Oh, I thought we were referring to team fighting. By your current definition, which is, prevents escape in lane, doesn't exhaust stop anything without an escape mechanism?
Any nontargeted dash/flash/jump resets the fight. To a smaller extent - excluding jungler interference - any CC that prevents the opponent from attacking you while you are exhausted effectively resets the fight. Cleanse naturally resets the fight as well, but remains surprisingly unpopular since kiddies want their ignite.
If we're talking teamfights, exhaust hurts fiora harder than riven and tryndamere as well, since riven/trynd can still contribute with aoe stun, aoe knockup, aoe slow and aoe AD debuff from runic burst, broken wings and mocking shout respectively. Likewise, Shyvanas main contribution in a teamfight is her armor debuff and being a giant annoying roadblock that incidentially deals damage. Exhaust does not hinder her as bad as fiora in doing her job.
My main annoyance with phage and the reason I consider him a dumb fuck is mainly rooted in the fact that he often completely misses points made 1-2 posts before him when he makes his responses -- eg:
Yes, that was a good explanation for why exhaust doesn't affect Tryndamere, Riven and bruisers, when it's common knowledge that it shuts down the DPS of any of those champions.
Carry on with your emotionally charged statements and in-thread memes.
Granted, he was talking about teamfights where I was talking about laning. Hence why I now suplied ways in which an exhausted riven/tryndamere will still contribute in a teamfight whereas fiora cannot in this post. In a teamfight, people could still make an argument for fioras ultimate giving her ample time to deal damage while being untargettable and then being relatively safe from focus in the ensuing clusterfuck, but there are numerous pitfalls here.
1: Fioras ultimate targets random targets. If you use it a tthe start of a teamfight, you will most likely be dealing a lot of your tamage to nonessential targets. Unless you can catch a squishy off to the side, in which case it's more of a semi-gank than an actual teamfight.
2: Fioras ultimate is generally something you don't want to open with (even to avoid early exhaust) as you will be missing out on a chance to get a lot of uninterrupted lifesteal in once you've taken a little damage
3: Fioras ultimate is generally something you don't want to open with (even to avoid early exhaust) as an enemy with half a brain will then disengage and move into the middle of his team, where you will subsequently appear and get squished once the ultimate ends.
4: Fioras ultimate - despite being touted as rendering her untargettable - is still subject to skillshots and AoE effects for the breif moment fiora appears to deal damage. I've been hit by dark bindings, unstobbable force, rocket grab, nevermore and all manner of other weird shit while in the middle of my ultimate before. It's a clean-up move, not an opener.
Ulminati, you do have a tendency to react extremely aloof and hostile whenever someone challenges your opinions.
Yep. I never challenged the fact that I generally am quite hostile. Especially around people who make statements that either disregard things that were recently stated (such as the trynd/riven mobility abilities, since those are the most recent example in this thread) to make their points or people who make statements as if they were fact without bothering to elaborate on how they reached their conclusions. On the same topic, the response that fuelled this paticular little flamewar:
by the way, you can say Exhaust is a hard counter to riven, shyvana tryndamere
is now also partially debunked, as we've established that riven/shyvana/tryndamere have mobility abilities of their own that cancels or migitates the effect of the movespeed decrease in exhaust, as well as debuffs/ccs of their own that mean they can contribute in a teamfight even after their damage output gets wrecked. While exhaust still hurts them, it is a soft counter, not a hard one.