kingcomrade said:
Are any of this week's heroes good? Ive tried Kayle twice and just did not like her. I tried Ashe once and did okay but someone on my team fed an Annie.
Akali: Bursty AP assassin. Very fun to play, an excellent pubstomp champion. Suffers slightly from not having crowd control, but makes up for it by having the highest burst damage in the game. Build her 21/0/9, start with dorans blade, get hextech revolver, mercury treads, rylai's, sheen, lich bane. Overall: 4/5
Ashe: One of the easiest and best ranged carries in the game. Her ultimate is one of the greatest abilities to initiate a team fight with. 21/0/9. Build 2-3 dorans blades, infinity edge, phantom dancer and banshees veil. Overall rating: 5/5
Ezfail: The least reliable AD carry in the game. Has high burst, but decidedly mediocre sustained damage. He was the only AD carry that was never played at the championships for a reason. Build him 21/0/9, Sheen, Phage, Triforce, Bloodthirster. Overall: 1/5
Kassadin: AP assassin. Excels at mopping up. Riftwalking everywhere can be quite fun, but he has a tendency to run out of mana quickly. 9/0/21. Dorans ring, Catalyst, Tear of the goddess, Rod of ages, Rabadon's Deathcap, Archangels, Banshees. Overall: 4/5
Kayle: Is a mediocre pick. Starts out as a support character that morphs into a ranged AD carry by the end game. She's not terrible per se, but her heal is too mana intensive and has a too low ratio for her to sustain a lane as support. Build her 9/0/21. Dorans ring, fiendish codex, guinsoos rageblade, nashor's tooth and then either rabadons or survivability. Overall: 3/5
Nasus: Is a very fun character to solo top with. He needs to farm his Q for additional damage to be useful lategame. A tank/dps hybrid thing. He can jungle in a pinch with the right runes, but is definately better if you let him farm top for 15-20 minutes. He suffers a bit from getting kited by ranged carries, but his whither is a godsend against things like xin xiao or tryndamere. Build him 0/9/21. Start with Regrowth pendant and a potion. Build Philosopher's stone, Sheen, Aegis of the legion, mercury treads, phage, trinity force. Then either go tanky with frozen heart/banshee's veil or more dps with Atma's impaler and starks fervor. Overall: 4/5
Shen: Used to be the best tank in the game. Has received a ton of nerfs, but is still viable. He can jungle, but his jungle path is very slow. Build him 0/21/9. Doran's shield, heart of gold, aegis of the legion, sunfire cape, force of nature, randuins omen. Overall 3.5/5
Singed: Really fun disruptive charcter Takes a special breed of player to do well with him. If you can get people to chase you while you run around with a poison trail, you've found the recipe to success. 0/9/21 or 0/21/9. Start with either Doran's shield or a mana crystal. Build Catalyst, Boots of swiftness, heart of gold, banshee's veil, frozen heart, force of nature, rylai's crystal sceptre, Randuins omen. You can swap banshee's veil for a rod of ages if the enemy is low on crowd control. Overall: 4.5/5
Udyr: A very good, very versatile jungler. I honestly never played him myself.
Vlad: Really annoying to lane against. Keeps getting nerfed, people still complain about him. The trolliest character in the game. 9/0/21. Start with an amplifying tome. Hextech revolver, sorcerers shoes, rylai's crystal sceptre, rabadon's deathcap, will of the ancients. Overall: 5/5