Many of the pre-orders were already delivered on Friday (with Tuesday being the officially German release date), so there's plenty of info on the game out already. Personally, I can't even get it to start.
Problems with the gold version according to various German forums:
- no intro
- no battle sounds
- all weapon models looks like crossbows
- most NPCs look like skeletons
- trying to cast a spell gives the message "spell not implemented"
- snow textures are broken
- walking sounds are placeholders/unbearable to listen to
The release day patch was pushed out early on Saturday at 10 p.m. local time (at least they're dedicated!), but it doesn't fix most of these issues - only weapon models and walking sounds have been completely fixed. The game is still unplayable and crashes frequently with messages like this:
Failed executing javascript(Syntax Error: Mismatched closing token in expression):
function hasresponse(which){return(which==1)||getQuestState("schick_call')==2
of Magistrat Thorwal[2]
Further current issues:
--button hotspots aren't centered on the actual buttons
- map turns black indoors, stays black when going outdoors (workaround available)
- Many NPCs have holes in their heads
- only one save game slot with fixed name
- save game (singular) randomly deletes itself
- heroes in-game don't look like they do in the editor
- you start with infinite money, which randomly resets to normal during gameplay
- random events and random battle on the overland map don't seem to work
- hard crash trying to enter Daspota
The lead dev has announced a "new" release day patch for Tuesday, though it will obviously only represent a few days' work of bugfixing by a small studio... probably not a good 0-day purchase.
On actual feature changes:
- haggling and vehicle skills have been removed
- about 10% of the spells have been removed
- more spells have been set to druid and witch exclusive
- getting enough xp to level no longer auto-triggers the level up screen; it's solved like in the Baldur's Gate games now
Gameplay footage is