Played quite a bit of Yosuo mid.
- can harass with Q, the range is quite long even without a tornado charged which you can use for poke
- wall blocks a shitload of spells in addition to AAs, makes many enemy laners cry (make nidalees feel more useless than usual!)
- E can be used to dodge a lot of skillshots as well as to get close, attack and disengage fast using creeps nullifying even more of the enemy laner's ranged advantage
- shield lets him survive burst and poke that you don't block/dodge
- potentially infinite sustain
- pushes and farms decently
- ridiculously good scaling
- no reliable escape/disengage skill, fairly easy to get ganked unless the creep wave is at the right place
- E has a short range and even its 0,5 second cooldown can sometimes feel like too long
- 10 second cooldown on dashing to the same target makes him weak against picks with disengages
- crappy early game damage, certain laners like Kha'zix simply bully him out of lane as they trade better and can all-in him easily
- Q may be hard to hit
- ult is very unreliable
- ganking side-lanes with him is next to impossible
Mystary! asked why not play him top, the answer is simple, he pushes too much. You simply need to spam Q all day to harass with tornadoes or so that you can all in, alternatively to stop their engage. Top lane is too long and since his escape sucks it is very easy to get ganked.
Skill order Q>W>E, because you need the extra shield charging from W passive in lane and fights, and the wall is the second best thing about him after his plain silly scaling. Statik shiv should be your first major item since Q CD gets reduced by AS allowing you to spam more tornadoes, increase dps at the same time you get 40% crit from it alone (remember Q can crit) and faster shield charging due to movespeed. Start dorans sword against easy lanes and shield against hard, get negatron against AP laners ASAP as they scale better into midgame.
If you are still wondering why play him mid I can tell you he beats morgana easily and can outpush her. By beat I mean she will even have problems farming with pool as you simply murder her unless she manages to snare you (you have W to block it and E to dodge it) and a gank comes.