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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Now get plat on the US server. trololo

Im playing my crit Blitz again, dont give a shit anymore, also got highest kda in the games mostly but 5 losses in a row haha. Cant carry with Blitz at Gold, need lower levels to make a huge impact.
I still cant get into the mindset of what to do to support right so we can get some serious advantage and win the fucking game. Last Blitz game I was 4/5/12 and their Leona was 1/8/4 with us taking first blood and first tower so you can say pretty much say they won 4vs5 cause Leona was nonexistant. And we still lost cause their carry did carry and ours didnt, even with given epic advantage.
Its like people are fucking trolling me, last premade wanted bot lane, I was like ok, I'll pick jungle and our Cait goes 1/11.
And the chasing for a kill, so pissed off when people forget about map awereness. Gold is the new Bronze, you heard it here first. Derp plays galore.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Is it just me, or does Nautilus feel p. damn stronk right now?

Also, tried Yahoo in the jungle because it was hopeless to get a sololane. I had no idea what I was doing and was up against a team with both Singed and Mundo. Thankfully they were dumb and we squashed them, but I seriously doubt Yohio is a good pick for a jungler. Pretty neat champ though, but not a priority buy.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
He's only somewhat good in the jungle if you afk power farm. His ganks are nearly awful unless you have ult and the laners have a knock-up, then they become actually quite strong as the ult is a very long range gap closer.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, I find Naut pretty safe pick vs any comp. Being agressive is the key point and managing to land a good combo will do some serious damage early and late game. Awesome whoop-a-carry combo R--wait till knockup-Q-AA-W-AA-E-AA, combine shield and sunfire cape damage in there and it does a freaking amount of pain for a stunbot. With mobility boots you never have to chase cause the ult range is pretty big.

New champ looks in game like they took him from a street fighter game, flying around doing some crazy moves with HIYA! soundeffects. Only played twice vs him, nice damage output.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Warwick mid versus kassadin, zac in the jungle. I never saw a kassadin lose lane that badly in my life. Well apart from the time roxor picked kass versus their tristana mid. WW ult+zac jump just gives him no chance to ult away before he dies.


Jun 5, 2011
I saw on stream this Nautilus ult 4 people and Yasuo follow it up with a 4-man ult, it was insta GG.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
With Big Naughty, my preferred combo is ult into AA + W + AA. Follow up with E and keep autoattacking, saving Q for when they either try to blink away or I need to interrupt a channel. I typically like to get a Wit's End on him to get more bang out of his shield, so his anchor tends to hurt. Just fun to see one of my old favorites doing good again.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Think I figured it out how MMR thing works. To advance you need to "carry" your teammates. Cause on win streak it will put you against people higher MMR than you and to keep your advance you need to carry people at similar or lower level. Thats why theres always stomps cause no matter how good your jungle or mid is, your top or bot will lose horribly and snowball the game in other teams favor cause they werent on the same MMR level. Or something like that.

When is S IV coming? Jan?


Dec 16, 2011
Codex 2012
Spring LCS starts in the third week of January, so season 4 should start few days earlier, i guess.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I saw on stream this Nautilus ult 4 people and Yasuo follow it up with a 4-man ult, it was insta GG.

Picked Yasuo mid in ranked, our jungler picked naut. Naut ults their Lucien, lucien dead before he can even flash, proceed to clean up enemy team. Easiest ranked game in months, getting fed in lane and by counterganking ahri's roam attempts only made the synergy even sillier.

As a bonus their ahri mid was incredibly butthurt about losing lane to me because naut ganked mid often and elise didn't. Elise of course did, but lol wall blocks both their skillshot CCs so none of her ganks ever worked and I warded bushes.

Jungle vi also works great with yasuo. Ridiculously silly dive combo.

In other news the stupidity award of 2013 for worst league of legends soloQQ duoqueuers goes to the duo queue fizz mid and jungle jax. I picked morgana mid against fizz (troll pole doesn't break her ult FYI), they repeatedly tried to tower dive me post-6. Even if I died I killed them both every time, the feeding was strong in those two. Also how retarded do you have to be to try to gank morgana with jax.
Dec 19, 2007
Jewplank gets back in the action with great success. I like how their team stacked armor against our gp-voli-talon-mf-morg. Sure it seems like a fine idea but I have sunfire and shiv and just dealt about half physical, half magical damage just like voli. Then, their genius olaf goes "HOW? I HAVE 268 ARMOR" when he gets flipped and obliterated and their team gets AOE aced in seconds.

It's a weird tank playstyle, you just run around derping and being annoying, I don't have any plan I just "E ult, ok Q this guy, fuck he dealt a lot of damage, I'm running now and healing, ok, let's Q this other guy, hey a crit! Let's run after him."


Jun 5, 2011
My first support Gankplank in ranked was a success, it went as well as it could've. Of course my lane partner was a Draven smurf who was at least diamond in skill level, but still. Went 0-13-17 and started poking lvl 1 the enemy Graves and after 5 parleys he was getting zoned. The enemy jungler started getting pissed we were zoning them so hard and came to gank, triple kill for Draven, GG. I think Gankplank support can be viable, I just need to play more against bad matchup. You build tankplank and use his base damages, the Dorans shield start is a big buff to him right now.

