Markman said:
Oh, and played HoN yesterday, 1 win and 1 loss. The gold penalty is fucking bullshit, and snowballs the game to the team with a few early kills. Like it isnt enough to be outleveled by 3-4 levels, have lamer items and fuck it lets take all your money too. grrr
Yeah, the game isn't as forgiving as LoL if you're not paying attention. If you were playing matchmaking or low psr public games and had a low psr (~1300) then I feel your pain, mon. That's why it's much more fun to play with friends (or with higher psr players), because in those cases it's so much more fun and the game just 'feels' better. That's why I'm so butthurt and only play during the night, when Padre and his friend log in, because most of the times I can't stand playing with 'strangers'. I gave you a friend invite some time ago, but I don't think you accepted it (my nickname is allessander). Next time you log on and I'm online, pm me because I'll be definitely available.
Right, next I'm going to write a rant regarding the latest update that Riot made, ie Season 1 (it's mostly going to be related to the game's design).
First things first, I'm only going to be covering what I've noticed, as in I'm not going to discuss the nerfs, bugs that have been added, buffs, etc.
First off: yes, banning draft is a Godsend for matchmaking, especially seeing as how Riot has a tendency to overly buff some heroes and neglect others, giving us the infamous 'flavor of the month'.
Second, and this is what I want to rant on about the most: Riot's tendency to copy sh*t from WoW. Yeah, I said it, and I have proof to back this up.
Now before I go on, I won't say that I don't like the addition of this stuff, because I'm not that passionate as I used to be for the game.
First off, I'll go on with what was implemented from the beginning: the masteries and glyphs. They're a direct copy of WoW's mastery trees and glyphs, from the general ideea to the design. This is quite ingenious, mainly because it adds two potential gaming crowds in one single game. I know this for a fact, because a friend of mine wanted to join instantly after he found out that he could play basically his favorite games (dota and the arena-pvp-aspect from WoW) in just one basic game (sadly he has a pretty shitty pc atm., so he couldn't join).
Here are the pics that show off both games' above mentioned aspects: (LoL) (WoW)
Secondly, there's the new rating system, which, again, looks almost the same with WoW's arena rating system, another thing that I can't say I really like.
Pics: (WoW) (LoL)
Not much to say here, what you see is what you get.
Thirdly, and this I find to be very, very stupid, is the loging menu image, which looks the same in design to one of WoW's posters: (LoL) ... poster.jpg (WoW)
I can't even begin to say how retarded this looks, mainly on Katarina, since she barely has this glowing shit on her blades. I mean it was bad enough in WoW, why would they add it into LoL? Well I guess I know why.
Again, I won't say that I'm that enraged on these changes, since, as I've already said, I'm not that passionate about the game anymore, and I don't play it as much as I used to, but I really think that Riot should try and be a little more creative in their design, and try and attract new players with fresher designing (and gameplaying) choices, not just overly seen and played ones. Peace out!