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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Give us your Top 5 then to open up some discussion. I'd say that the top 5, in no particular order, are: Janna, Thresh, Zyra, Nami and Sona. Perhaps Fiddle should replace one of those guys, but I'm terrible with him myself and thus biased.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Give us your Top 5 then to open up some discussion. I'd say that the top 5, in no particular order, are: Janna, Thresh, Zyra, Nami and Sona. Perhaps Fiddle should replace one of those guys, but I'm terrible with him myself and thus biased.

#1 Nami - amazing kit: lot's of CC, potent heal, nice passive and decent damage on top of that. She basically does everything that Sona can, but much better and can do some stuff that Sona can't. Excellent both in laning and teamfights, she provides great peeling and protection when your team is behind and her ult can seal the deal when ahead.
#2,3 Alistar/Leona - I can't really decide which one is better, but those two deserve the second and third place. Ultimate lane bullies with great early killing potential that seamlessly transits into great initiation and off-tanking late game - even with only few items. They both are weak in lane against poking comps, but remain useful in mid and late game, while poking supports became worse and worse as enemies build defenses.
#4 Janna - she also has amazing kit. There's no controversy she's one of the best supports, so I'll spare myself preaching to the choir here.
#5 Lulu - Great lane bully with decent kit that allows her to excel in both aggressive and defensive plays. She was hit hard with nerfbats, but still remain quite strong and works well with every adc out there. Her unique long range E+Q combo, coupled with speed buff allows for great chases and escapes, while ultimate can either save someone from certain death or can be used as follow up to initiation. I'm still butthurt that Riot nerfed her Gliterlance damage to the ground, but she remains powerful despite that.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Lulu is awesome, one of my favorite champs with a great kit. I think her nerfs have made it a bit too hard for her to be the lane bully she should be, but still very solid. Really good Alistar players are terrifying, but he's a bit too much of feast/famine for my tastes and a lot of supports can give him hell in lane and force him to waste mana on heals. I'd rate leona above him solely because of that amazing ult.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Haha, I've just checked lolking - this month, in ranked solo, in NA challenger league, Teemo has the highest win rate - whooping 68.42%. Hamster stronk :D


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
While I love Janna, not alot of players can play her good. Neither do I. Reason I don't rate Leona or Alistar that high is cause I can beat em pretty easy with Blitz.
My Blitz vs Leona = I win 90% of the time. Only players I have trouble with are good Jannas.
Sona, easy peasy. Poke poke poke.
Taric, plz hit me moar. Annoying Pos that never dies. I think I have lowest death ratio with him.
Tresh, like Blitz, but worse.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Yup, winrates, the Challenger tier is a bad spot to look at since the player pool is so low. If you're going to check the high levels of play might as well check the Diamond rates.

Also, LCS stats, Janna's not played competitively, but Sona's still on the top picks and wins.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I hate support Nid.

I hate playing her.
I hate playing by her side.
I hate playing against her.


Jun 5, 2011
Sure, here's my top 5:

1. Nami: she's good at everything, easy to play. Land bubble and win. I don't understand how a generalist support can have this much power, Taric used to be the same way and they raped him.
2. Thresh: too many people know how to play him, those hooks are OP, his peels are strong, maybe his harass in lane has been reduced.
3. Zyra: sort of an aggressive Janna, a lot of damage. I don't have too much experience vs her but she seems really powerful. When I play her, meh.
4. Blitz: sort of situational but his playmaking ability is too high.
5. Janna: win rates can't go wrong. She brings really great teamfighting control and decent laning phase.

I think the meta has changed, you can really feel it in the last few months. When champions like Annie and Ahri are popular, that says it all. Early teamfights are what decide the game. Every one of the top supports have great teamfighting and play making ability. "Scaling supports" such as Nunu and Taric just aren't as impactful, while others like Alistar need gold to get tanky. Fiddlesticks is another good example, he wasn't played in the past because that ult did nothing late game, but early ults from him can turn those early teamfights around.

