'm matched up against are level 20 and above and benefit from runes.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Build, as in items ;). What's the usual stuff you buy and in what order?

Alternating your build is a pretty easy step towards becoming a better playing. If 10/0/0 Caitlyn is raping you that ekstra MR from your Banshee's Veil won't do you much good.

The last thing is true, nothing to do about that.

I encourage everyone who really want to get far ahead on the competition at low levels to read good guides. They can help your with everything from "I have no idea how to play this champ - I just want a quick build guide" to "I'm decent at this champ, what intricacies should I know about that can make me better?"

I usually use TSM's guides. For some reason I can't access the site right now, but any guide that has "approved" or "featured" on it probably won't set you too far in the wrong direction.

As for actually keeping track of what the fuck is happening in a team-fight, that will happen with experience. Play games, play games, play games, and slowly you'll start acclimatizing to the clusterfuck of a team-fight and start being able to make good decisions while the fight is occuring.

EDIT: Almost forgot. If you are jungling Warwick, I would go 0/18/0 in masteries or something along those lines... Maybe 9/9/0 for magic pen (WW deals mostly magic damage).


Oct 12, 2006
Or you could try a ranged nuke champ until you get used to the clusterfucking. Brand, Malzahar or Xerath for instance, just stay out melee range and spam in the general vicinity of the enemy team and youre good.


Dec 4, 2010
look for squishy. at your level it will always be ashe. kill. pay no mind to others.

You will automatically be better then my level 30 ranked team i just played with who INSISTED on attack ammumu every single fuckign team fight

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Grunker said:
Build, as in items ;). What's the usual stuff you buy and in what order?

Alternating your build is a pretty easy step towards becoming a better playing. If 10/0/0 Caitlyn is raping you that ekstra MR from your Banshee's Veil won't do you much good.

The last thing is true, nothing to do about that.

I encourage everyone who really want to get far ahead on the competition at low levels to read good guides. They can help your with everything from "I have no idea how to play this champ - I just want a quick build guide" to "I'm decent at this champ, what intricacies should I know about that can make me better?"

I usually use TSM's guides. For some reason I can't access the site right now, but any guide that has "approved" or "featured" on it probably won't set you too far in the wrong direction.

As for actually keeping track of what the fuck is happening in a team-fight, that will happen with experience. Play games, play games, play games, and slowly you'll start acclimatizing to the clusterfuck of a team-fight and start being able to make good decisions while the fight is occuring.

EDIT: Almost forgot. If you are jungling Warwick, I would go 0/18/0 in masteries or something along those lines... Maybe 9/9/0 for magic pen (WW deals mostly magic damage).
Initially, I get a long sword and a health potion, then work my way up to mercury's treads, wriggle's lantern, and wit's end. After that, I usually just get whatever stuff I can afford from the recommended items (spirit visage, sunfire cape, and guardian angel). The extra life from the guardian angel helps a lot in surviving lategame teamfights. I did check a guide for the masteries (from mobafire), items and skill progression, but I always get the same items. Looks like I need to be more flexible based on who I'm facing.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
With Warwick you dont want to rush in and hope that your teammates get the hint. Always look to ult someone that can rape you or stop your ult. No point ulting that Cait if Taric is around with his stun ready. Watch cooldowns and try to grasp whats going on in a teamfight. Try not to ult people at full health unless you have a burster nearby, like Annie or Brand.

Late game WW is tanky as hell and can take alot of beating after his ult. Talk with your teammates so they know who to focus, it happened often that when i ult they back down and other team gets a free kill.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
So I found out that Sunfire Cape works through stealth. Just need to find some likeminded Shaco and Twitch players for some amazing troll games. Maybe add a Zilean for extra jihad.


Jun 18, 2010
Undead Phoenix said:
So I found out that Sunfire Cape works through stealth. Just need to find some likeminded Shaco and Twitch players for some amazing troll games. Maybe add a Zilean for extra jihad.

I keep forgetting you're new to this game. :D

Back in the Good Old Days (must be around 6 months ago), sunfire capes passive stacked. One of the most popular trollbuilds in lowbie games was evelynn with boots of mobility and 5 sunfire capes.


Aug 17, 2008
Jungle Warwick is actually fairly bad -- though he can sustain pretty easily in the new jungle, he clears it slow and his ganks are weak pre-6. I imagine he's fairly good if you're pre-30 though, since the jungle is more difficult without runes, but WW really belongs in lane over the jungle. He has great sustain for the lane, and his Q shuts a lot of characters down. He also sets up ganks with a jungler very well because of his ult. Build him tanky CDR (can find the build on solomid.net) and send him solo top (NEVER in a duo lane) or mid, but preferably top. He's VERY hard to last hit with if you don't have attack speed quints and reds, however. I don't recommend doing it without those.

Oh, and with WW your job is *kinda* to initiate fights. You're an offtank, not a tank, and if you just ult in you're going to get knocked out of it almost instantly. You need to look at what champs the other team has, who the highest priority is (it's probably a squishy), and stick to them so that they're forced to run away. When you ult them is difficult to get a hang of at first, but it's generally when they've blown some of their CC, or when you're cleaning up and you can't catch someone any other way.

In terms of items, as a general rule (but not always), NEVER buy sunfire cape. That item is trash. To combine it you pay something like 800 gold for 20 extra hp (srsly) and an incredibly shitty passive that is reduced by MR. Since you won't be stacking very much Magic pen, it'll be doing something like 15 dmg a second. If you get it super early it might be worth it, but jungle WW can't afford to rush that piece of shit. It's only good on very particular characters.

Press tab often and figure out who on their team is fed, and what they're building. You need to build your stuff based on who's the biggest threat. If an AD is fed, chances are you want to get a frozen heart. Talk to your team and make sure no one else is getting one, because sometimes the support will build it. Frozen heart is a great item for WW. Generally you want to finish your core (wriggles, either merc treads or ninja tabi, probably wit's end) no matter what, but sometimes you need to pick up a negatron cloak or chain vest earlier than that to survive.

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