Hmm... Surge might actually be a good spell on him, even though I think it's p. shitty all in all. Have to try that sometime.
Should try Surge
Oh you played with Roxor?
Should try Surge
Raped the shit out of one Mordekaiser top today too, but that was probably mostly thanks to two kills on jungler ganks. Dunno how it was before 'cause I don't think I've faced a Morde top as Shen previously.
And how Shyvanna stole Baron from Cho and Nocturne is beyond me. So much fail play in this game.
Bullshit. There are players with multiple accounts in top of the ladder (Dyrus on NA - 12 and 32; Peke on EUW - 4, 23 and 44) . Scarra has been a no. 1 on NA server for at least couple weeks if I remember correctly and he was 4th at the end of season 1. Yellowpete, 1st on EUW in season 1, is currently 3rd. You can't seriously suggest that they achieved that by a coincidence.Not to mention, you don't see the same people on top for very long. They make it up there, then fall back down to obscurity and stop playing.
Assuming you're on about the ELO you deserve to be to, your chance of winning should be 50%. Most people think that it should mean you generally win one game and lose one, with occasional streaks of 2 - 3 games won/lost. In fact, longer streaks of 6 - 8 are to be expected in such situation. The fact that the game is played in teams of five means that even if you're much better than the other players, your chance of winning will probably raise to no more than 55 - 65%. Even for such chance, it's not uncommon to have a couple straight loses and only after many games you will get to ELO that is more or less reflecting your skills.I'd play stellar games and lose game after game. Win 1 lose 5. Granted, there were some games I didn't play extremely well
Are you playing blindpick? Because Shen is perma-banned here, lolol