When Riot introduced Season 3 they wanted to "promote aggressive play" and we can see they have finally succeeded. The game feels really different. Getting tanky used to be such a good counter, now it's hard to do it in time. If you've been following the latest developments, they've changed classifications. They have these things called "fighters" now and the recent releases and reworks like Aatrox, Rengar, Olaf, Garen say it all. They want everyone to build less tanky, depend on lifesteal and other crazy mechanics and positioning to win teamfights and for people to fight all of the time. Garen's nerf as a lane bully to promote him building critical strike is particularly funny. They want people to feel awesome that they were at low health and miraculously killed 2 people as Aatrox or Olaf. Personally when I play Aatrox I'm always frustrated my build isn't complete enough for the situation. I don't feel like a bruiser but a really squishy champion that depends too much on luck to do anything. You rarely even get to 3-4 items now before the game is really decided.

Season 4 will be really interesting.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Oh ye. Gold 2. Climbing slowly like a snail. Was demoted 3 times from Gold 3. Win alot, lose alot.
Now I had 13 wins in a row(think thats my new record) and I thought they would let me jump over a division, but lost a game in promotion games and meh, Gold 2 after winning the final game.
Moar grind awaits. Hope I'll make it to the Plat before S3 ends, Ive been whooping Platinums whole day now, still noone countered my jungle Malph.
I did take Mystarys advice and now I build Gauntlet on him instead of Triforce.

Lol, I had a game today where I jungled vs Zac and they stole my blue and red at start, top and mid sucked and we still managed to win the game.
Funny thing I noticed about the whole tank build, Zac did it and I had Spirit Visage on me. He did his whole combo cept his ult and barely broke my passive shield lol. Visage OP.
Or having Rengar and Lee Sin running after me for 20 seconds constantly hitting and did like minimal damage and they had to back out cause I was raping them with the Ground Slam. Sooo funny.
My last Taric game was fun, laning with Cait vs Ashe/Nami and that bitch was running into every arrow and bubble, she was 5/15 at the end, thankfully we had Diana that carried and instagibbed Ashe and we won the game.
It was amazing, I never saw anyone in my 3 years of playing run into that many skillshots in one game.


Oct 12, 2006
I do not in anyway condone the usage of Iceborn Gauntlet on Malphite, but since you insist on building a damage item on him, it seems like the better choice because it has everything he needs and synergizes well with his kit. Although the recent changes to Triforce makes it OP, the stats on Iceborn makes more, however little, sense.
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da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Not building a damage item on him would be gimping him.
Ninja Tabi, Spirit of ancient golem, Sunfire and Gauntlet/Visage build at the same time. I almost never get to last item but it would be Abyssal scepter if i do.
Another version would be Frozen heart/Triforce/Visage for the last 3 items.
Both versions make him into a powerhouse with crapload of sustain, short cooldowns and damage. Not to mention that Im pretty good at playing him.
I dont see a way to build him more effectively. Please advice if you do.
Dec 19, 2007
Sunfire Abyssal, I have never bothered to do any math on how efficient that is but that's what I mostly build on Malphite for damage.

Guys, what do you think about crit damage runes. Almost never used for some reason. Wouldn't they make the damage of champions like Tryndamere much higher?

@ Markman : I consider Malphite a bit too gold dependent and slow for jungling, sure he can work if everything goes very well, but as a general rule jungle tanks don't get gold for damage items. Like, sure, if you have massive lead you can buy anything, but eh.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I dont have massive lead in every game but still got around buying some basic items. Ninja tabi, Spirit stone and Sunfire. Thats it.
Unless its Elise or some nasty AP champ youre pretty much safe against every other jungler in the game. Im not getting dominated when jungling with Malph, ever.

