So I beat that heroic difficulty game I was worried about. Did the Anu path, could have gone Virophage Injector but the warning said it should be a last resort. Most of the surviving human populace was Anu anyway so I figured that maybe introducing a toxin that's lethal to anything that has pandoran DNA to a populace that has pandoran DNA might be a bad idea.
The final mission wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. The first room was a little worrying because there was a screamer scylla, but I already took care of most of the lesser mobs with boom blast rebuke and finished off the rest with a assault/zerker armed with a mattock and armored head mutation for adrenaline cheese, so it wasn't that bad. The Chirons were the goo variants and since nearly everyone was immune to goo, they were useless.
The mobs in the second room came to me so I just killed them and sniped down the artillery chirons who didn't return fire.
Mark of the Void wasn't that bad; the fact I can remove it is a nice design choice, and if you destroy all of the eyes the boss is pretty much dead anyway.
The reinforcements were a little annoying, but they came at a decent rate, about one per two turns, so it wasn't too overwhelming.
So what do I think about PP in general? I like it, but it really needed some more polish on release and some of the design choices weren't great.
There is a steam workshop coming out which is great, XCOM 2 is better because of the mods after all, but I'm worried that Snapshot will copy Bethesda and use mods as an excuse to not finish the damned game. Clarity Module is still broken and that's just embarrassing, and there are too many errors in the tooltips.
Also, map variety sucks. The original xcoms had more map variety, even going so far as to match the environment the mission is taking place in, and that's just sad.
You could have a mission in Antarctica or the Sahara and it will still be the same grassy terrain, and I've seen the same citadel map like 3 times.
Now I just have to wait for a decent sale for the DLC. Do they ever go for more than 25% off?