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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010

Abominable fanbase and questionable marketing scheme aside, I don't think LoL is going to slow down anytime soon. A valueble lesson to other developers about post-launch support for their games.
Dec 31, 2009
Dota is a shit game for shit people, of course it can't generate any discussion of its own. We should do a raid in their thread, just like they did with this one in its infancy.
Jan 24, 2012
The Wasteland
I expected the Shen buffs to be a few tiny changes. These are many significant buffs. I love tanks, but even I can see they'll be turning around and nerfing him soon after this patch.

The Vault Dweller


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Man, now watching Salce playing jungle Annie with AD items and so far hes 4-0-1.
Dude is amazing. my new hero. 8-0-2 now jeeez


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Shen with heal + Soraka= the new OP meta. My new fav bans. Just had a game where we had looong teamfights where it felt we did like 0 damage.So much fucking sustain.
Dec 31, 2009

This picture makes me want to buy the coolest Lee Sin skin and jump right into a game

Note how the sad face of the woman in the front hints at some kind of rape-by-exploitation, probably because lee sin made her opium dependent or something. His smug look practically spells it out: "you belong to me now, bitch". Ahri and Irelia, the most experienced sluts in the game, mocks her youthful innocence that doomed her to this kind of life.


Jun 18, 2010
I'm guessing from the ponytail and kamas next to the bed that woman-in-front is meant to be akali.



Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I need more IP before the QQers get Shen nerfed. But good luck when I am on a losing streak.

Fucking 0/10/2 annies mid, what kind of retard doesn't let me mid as ryze (2nd pick) against fucking katarina but lets the last pick go mid? At sub 1280 elo? Sure ryze doesn't fucking counter her (snare does not stop the ult) but I wouldn't feed like an idiot and I wouldn't get denied farm. Fuck I dropped below 1300 and now you can't even except the supports to ward anything.
Dec 31, 2009
I don't see the problem... Well, feeding 10 times as annie vs kat is obviously problematic, but putting ryze top and annie mid isn't bad at all.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yeah but I preferred to go top as GP seeing that we lacked a beefy bruiser (shaco jungled on our team). My problem wasn't with the champ choice (decent against kat even if malz and the always banned kassadin are better) but that the idiots let the last pick go mid. Then again when the team captain decides to first pick a support instead of leaving that role to the potentially incompetent lowest elo player who is in the low 1200s you could expect this sort of thing.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Nautlius is cool, but feels kind of weak level one due to the long cool down on his W. Need a strong leash on blue and some help starting wolves. Pretty good ganks thanks to built in cc with his passive and his Q, especially if the target is close to some terrain that you'll get pulled too even if you miss. Auto-attack animation is painfully slow though, even with full set of AS marks.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I need more IP before the QQers get Shen nerfed. But good luck when I am on a losing streak.

Fucking 0/10/2 annies mid, what kind of retard doesn't let me mid as ryze (2nd pick) against fucking katarina but lets the last pick go mid? At sub 1280 elo? Sure ryze doesn't fucking counter her (snare does not stop the ult) but I wouldn't feed like an idiot and I wouldn't get denied farm. Fuck I dropped below 1300 and now you can't even except the supports to ward anything.
i dropped from 1499 to 1288; feels bad man
just do your best and buy wards
Dec 31, 2009
First picking support is optimal from a strategic point of view. If you pick a sololane first you are practically begging to get counterpicked.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
First picking support is optimal from a strategic point of view. If you pick a sololane first you are practically begging to get counterpicked.

That is if all the members of your team:

1) Have all or most of the champion roster available which makes switching easy.
2) Are aware of the concept of counterpicking and own the necessary champions.
3) Are more or less equally skilled.
4) Communicate and discuss picks with the rest of the team in the draft lobby during picking resulting in a coherent and viable team composition as far as going against the enemy team composition is concerned.

