Thanks to
Astral Rag generosity humor i will give you my impressions.
For SCIENCE. Played 4h so far.
When i first played it it was at 65% stage of completion or something like that and it was alpha.
Now i is at 54% going by splash screen (lel)
Jokes aside.
What changed in Beta (yes this is now beta at 53% again lel):
- They fixed fullscreen.
- Gameworld takes whole screenspace instead of like earlier square size with noticeable cutoffs.
- Music ! At least at beginning.
- They completely changed how settlements system works. Earlier settlements where kind of monument that you placed. This was fucking annoying because if you build quickly you could run out of space for farms. Now settlements are kind of circle where you place on world. You take as many as you can houses in that circle and they become connected or just one big building. Space after earlier building can be used for farms or new houses.
- They finally fixed fucking belief collecting. No longer you need to click on those shitty houses. You build monument and it collects belief for you.
- They introduced gem mechanic where you can sacrefice your peaple for them or you can find them in chests ir get them from journeys. Those gems are used to upgrade your settlements, monumets etc.
- happines mechanic. Earlier there wasn't any. Certain things like fires, sacrefice, enemy attack etc generate unhappines.
- enemy villages. So far i saw one. And i can't get there yet. They launch attacks here and there. Happines mechanic is used as sort of compete mechanic where if you have higher happiness than them you will get their fallowers, if not they will get yours. Event ocurs something like half hours or so.
- Military settlment. Yes you can no recruit archers. I just build my first one.
- Leash mechanic expanded. Earlier you couldn't select which plot you want to use. Now you can.
- For first enemy village i think you can win with them by culture or simply by power.
- They changed how journey system works. Missions are the same but yoo get score at end of mission and that score is summed up and progressively you get new rewards like gems or tokens.
- They changed aesthetics of buildings.
As for general gameplay. They changed a lot speed of things. Looks like they are removing mobile grinding from the game. Earlier to have 3-4 settlements i had to play something like 12-15 hours and manage that fucking bubbles. Now i mostly build and sculpt occasionally using powers and i have 5 settlements.
Game starts to look like slower brother of populus. Looks like they did something in the end. Though i don't know how fast they update game.