Meh, time for losing streak, im last pick supporting adc that cant autoattack in teamfights. :(
edit: And I was right, first pick instalock jungle Elise, goes 0/9 in a total roflstomp.
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Oct 12, 2006
There's a distinct lack of Randuin's Omen in your build. I'd say its a pretty core item on him. He scales with both health and armor and it makes him even better at shutting down auto attack reliant champions, which is his main strength. After Ancient Golem buy a Giants belt, 9 times of 10 upgrade it to a Randuins, unless they have 3 AP and Ezreal, or your team lacks damage and have already shat upon the ADC in lane, then maybe you could get a Sunfire.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Gauntlet is good on Malphite but it really comes down to their team comp. The main issue is that FH is a damn good item on him as well but a lot of the stats overlap. For autoattacker comps or fed as fuck enemy ADCs I would get FH+Randuin's, gauntlet is better if other than the ADC they have ad casters rather than AD dps or if you need dps yourself. Of course you could get both but that would live you with little HP since it makes some obvious hp item choices for malph gold inefficient like kindlegem/SV due to CDR (you'll go over the cap) or Randuin's/Sunfire due to the extra armor that suffers from diminishing returns. But the latter is justified in some cases.

I dislike sunfire on him, it has some synergy with Abyssal but otherwise Randuin's is the better choice for Armor+HP as it allows you to do the niche malph excels at even better, making the enemy ADC fucking useless and quite likely dead as they cannot kite you or run away between Q and Randuin's (not to mention Gauntlet slow proc'd by E). It's not utter useless but Randuin's seems to be the superior choice unless they don't have any AD based dps at all. Really unless you don't need more armor than whatever the thing you build out of glacial provides you with Randuin's is the next best choice since you need that extra hp.

Trinity Force was always a solid choice on him if you needed to improve his DPS, only issue is that gauntlet cancels out sheen's passive (or the other way around). The good news is that you get glacial first anyway and later decide if you need the sheen. If you go FH you might as well go with TF, I would also argue that even despite losing out on the sheen passive component of TF it is still a very good damage item on him (AS synergizes with W, movespeed is great, phage slow is great, more hp is great). It is a luxury however, ult+combo+ignite murders the enemy ADC quite often, if your team can't mop up the enemy team when their adc is dead and you end up being the last man standing then you obviously need more damage. But most of the time the tanky items you build and CDR provided should be enough to do your job right and ensure victory in teamfights.

I also dislike abyssal and think visage is a better choice for mres, the aura is a nice bonus but if you need to build more mres than a basic negatron provides you don't need damage, you need survivability. Luxury item against magic damage-heavy teams (against which malph shouldn't really be picked).

Those are my two cents after playing a lot of malphite in eons past. But then again I haven't played in nearly half of a year IIRC, haven't read the changelog of patches since then and got demoted to Silver II so what do I know :troll:
Apr 18, 2009
I can't help but feel that if I actually put some effort into it I might've been able to reach gold and snag that Elise skin. But eh, fate well deserved for being lazy.
Note to self: Try harder next year.



da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
There's a distinct lack of Randuin's Omen in your build. I'd say its a pretty core item on him. He scales with both health and armor and it makes him even better at shutting down auto attack reliant champions, which is his main strength. After Ancient Golem buy a Giants belt, 9 times of 10 upgrade it to a Randuins, unless they have 3 AP and Ezreal, or your team lacks damage and have already shat upon the ADC in lane, then maybe you could get a Sunfire.
But but but...then it means I have to rely on my teammates to do damage. You know how that goes on Fields of Justice.
Fuck it, I'll try it, but I doubt its gonna improve my KDA or the winratio.

Imo, sunfire is essential on tanky champs, hell, even the pros rush em.

Edit. oo man, retardedness is amazing. More I go up in leagues I get dumber and dumber people to play with.
Was last pick again and idiot at 4th pick wont let me jungle eventho he never plays jungle, but he doesnt want to supp.
While hes busy being useless I get stuck with another useless adc that just passive farms and does nothing for 40 minutes.
Holy shit what a waste of time
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Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mostly for split pushing though, right?

Besides, charging into 5 people (or just a couple people lagging behind) with ult and popping Randuins and maybe the gauntlet passive is pretty satisfying.
In ARAMs anyway. (I haven't played a real SR game in like 6 months or something)
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Jun 5, 2011
Apparently that's what makes it super OP right now. Triforce is almost guaranteed to get nerfed.

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