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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
Pick something that you're really good at and can carry as hard as one can. Like 1v5.
Like Tryndamere, Amumu, Maokai.
Never pick something that depends on other people to snowball. Else you'll never get out of silver :/

I'd say this is neither entirely true or false. I climbed pretty much all on my own to platinum in like my first 50 games on my smurf account playing exclusively Sejuani, who's hardly a carry or a snowbally champions by standard definitions, and I was building full tank, unlike some youtubers lately who have been going full AP (mostly for the lulz, but it does work if you get ahead).

What I've found has been the general winning recipe to climb the ladder (at least for me) was:

1- Leading your team at all times, always taking objectives when possible. You have to make the calls and properly evaluate what to do. Watching LCS games or some youtube players will help tremendously. Trick2G for example, for all the crap he gets, actually gives solid advice on how to pressure the game and take objectives, often winning when his team is far down on kills or even with gold deficits, problem is stupid kids watch his videos and all they focus on is on how he spends most of the early game farming (which he only started doing because of feral flare and because Udyr is a somewhat mediocre ganker).

2- Playing a hero who's capable of initiating. I'd say this is pretty importante because teamfights win games and proper initiation can give a weaker team the momentum they need to win out a teamfight. Ults that punish poor positioning are specially good on lower elos, as ADCs will so often try to poke your team down before an engagement, exposing themselves. Being able to initiate is also important to prevent being initiated on, and to prevent the enemy team from poking you down before fighting. Having to rely on someone else to initiate is bad, and having nobody to initiate is even worse (if this is the case I'd suggest avoiding teamfights unless your team is ahead - just control vision and keep split pushing).

3- Vision control. Always ward the most important objective at the time, and ALWAYS have a pink ward on the map. Seriously, I don't care if you're even the ADC, t's 100 gold for vision that will often last several minutes, stop being selfish and buy one as early as your first back and keep replacing it when it gets taken out.

4- Stop making obvious mistakes, e.g. trying to defend a tower alone against 4 people, taking a stroll alone out of your base with no vision of the enemy team, trying to save a teammate who got caught out (let the fucker die), not stopping baron to kill their jungler who's right beside it to steal it or just teamfighting it out before continuing if you have a lead - if you don't, just leave.

5- Don't rage or lose hope just because someone on your team is feeding.

I'd say this all comes down to "game sense". If you do all of the above you will climb even if you're mechanically a mediocre player, regardless of position played. I have a friend who's well on his way to diamond and he mains support (plays it like 90% of his games). And I know there are no excuses because on my previous account I'd make the exact same complaints that most of you guys are making.

Beeing a jungler gives you the power to feed the right people, that's about it.
But im pretty sure you've felt the real pressure when all the lanes were losing.
I just cannot lose a game in silver due to how i play assassins, on the other hand, if i play some supportish champions, i might.
But you are absolutely right, thats the right path to climb yourself out of gold and plat, but this shit doesn't apply to elo hell. Kill and don't get killed is the rule there.
Also, duo with me pls. You're the best support/jungler i've played with in years no homo

*Homo intensifies*

Honestly, these rules (pointers?) helped me carry my placement games, which were filled with prospective bronze 5 players on my team and the enemy's. If you call the shots and herd them into doing objectives, your team will win the game.

You have to log in for that man, I've been playing nonstop yesterday and today at night and no sign of you. I wanna get diamond too :T


Feb 17, 2014
*Homo intensifies*

Honestly, these rules (pointers?) helped me carry my placement games, which were filled with prospective bronze 5 players on my team and the enemy's. If you call the shots and herd them into doing objectives, your team will win the game.

You have to log in for that man, I've been playing nonstop yesterday and today at night and no sign of you. I wanna get diamond too :T
Diamond club is fun
But thats what i meant, with supportish champions these are golden rules, not so much for assassins.
Yeah, i'll log-in the whole weekend now, get dat Braum ready to carry me.

Btw, am i the only one that hates this shit?


Jun 23, 2014
Sigh Fiddlesticks is bugged again.

This time his Drain tether range is severely reduced.

