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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Oct 12, 2006
Its not only Riven, same with Rengar and Renekton and probably a couple of others too. Dunno about mid, but I imagine its similar with say LeBlanc.


Jun 5, 2011
Yeah and if I was a smart jungler I'd go for a lvl 3 gank on said Rengar or Riven and so the top laner wouldn't give me a leash at all. It's been a very long time since I've seen a red pot in top lane. Lvl 2 all-ins are really overrated, playing in such a way that you don't get ganked is much more important than cheese in top.
Dec 19, 2007
Maybe like Nasus can't all-in level 2 but other than that I have no idea what top laners you're seeing. What the hell manage your own shit I don't want to start at disadvantage just because you jungle wrong.

Also if your opponent is ranged and you're melee it fucking sucks being pushed, have fun being harassed under tower.


Jun 5, 2011
I mentioned in the thread earlier "unless you plan to push", it's not something you want to employ every game. I resigned myself to shitty leashes as a jungler. When you do get a good leash, that teammate is instantly in your good book, it's actually a pretty good way to get the jungler to help you more, little known tip. "Investing" in your jungler basically means that you help the jungler snowball versus helping yourself snowball, something that's quite hard to accept in soloq no doubt. But in S3 I was good at knowing how to snowball and turn those small advantages into something, a good smiteless helped much more than it cost. Now in S4 since you pretty much smite the first buff, the impact of leashes has diminished and the early jungle routes are extremely predictable. But going forward I definitively see more advanced jungle strategies being employed, such as going smiteless and stealing an enemy buff right away.

What's actually keeping these type of strategies from being more widely employed is exactly the resistance of laners to doing anything new, half of jungling is having good communication with your teammates. This keeps the junglers from actually developing as players and instead you end up with pretty boring "farm til 6" or "gank at 3" jungle patterns, meh. Same thing happened to invades too.


Oct 12, 2006
You can still steal buffs right away, you dont need to have your lanes gimp themselves by giving "smiteless", you can just suck it up and not smite with a poor leash then go steal, its not "advanced strategy", its pretty basic.


Jun 5, 2011
That statement is just completely false, the 4 seconds saved with a smiteless is huge given that some smart junglers can ward their buff while they do wraiths. You could also "suck it up" and help your teammates go from having to make a highly risky play to making a near-riskless play. I guess you also think 4 seconds is nothing when it comes to lvl 2 invades.


Oct 12, 2006
So 4 seconds means all the world when it comes to jungle but is inconsequential when it comes to top lane? Mkay. Sounds like someone is jungler biased.
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Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
The worst case scenario for a top laner who spends too much time giving a smiteless buff is him coming to lane losing experience from 2 minions. Usually only a single one would die (can be an issue although more manageable) but you can get unlucky. At this point enemy doesn't even has to push to get huge advantage, it is enough for him to keep minions in the middle of the lane. When he hits level 2, he just needs to stay a bit ahead of the minion wave to make it very risky for you to try to last hit with a melee attack, forcing you to lose cs from melee minions and possibly even pushing you out of experience range of dying caster minions. This repeats at level 3, making you unable to lane effectively until the lane gets pushed to your tower.

Even if you play very safely, don't let enemy trade with you much during his advantage and survive until this point, it either opens a window of opportunity for a dive you if the junglers come for that or lets enemy go back to base and buy (should have enough for a small item + consumables) without losing much cs while you are last hitting under the tower. He comes back, you still wouldn't catch with experience and cs but he additionally has item advantage, wards to allow him risky plays and lane is reset to the middle, letting him dominate the lane.

And that's a very safe situation for the guy getting ahead because if he knows your jungler started at the buff nearby, he can either expect a level 2 gank (can be predicted with a trinket) or no interference for a long time, as jungler has to move to the other side of the jungle for the other buff.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
My laning mechanics are really crap, especially as an ADC. Sorry about that Markman. Viktor is amazing though, such a fun champ. Turning a gank into a doublekill thanks to that ult combined with gravity field and laser is very satisfying. Metal is perfection.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I go on lol nexus and see they are premade team, I start insulting them and start call them all sort of things. We lose, I quickly leave stat screen and a bit later get a message that I was reported for verbal abuse and that I shouldn't do it again.
Well, that was pretty dumb. What did you expect? That they wouldn't gang up on you even more if you started name calling?
This is the worst response, since you just gave them justification for reporting you and the tribunal is more likely to punish you since you clearly did verbally abuse them, even if they started it and are the ones in the wrong.

