Is there any indication that the Steam/English version isn't a pile of diarrhea like the early German launch was? This is looking pretty disappointing from here.
The lead dev has already said that it's the same version + the (very small) Saturday patch. They're going to push another small patch out tomorrow, though they're not sure if they'll make it before launch. The lead dev has called the original retail version "very fun and very playable", so don't expect things to be radically different tomorrow.
I really doubt that they'll have time to implement all the spell effects (40% of listed spells still return "spell not implemented" when casting them, and there's no out of combat casting option, which renders a bunch of other spells useless), enemy models, maps, sound effects, etc. They're still asking for help on the save game deletion bug too.
You have to keep in mind that this studio that has previously only developed brower games -- the lead dev has openly admitted that all the patcher/launcher bugs were the result of him having no coding experience with Windows platforms.