It was a hilarious game, our Shaco orders us to "ward their red" but doesn't want to invade, so we tepidly go in their jungle without him. My team leaves around 1:15 but I want to stay till 1:30 so I can ward, I do so but I'm spotted. In a panic, I flash over the dragon wall and have the whole chat erupt in laughter, Draven rages. In hindsight their Warwick had 0 cc at lvl 1 so I should've just walked out... Then as soon as my flash comes back up I find an opportunity to ult mid, and exactly when I put the camera back on me, Draven gets pulled by Blitz into tower and I panic flash again.. thinking I'm Draven. Draven rages.

I love playing with or against smurfs, It doesn't happen that often but you always learn something. Can't say I saw anything too impressive from Draven, the only 2 things that stuck out to me was that during the early game he didn't harass Graves ONCE and only focused on farming while I was poking, the result was that Draven had perfect cs and had 27 while Graves had 11. The second thing was when fighting 2v2 etc how quickly he turned on someone the second he got into range.
Last edited:


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Not harassing at all with Draven seems kind of weird considering his damage output, especially early. Playing safe and grabbing all the cs you can is more important though.

GP is fun as a support. Not sure if "good", but fun. There are other supports with strong harass that brings more utility to the table. I guess you could go Bankplank with Relic Shield and Avarice Blade.


Jun 5, 2011
No, all the rage right now as supports is to go Dorans shield - Sightstone - Talisman. You get maximum combat ability as early on as possible, I think I had like more 400 hp than Graves after that triple kill. You pretty much have to go Talisman too because it's such a superior item to the other crap Relic Shield builds into. 20% cooldowns is awesome and the gold generation works for the whole game. And Iceborn Gauntlet provides all the utility you will ever need as GP, with a pretty bare bones build you're looking at a 2 sec slow on a 2.4 sec Q, I've won games with Parley initiates. When/If Dorans shield gets nerfed GP will probably have to get Relic Shield for early pushing power.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Do you start Doran's shield? Isn't that risky with only two trinket wards in lane? I don't play much these days, so hard to keep up with trends. Talisman clearly seems like best gold item upgrade though.


Jun 5, 2011
Yeah it's risky but junglers haven't caught up, hard to say why. It probably has to do with the fact that Doran's Shield makes you win the lvl 1. haven't played very much either and as a jungler I haven't tested ganking bot super early. The thing is that because of all the CC, you have to gank while your red buff is up because you're not going to accomplish much otherwise and so the window is very small, which trinkets take care of.

And the thing to remember is that the alternative start, the Relic Shield/Ancient Coin start doesn't have that much wards either, it has only one additional 3 minute ward. That's not enough for a determined jungler, both sides are vulnerable no matter their start.


Oct 12, 2006
Usually team comps decide which gold item is better. Face of the Mountain for instance is awesome against assassins and burst damage in general, pop that shit on your adc along with Locket and they become unkillable.
Dec 19, 2007
Targons is unusable in solo Q though. I'm Darius, I see our Taric heading for the minions with 4 Targon stacks so I stop clearing for a while, but alas our Khazix just aoe clears them from under Taric's nose. Good item in theory and the upgrade is actually useful, but people are jerks so better just stick to Karma support or something, FU2.

Today I found out that offensive build Yorick can slap Shyvana around so much in lane that all she'll be doing is running back and forth and spitting flames at minions.

I also found out that offensive build is really bad when their Shaco has killed everything else and is now looking to take the final trophy. Dem crits in the ass oh god


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
So, tried Bankplank support. Made the mistake of starting coin against a Thresh who started Doran's Shield and gave up first blood in a derpy fight. From there on though things went very well. I somehow nailed p. much all my ults, including securing a couple of kills. Ended the game 8/7/26 with the most gold on either team. Good times.


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual The Real Fanboy
Nov 24, 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Desespero
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera
This weekend I returned to League of Legends after a 14 month break (when I discovered the Codex) to find myself completely lost again. I won my first two matches despite being a drag on the team and then lost 10 matches in a row, always dragging the team down. LoL. To be fair, I was never very good since I began playing it in November 2011.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Not too surprising. I play a lot less frequently than I used to and I definitely play worse as a results. If that's possible. Since LoL changes all the time it's even harder. Suddenly champs that were considered bad are top tier and vice versa.


Jun 5, 2011
So, tried Bankplank support. Made the mistake of starting coin against a Thresh who started Doran's Shield and gave up first blood in a derpy fight. From there on though things went very well. I somehow nailed p. much all my ults, including securing a couple of kills. Ended the game 8/7/26 with the most gold on either team. Good times.
It seems literally everyone on the enemy team was like Platinum.

I've been ending up playing support lately and been "forced" to pick Annie having burst adcs like Lucian and Graves to work with so no Gankplank. Both those games were easy wins... The 2nd game I was worried that the enemy jungler was 8-1 in his placements so he had to be a smurf to end up in our games. I spent so much time watching out for him that I didn't even notice our Garen had 10 wins in a row. He didn't even win lane (against a Gankplank) but the dude was disrespecting and dropping bows on everyone and just overall being very manly. He also made it known in post-game chat what an easy game that was. Damn I have to say gold games so far are very enjoyable. Still it comes with its problems, while bronze-silvers probably complain every game has trolls/afks/ragers on their team, in higher elos it seems smurfs are much more common.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
In gold peoples derping is much more noticable. Picking adc just cause eventho you dont play adc is much more noticable for me cause I play supp and wonder half the game wtf is this guy doing.
Thats why I hate Ez, everyone wants to play him but maybe 10% can. Its expected to know your champs damage output and its combos and how they combine with autoattacks, just pure movement and positioning tells how skilled you are with the champ. In gold people should atleast get basics right and when they dont its much more noticable specially when they play carrys.
Tryhard or gtfo.

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