Yeah I know but I just got pissed since same thing happened recently. I played blind pick solo top Singed, had no more then 5 games with him, still learning the ropes and got Teemo versus me. Now maybe some good Singed player knows how to counter Teemo but I dont. My plan was to let him push, get jungler to gank and survive till end of lining phase. At first it went good, in first 6 min jungler ganks twice, first time Teemo uses flash second time jungler gets a kill. Problem was that at that same time mid and bot started to feed and jungler had to constantly help those two lines and I was left alone. As said I didnt know how to counter him so I just def, tried to farm a bit and keep watch that he doesnt leave the line, which he didnt because he had easy farm between poking me. So at 18 min him and 3-0 Aatrox dive me under a turret, result turret down and me dead, game lasted some 10 min more during which time my team verbally abused me and blamed me for lost game. The thing is at that 18 min point we already lost all outer turrets, enemy adc was 10-0 and mid 6-1. Yet my team blames me for feeding Teemo (he had 1 kill at that moment but lots of farm and spend 90% of game just quietly farming top) and how its all my fault, most vocal was Platinum V Zed mid who got raped by Nidalee. I didnt swear at them despite them saying theyll report me, in my Melphite game I should have remain calm just like in that game but I just got pissed how some people are ready to throw shit at you while most of the responsibility is lying on them.

Btw thanks for comments about jungling I made few notes, gonna try few different approaches with my start.

Also my rant made me ask another question, that Plat Zed argued how its easy to play Singed vs Teemo while it proved very difficult for me even to prevent him from farming without junglers help. So any tips?


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Don't think I've ever heard Singed being a counter to Captain Tiberius Moe before. Do the regular Singed thing I guess and ignore the enemy and farm between his turrets? Teemo has bad waveclears without wasting shrooms. Teemo seems like one of the bigger winners with the new vision changes, I foresee a mushroom nerf in his future.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Don't think I've ever heard Singed being a counter to Captain Tiberius Moe before. Do the regular Singed thing I guess and ignore the enemy and farm between his turrets? Teemo has bad waveclears without wasting shrooms. Teemo seems like one of the bigger winners with the new vision changes, I foresee a mushroom nerf in his future.

The thing is he has a mean poke so its not really easy to walk trough minions poisoning them with ass full of darts. If I knew Teemo was top maybe with different runes i would fare better like more magic resistance, but it just to me it feels like a extremely hard match up.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Teemo is an early lane bully, he harasses everyone. Trick is to use the brushes often or let him push so you can farm under turret.
Dont trade unless you have a back up like a jugler or lots of minions that you can throw him into.

And Azael, meh that game, we lost cause of our 3/16 Jax and a Jarv promo crybaby. Kass derped too, got caught often all alone in the middle of nowhere. We didnt have it easy bot either.

I really dont know when is the best time to play anymore. It should be kid free on mornings but you get derp players like these, and playing after midnight is the rage squad with novels to write in /all chat.
Dec 19, 2007
Dr. Mundo is just crazy in mud elo games, ok so I'm standing in 3 guys with my aoe crap and only the unfed Varus is focusing me, ignites go to Jinx and Cassio or smth. Triple kill - wtf are you shooting me for you gay little elf come to Mundo

And their team blames in all chat. "OMG THEY FOCUS MUNDO REPORTED". Oh and I believe Jinx and Cassio lived too because these bozos died so incredibly fast.

Teemo is an early lane bully, he harasses everyone. Trick is to use the brushes often or let him push so you can farm under turret.
Dont trade unless you have a back up like a jugler or lots of minions that you can throw him into.

I don't understand anything you're saying. Singed farms only in melee range, he eats a shitton of free harass from ranged champions and letting them push just means they shoot you under tower if you try to farm. I don't believe mega-adhesive is even strong enough to allow you to trade with Teemo, hard to say without testing though.

I really dont know when is the best time to play anymore. It should be kid free on mornings but you get derp players like these, and playing after midnight is the rage squad with novels to write in /all chat.

