MRY, Victor Phlug, I might have an unusual question for you.
I'll start from afar.
1) From what I understand, Dave influenced your game pretty heavily. At the very least, he provided both the voice cast and the composer whose soundtrack made it into the release version of the game. And while I understand this to be a very sensitive area - and while it would probably be not so ethical for you to voice any concerns about his efforts in public, I still want to discuss a couple of questions regarding his influence. First of all, soundtrack. It is both my opinion and opinion of some people I've spoken to in the different corners of the Web, that the soundtrack to Primordia is quite bland actually - and it simply doesn't do justice to its visual component (and I personally don't think that vocal track that goes with Credits fits the mood of the game at all). Moreover, I haven't encountered a single person who would say that soundtrack was his favorite aspect of the game - it doesn't say much, of course, but it certainly isn't a compliment as well. Second, the voices. I do not have any complaints about the quality of voice acting in the game. But. What I've heard multiple times is that while the actors do know how to act - and provide the game with a great deal of personality, they also make it sound like "just another Wadjet game". "Gee, I wonder where I've heard that voice" - "Riiiight, that's the detective dude from Resonance", etc. etc. Moreover, I haven't played the game with commentaries, but I've heard from a person who did play with commentaries (it's not the most reliable source though - so I could have just been misinformed), that there was original voice cast team, which was picked by you and which later got disbanded by Dave and switched for a new voice cast team - the one that made it into the release. And it really makes me wonder, what did that original team sound like.
2) I do appreciate the lowres lo-fi aspect of the graphics - and it does indeed give the game a certain charm. Still, there is one concern that gnawed on me ever since I saw this game for a first time. The squareness and the blockiness of the picture simply doesn't go all that well with the smooth curved lines of mud and almost organic forms of hopelessly rusted machinery. In my opinion, the resolution aspect of the game conflicts with the visual aspect of its design - and greatly diminishes the impact from the artwork. Still, it is your game, and you do, of course, have each and every right to consider it (or any other style) the canonical look of the game. I wouldn't even voice my concerns over this issue, were it not for one detail. From what I gathered from the interviews, one of the main reasons you went with 240p was the animation issue. Higher resolutions would require more frames of animation (in order to make it look reasonably smooth) - and going with higher res would slow down the development tremendously (to the point of the game still not being released as of this moment). Still, it left me with a distinctive impression that you don't actually consider 240p to be the only canonical res for the background artwork - and were it not for animation concerns, you would probably go with a somewhat higher res.
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Now - to the main question at hand. Is there any chance, something like "Primordia: Developer's Cut" could appear some time into the future? With the original voice cast, rewritten soundtrack, higher res artwork, maybe - trimmed or expanded endings (some of the "false" endings simply felt out of character - and like they were simply tacked on, quantity over quality)? The way Primordia should've been were it not for (insert whatever you want here). The ultimate original vision, no compromises, no unrealized potential. Or is the current version the final one we'll ever get (not that there is anything particularly wrong with it)?
Thank you for your attention and time.