I should find a new main champion, Riot just seems to hate Fiddlesticks.
Dec 19, 2007
I had to play 1v2 top with Darius, so, I imagined that I'd lose lane somewhat but since we had jungle other lanes would be won and we get drakes and such.

Everybody else lost, I had 14 kills and for the most of the game most CS, 0 drakes and the baron we got we only got because I stayed behind to kill it while our team chased them. Finally we lost because they did this 4v5 thing in the middle of nothing important, I only got to dunk the 24/something Kat who got a penta though under our nexus towers.

Darius has big shoulders, but some people are just too fat.


Feb 17, 2014
Sigh Fiddlesticks is bugged again.

This time his Drain tether range is severely reduced.

I should find a new main champion, Riot just seems to hate Fiddlesticks.
I noticed that yesterday. Fiddle players are becoming more rare each day.
I had to play 1v2 top with Darius, so, I imagined that I'd lose lane somewhat but since we had jungle other lanes would be won and we get drakes and such.

Everybody else lost, I had 14 kills and for the most of the game most CS, 0 drakes and the baron we got we only got because I stayed behind to kill it while our team chased them. Finally we lost because they did this 4v5 thing in the middle of nothing important, I only got to dunk the 24/something Kat who got a penta though under our nexus towers.

Darius has big shoulders, but some people are just too fat.
Did you take TP? In all cases, when you're this fed on TOP, consider roaming. Even if it costs you a few towers, it can literally win the game.
Dec 19, 2007
No, I never take TP on Darius, and how could I have guessed that they had no jungle anyway. I roamed when I could, but man, our adc had like 60cs while I had 120...

So Gnar. Completely opposite of what I expected. He's no lane bully in any way. He's instead a shit laner that has good late game tanking properties and some mediocre poke. He's nothing like AD bruiser Nidalee, nothing like Jayce or Elise either. I like him, his tank form is super disruptive and never dies, while his small form is like, uh, a rape target pretty much.
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Dec 17, 2013
Just had an awesome ranked game. Playing in silver league trying to climb, wanted to go mid, but this guy during champ select says he is a plat smurf and will carry mid. Ok, so I go volibear jungle, he goes mid tf. The game starts, and I am thinking I should babysit top, cause the enemy team had a Nasus up there, and figured wouldnt need to bother with the mid lane, with the smurf and all. Suddenly the bottom lane starts feeding the enemy, who went with a Gnar adc. My stomach sank a little, but I am thinking it's ok, we still got the plat smurf.

As I am jungling near top, I sneak a look at mid, wondering how he is playing, when I see him standing there and not moving, while minions are slowly taking his health. I think to myself, wow, these plat guys are so good, it almost looks like he is disconnected, about a split second before the disconnect message sounds for him, and he heads back to the base. The bottom lane, which is already feeding groans at this bit of news. I clear a mid minion wave near our turret and head bottom. See the enemy bot at low health but their leona warded the bush, so I head around from the back. Our trist at full health sees me doing this, but decides it's better to continue farming and i get chain cc'ed by fucking leona for about 10 minutes at which point they kill me.

Several minutes pass, during which we all sing praises to fucking smurfs and how they always fuck you over, one way or another. Finally, the smurf tf comes back, but at this point he is way behind the enemy mid in levels and gold, the bottom continues to feed, and everyone is groaning. Meanwhile enemy Nasus continues to gain stacks at a rapid clip.

The next 30 minutes was like a vicious game of whack-a-mole, where the enemy team, way ahead of us, popped up everywhere, taking our turrets every once in a while. However by this point I got enough gold to be a little tanky, the tf started demonstrating some smurf qualities, and we started sticking together, whereas they kinda attacked different targets in smaller groups. Still, it was brutal, kill Gnar and Leona under bottom turret, suddenly see Nasus teleport into base on minimap. Everyone runs there. 2 of us beat on nasus for 5 minutes, he still manages to take out the inhibitor. It got really bad at one point, with them taking all of our turrets, even the 2 next to the nexus. But we were catching up in kills and gold, and our trist and tf were both getting fed. We figured we couldnt really leave the base anymore, and our only chance would be to ace them late.