I know : next season.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Singed turret farms with poison trail. Rat eats poison and/or tower shots if he tries to follow you and you can kill an entire wave fast so he doesn't get much opportunity for AAs or dart. You just need to use glue properly and spread that poison to block the rat off. Get teleport+ghost, mres and a flask if you really need to. It's annoying but he can't really kill you or make you fall behind by more than 20 cs.
Dec 19, 2007
Apparently Ezreal + Soraka can beat Draven + Lux onesidedly, the trick is to all in randomly because I still can't tell Ezreal's spells apart so I blinked into Draven accidentally, Soraka heals me, double kill for Ezreal. Lol what? Went 11/2/9 and I only ever died because I suck. Love you healgoat, best support for Ez and Urgot.

Other than that I'm just spamming Yasuo. His ult's crappiness is still just amazing. Malph ult! Yes! No! Twitch went to stealth just in time so I couldn't ult. Okay. Beat Shyvana in lane pretty handily though which was pretty suprising to me, but it makes sense, none of her damage actually ever works against you.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Lol Darien raping Americans with Deathcap Shyvanna. Motherfuckers have been trolling both games and still managed to stomp.Edwards Mumu supp got some awesome ults too.
So fun to watch Gambit. Bestest team
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Played quite a bit of Yosuo mid.

- can harass with Q, the range is quite long even without a tornado charged which you can use for poke
- wall blocks a shitload of spells in addition to AAs, makes many enemy laners cry (make nidalees feel more useless than usual!)
- E can be used to dodge a lot of skillshots as well as to get close, attack and disengage fast using creeps nullifying even more of the enemy laner's ranged advantage
- shield lets him survive burst and poke that you don't block/dodge
- potentially infinite sustain
- pushes and farms decently
- ridiculously good scaling

- no reliable escape/disengage skill, fairly easy to get ganked unless the creep wave is at the right place
- E has a short range and even its 0,5 second cooldown can sometimes feel like too long
- 10 second cooldown on dashing to the same target makes him weak against picks with disengages
- crappy early game damage, certain laners like Kha'zix simply bully him out of lane as they trade better and can all-in him easily
- Q may be hard to hit
- ult is very unreliable
- ganking side-lanes with him is next to impossible

Mystary! asked why not play him top, the answer is simple, he pushes too much. You simply need to spam Q all day to harass with tornadoes or so that you can all in, alternatively to stop their engage. Top lane is too long and since his escape sucks it is very easy to get ganked.

Skill order Q>W>E, because you need the extra shield charging from W passive in lane and fights, and the wall is the second best thing about him after his plain silly scaling. Statik shiv should be your first major item since Q CD gets reduced by AS allowing you to spam more tornadoes, increase dps at the same time you get 40% crit from it alone (remember Q can crit) and faster shield charging due to movespeed. Start dorans sword against easy lanes and shield against hard, get negatron against AP laners ASAP as they scale better into midgame.

If you are still wondering why play him mid I can tell you he beats morgana easily and can outpush her. By beat I mean she will even have problems farming with pool as you simply murder her unless she manages to snare you (you have W to block it and E to dodge it) and a gank comes.
Dec 19, 2007
I disagree, he's a fine top unless you're against Darius or something, mainly because manaless and shield. Seems like manaless and shield is always a recipe for top lane success.

He doesn't have to autopush, you can just last hit if you like and for example E+Q them and E back through a minion or something. He has a lot of options.

His escape while not the best in all the land still works in some match-ups and having the ability to block projectiles can sometimes mean you're ungankable, lol. Did you know Kat ult whiffs against Wind Wall?

In fact I think it's it's possible he can lane against Darius too, I mean even if you don't dodge every Decimate you still have shield to deal with it.


Oct 12, 2006
Goddamnit, finally managed to get platinum on EUW, only took 8 promotions series full of afkers and trolls, then I won one without any problems whatsoever. This system is just stupid, they need to drop the divisions already, I was at Gold 1 with higher mmr than plat II-III.
Shout out to Dr. Mundo, broken as fuck, played him whenever I could get my hands on him. Highest damage/most damage taken, least death/most kills in almost every game, for a tank thats insane.

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Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
finally managed to get platinum on EUW, only took 8 promotions series full of afkers and trolls. This system is just stupid, they need to drop the divisions already, I was at Gold 1 with higher mmr than plat II-III.

sounds like you need to l2p

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