But damn it's addictive as all hell
See you in 100 hours.
I can't remember the last time I went to work this smashed. I work at a pretty stressful, fast-moving (but very fun!) job, so one of my life decisions the last couple years has been to never, ever go to work without at least 7 hours of sleep. This weekend I played Rimworld pretty much non-stop from 7AM saturday, going to bed at around 3AM, then again from 8AM to 3:30AM. This christmas vacation is going to be wasted...
I do wish there were better intermediate guides up on YouTube though. Stuff like "how to best plan out your base", "how you should manage your rooms" etc. Everything I can find is either supar basic shit about how to survive the start of the game or advanced "tricks" that are kindda-sorrta cool but not core game knowledge about game stages beyond the early game. I only learned yesterday how to manage outfits for instance, man that was a godsend. So yeah, would pay money for "so you're getting ok at Rimworld, here are the basics about X game stage" guide.
EDIT: for example, I see most people mid game have these double-walls of granite or similar materials covering a fuckhueg part of the map, encircling their base, so they can funnel raiders into killboxes. They do this with less colonists than I currently have, and I have no idea where they get all the blocks for such colossal walls. Of course most just build their base in the middle of 2 giant mountains, but even though I've played 4-5 maps I haven't see one with such a structure.
So right now I haven't gotten killboxes to work since raiders can always attack me from least 3 directions, often many more. I'm just relying on sandbags and stuff and it means every raid is potentially pretty dangerous. Though it's gotten better since I put roof over my sandboxes so my guys aren't affected by weather modifiers.
I'm playing on Commitment mode obv. I've had 2 fairly succesful colonies now but haven't gotten to late game. First one ended when it was going great and everyone was equipped with purchased Marine Armor or still pretty good gear and Assault Rifles on up, and I tried to raid a colony. Shouldn't have done that... The current one was finally settling in a very good spot yesterday, but then I got attacked by 3 hyena which should be no fucking threat at all, but because I was tired and lazy I rushed my draftees, the Hyena moved more quickly than I thought, and I lost 2 good pawns to them. STUPID