So they finally go for the final push, leona does her thing, but i flash past her bs and land my fat bear ass right on top of their gnar adc. Keep in mind, I am volibear, about 4000 hitpoints, almost 300 armor with thornmail and sunfire, passive active, and that son of a bitch almost killed me 1v1. I literally had like 100 health when i killed him. (gotta start banning gnar). Meanwhile without him, our backline cleaned up the rest of their team, and the smurf and trist pushed to win. Oh yeaaah!

I know it's just shitty silver, but hey, fun stuff.
Dec 19, 2007
Well he deals like 440 to you with his magical proc when you have that much health, and his megaform probably just knocked you around with 4 CC and the most tankiness in the game. Still no reason to ban him, he never wins any lane unless against morons.


Jun 5, 2011
I have a story too, our mid picks Viktor when he's almost never played him and their mid picks Akali when she's almost never played her. Great, another feeding lane. Luckily their Akali was so bad I was able to make plays off of her. I get a shutdown kill 1v1 mid because I saw she only had 1 stack and understood her damage levels better than she did, and then I bought a pink ward that I didn't use for 15 minutes because her shroud usage was so bad. It sucked having a pink in your inventory you can't help the team with because the Akali blows. Also had a guy who played nothing else but Warwick give me jungle and then he goes Graves and rushes Runaan's...

But seriously, why do people play champs they suck at in ranked? They're much worse on them.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Because of "counter picks" or "OMG X IS OP BETTER PICK" or because they saw it in a stream. Especially fun when it's a mechanically intensive champ or when they have no idea why a champ is strong in a certain situation. Or don't understand the match-up at all.
Dec 19, 2007
Why am I being punished so hard by mathcmaking. I have to do everything by myself. Lee camps top, but NP, I still kill Renekton, and I ping drake, which nobody takes because that's not useful, ok fine, I roam mid to kill some people who I have to kill all by myself while I have a cheering crowd sorts of, I have to B hovewer plz. full health guys def top, nvm go have an adventure in the enemy jungle 2 towers lost what the fuck guys. Ok fine I buy homeguards because now I defend everything it seems. I clean up after team died again and again, and when I'm with team I get focused while everybody else wanks, but okay, I realise I have to survive that and kill everybody. I try to do that but it's fairly hard with the amount of all kinds of CC they have, the worst is Lee, I fucking hate that slut kicking me away so Iwinia can wall me. At one point I spot Vayne splitting bot, which only I respond to, of course, so I kill her and her stupid ass GA bullshit in their minions. Meanwhile rest of team aced. So I def base alone and kill Lee Sin. My team actually makes a pick and I get everybody to do baron for final push or final TF, the latter happens, we win and I'm trying to do clean-up but our jungle goes to the other side of map to farm big wraith, our adc wanks like usual, zed has been AFK for a while but I never noticed the 80 cs useless retard missing and support Karma (the only useful teammate) runs out of steam so they 3v1 hit-and-run kill me with all their CC and shit so I can't dunk them. Then my team gets aced and we lose everything.

The burdens of Darius.

@ Renegen : because normals are like bot games where the bots randomly turn off sometimes. I play them only with some friends who don't want to play ranked for some reason. Last time I played topgot vs. some Renekton who would only dash away in terror and had something like 20 CS to my 100. I learned so much... IIRC we lost too because somebody went AFK like usual.

I just picked AP sion against Kassadin for the first time in a long while. I had so much fun, comments like "FUCK YOUR SHIELD" "WTF SION DMG"... Brings back S2 memories.
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Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
Coming here just to vent, finally get to my best of 5 after a full day of playing, only to be put at last pick on the first two matches AND have people above me pick support and jungle, the two lanes I'm decent at. Not only that but the junglers were both elojob retards, diamond 5 with 0 lp who put no pressure on the map, had nothing but failed ganks, didn't do objectives, nothing. Seriously infuriating, I feel robbed of my chance to go up.

