So finally got around to beating Manga Rance. I wouldn't call it a difficult game, though there was some small strategy involved with party compositions and character skill sets pitched against enemy capabilities and vulnerabilities. It's the kind of casual game that you can leave for awhile and then come back to and not worry too much over trying to figure out where you left off. Also, you can tell where the original team developed the storyline for Rance 8 and where TADA came in and made improvements to Magnum Rance. Rance himself is not as likeable in the base game as he is in Magnum Rance, and the art in the extended game is a lot better. Some quick thoughts:
+ Although I do like Sengoku Rance waaaay more, this is an entirely different game and one that's easy to play for 10-15 minutes and then leave and not have to come back to for awhile. It still has enough team customization to not be boring.
+ I was so glad to see some of the Sengoku Rance characters return and mentioned. And they brought back Kenshin... best gal.
+ Interesting plot points with Rance's children are developed here, which of course will lead to important developments in the final game.
+ I really did like many of the new characters. I thought they were different and varied enough in personality, or if dull they at least had pretty awesome abilities. For instance, Alkanese was just an ok character, but give her a hammer and the right skills and she was a brutal force in the field. Crook was ok in combat, but I liked her character and storyline. Something here for combat lovers and story lovers.
+ Some of the game was really funny. The part with Maria going on a date and the Meg character were good for a chuckle. Although the gameplay is a downgrade from Sengoku Rance, the humor is up there.
+/- Sill !!!!
- This game requires a lot of grinding... it gets repetitious and dull at times, which is why it took me so long to beat. The decent party customizations and development really help to offset that negative.
- There were some parts of the game where I felt there wasn't a very good bridge to to higher level challenges, making the requirement to grind worse. There are a ton of dungeons for levels 30-40 and then a decent number from 40-50, but the numbers of available dungeons to explore really drop off after level 50. This wouldn't be a problem if the end game and bonus dungeons didn't require you to have several characters at the upper level 50s and above. Eventually I was able to beat the final boss with a level 57 Rance, a level 55 Kenshin, two healers and Arlcoate (for her attack and defense boosts). It took a lot of grinding in the same dungeon to get there. My characters are too underpowered for the post-game dungeons, which are registered as Level 60+ encounters. There are no interesting dungeons that I can grind over and over again to meet those challenges, so I think I'm done playing.
Anyway, yes I recommend the game. Not the best Rance game, but fun enough. Just don't expect to play this over a short time unless you have some podcasts to listen to while you play, otherwise you may get bored. It's fine to play in short sessions over a long period. Ultimately I didn't get CGs 153, 196, 197, and 218. I also didn't complete the Hanny Quests after the first one, or quest 115, 147, 195, or 199. I did get to see both the original Rance 8 and the Magnum Rance endings, and of course prefer the Magnum Rance ending.