It works in tournament play and in 5-man premades. It can even work in solo queue at high elo. Although even in those situations you often use first pick to get whichever champ didn't get banned and is a strong pick (or just horribly broken ATM) regardless of what the enemy team has. First picking support is a very valid strategy but I wouldn't say it is optimal though.

But in low elo solo queue (particularly the dungpits of 1300 elo and lower) it won't work. Why? Because:

1) Picks go from highest to lowest elo, therefore the person the matchmaking thinks is least skilled picks last. While that isn't necessarily always true (rating in solo queue is flawed for many reasons but that is a different subject) it is in your interest as first pick to get whatever champion will have the most influence on the (positive) outcome of the match. Unless you want to lose elo you do not let those who are rated below you take a role that has a high potential to screw over the game if not played properly.
2) You cannot trust anyone else to do their job right. Hell you cannot trust anyone to follow your advice and NOT pick solo top trynd when the enemy already has garen despite the entire team telling him not to (saw this today, shockingly the garen was so retarded the trynd was 1/1 by midgame, worst garen I ever saw in ranked dodged a bullet there).
3) You are lucky enough if people on your team own 2 or more champions for every role. I see "I have no support" "I cannot jungle" "they banned/picked my only ad carry" way too often. You have to remember that in order to be matched with somebody at 1300 or lower you need to at best get lucky and get carried for 2-3 matches after you start playing ranked. So you are likely to end up with somebody who isn't aware that he should have more than one champion for every role just in case of an enemy ban/pick and not just AP carries or bruisers with a token one AD carry or support.
4) There is always somebody who doesn't say shit in the lobby and just picks what he wants not caring what the rest may or may not have decided upon in the chat. Yeah you can report him for that (won't do jack since the lobby log doesn't show up in the derpbunal) but unless you dodge you are stuck with the guy.

Mid is a highly volatile lane and ganks from mid can turn a game around. Furthermore if an AP carry gets fed or farmed as hell they can dominate mid-game and pretty much decide the outcome of the match alone. You do now want such an important role in the hands of somebody who barely has above 1200 that is just bloody retarded if your goal is to win the match.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Compare his AS to others' here: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_champions'_attack_speed

It's pretty low compared to the good junglers.

Yeah... Will probably try him more in lane to get a feel of how he plays there. All his stuff scales with AP besides his W which scales with health. Maybe some sort of tanky caster like Mordekaiser is the way to go, Rod of Ages, Rylai's crystal scepter and a Will of the Ancients with some defensive items and perhaps a Lich Bane thrown in for good measure.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Was forced to go support a few games caused people just outright tell they cant support. So I pick my Blitz, wait for my carry to die(as they usually do) and farm up while hes respawning. Works good almost every time. So much fun pulling people to towers. Now I build him a bit more tanky instead of going pure crit/trinity build, but it still works if someone else has a clue.

Im beggining to act like an angry old fart in this game, nagging people about farming, positioning,map awereness, timers on buffs and so on. maybe im just getting better lol.
Had a blind Shen in my team today, he was bot and I saw early that our top is getting ganked, i pinged maybe 5 times, typed TOP, SHEN, and after our Nasus got killed all he said was "oh sorry didnt see". FFFFFFUUUUUUU Not one useful ult during the whole game.


Oct 12, 2006
Yes, very good ganks indeed. Fun to play too and a big motherfucker. Hope they'll buff his AS and lower the CD on his W though for a faster clear.
Should try Surge on him, Attack speed + even bigger! You become like a fully stacked Cho.

Im beggining to act like an angry old fart in this game, nagging people about farming, positioning,map awereness, timers on buffs and so on. maybe im just getting better lol.
Had a blind Shen in my team today, he was bot and I saw early that our top is getting ganked, i pinged maybe 5 times, typed TOP, SHEN, and after our Nasus got killed all he said was "oh sorry didnt see". FFFFFFUUUUUUU Not one useful ult during the whole game.

Oh you played with Roxor?

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