EDIT: Despite getting last pick 2 more times in a row, I actually manage to go up to my fifth game, only to lose because our adc didn't play adc (and yet when he has to do it, he picks vayne, of all champions...) and sunk us on every teamfight. Fuck this game, I spent my entire saturday on this shit. Uninstalling.
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Jul 16, 2007
One of my coworkers got lucky in promos and went 7 and 3 is now in silver 2. Fuck me he was the one that hates listening to me so now I'm gonna hear about it all day at work.
Coming here just to vent, finally get to my best of 5 after a full day of playing, only to be put at last pick on the first two matches AND have people above me pick support and jungle, the two lanes I'm decent at. Not only that but the junglers were both elojob retards, diamond 5 with 0 lp who put no pressure on the map, had nothing but failed ganks, didn't do objectives, nothing. Seriously infuriating, I feel robbed of my chance to go up.

EDIT: Despite getting last pick 2 more times in a row, I actually manage to go up to my fifth game, only to lose because our adc didn't play adc (and yet when he has to do it, he picks vayne, of all champions...) and sunk us on every teamfight. Fuck this game, I spent my entire saturday on this shit. Uninstalling.

I know that feeling, if it wasn't for my coworkers I probably still wouldn't play. The ONLY solution is to NEVER play more than a couple matches a day no matter how rage inducing.
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Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
Yeah man, playing a full day is never a good idea. I think that even if I had gotten to diamond I still would've been like "wtf am I doing with my life".


Jun 5, 2011
Anyone watching the NA playoffs? Nocturne is making it back in the meta, I saw him used in many different ways, it's cool. CLG vs Curse is going on right now and Seraph is a great example that koreans aren't that strong, he sucks so hard. Yeah Doublelift threw (LOL) but Seraph was horrible. And Quas is OP, damn.


Sep 5, 2010
I'm usually w/e regarding NA scene but my disliking towards xspecial made me see the game. Game was fun and it was nice to not see maokai for once.


Jul 16, 2007
Anyone watching the NA playoffs? Nocturne is making it back in the meta, I saw him used in many different ways, it's cool. CLG vs Curse is going on right now and Seraph is a great example that koreans aren't that strong, he sucks so hard. Yeah Doublelift threw (LOL) but Seraph was horrible. And Quas is OP, damn.

Of course I am, NA playoffs are incredible so far. The splitpush games are wild. Disappointed to see Dig go down yesterday. Thought they could take game 2 but they made a bad call, then again they only had a chance for that because Turtle misplayed attacking the nexus. Going up 2-0 would have been huge. I feel like vision was always a losing battle for them yesterday.

Today has started off great as well. When did Quas get so good?! I would have like to see Curse achieve something when CLG committed super hard to shutting down his push. Always glad to see Cop and Xpecial do well since they get trashtalked by pretty much everyone. I am glad the shoutcasters pointed out that the last 2 times Curse played CLG they managed to get kills bot lane without help. Hell, they went even on a gank by CLG, and almost went even better if Cop hadn't missed a skillshot by the thinnest of margins.

Since my two teams are already out I guess I got my hopes on Curse, been a fan of IWillDominate.

Was supposed to hit up a wing joint and watch some football ('Merica) but seems like my friend flaked out. I'll be around if anyone wants to chat while the games on.


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
I'm usually w/e regarding NA scene but my disliking towards xspecial made me see the game. Game was fun and it was nice to not see maokai for once.

Does anyone know why Xpecial was kicked out of TSM? I was rooting for CLG just because he seems like a bit of a bitch.


Sep 5, 2010
I'm usually w/e regarding NA scene but my disliking towards xspecial made me see the game. Game was fun and it was nice to not see maokai for once.

Does anyone know why Xpecial was kicked out of TSM? I was rooting for CLG just because he seems like a bit of a bitch.

Regi's post on FB:

Xpecial was benched because of his attitude. After hearing feedback from the entire team, I made the decision to bench him. In this period of time, I hope that he will refocus and review his actions. League of legends is a team game; just because you have the best players on a team does not mean you have the best team.

I have always made my roster decisions based on the entire team's feedback and would never make a business decision because of personal reasons. I truly believe that everything I do is to benefit TSM

After he got kicked, they lost a game vs TSM and at the end Xspecial acted very unprofessional towards his former team.


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