Ok, just got around to test the game. Wanted to just get a hold of how things work, so I went for the ogre quest for "no surprises". So on for the beatles...
Aaand... the combat is a mess. It's been a while since the last time I played any of the IE games, but they sure as fuck weren't this hard to get a grasp of (and I'm not talking about rules or mechanics, or even the difficulty). It's really hard to tell what character is doing what, who's attacking who, or even who's where because they don't stand out from the scene when grass and shadows swallow everything (even the activity indicators on top of their heads). The controls seem unresponsive (the character don't always do what they are told to, casting AoE spells the area indicator is detached from the cursor and I have to guess whether the spell goes to the cursor or the circle...), the timers are flickery, the enemy HP values can hardly be seen, zooming doesn't zoom but adjusts the fog of war. The whole combat situation appears like a colossal clusterfuck. It's hard to observe what class is good for what when keeping track of the overall situation is this obscure. Hah. I must fucking suck, which is very much possible, or there's something really wrong there at the moment.
It'll certainly get fixed, adjusted and finetuned and all that. But shit, mang....
Not despairing, though, onwards to the next beating!