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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I have decided to go chieftain rf this league. May the prophet Grunker (pbuh) and his lord Pohx have mercy on my soul. I see that they buffed the jewel thing so now it gives +3 str per node. I wonder how +50 STR compares to 0.5% hp reg and +10% inc fire damage. Hard choices for the BEST ascendency.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Is Trickster any good?
It's decent for Cold DoT and is potentially going to be very strong in the new Sanctum due to the Evasion + Energy Shield mechanics. Trickster is rarely the best Ascendancy choice for any particular build, but looking back at some of your creations I think that the Ascendancy choice is the least of your problems and Trickster is going to be a good fit.
Thanks but I've fallen for Scion/ Ascendant this League! I've always wanted to build Eternal Youth and pathing out of Scion island through Templar is just too juicy. Maybe not Split Personalities, it depends on how cheap I can get STR/ Life ones on console trade. Will be some combo of Necro/ Pathfinder/ Hiero. Hiero seems like an ideal fit but if I did Hiero I'd want to play Searing Bond/ Scorching Ray Totems Fire build which is too similar to what I played Crucible League. Also my original Rowan Mayfair build was a Witch (since... she's a witch) but blonde being book lore accurate feelsgoodman.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Thanks but I've fallen for Scion/ Ascendant this League! I've always wanted to build Eternal Youth and pathing out of Scion island through Templar is just too juicy. Maybe not Split Personalities, it depends on how cheap I can get STR/ Life ones on console trade. Will be some combo of Necro/ Pathfinder/ Hiero. Hiero seems like an ideal fit but if I did Hiero I'd want to play Searing Bond/ Scorching Ray Totems Fire build which I already played Crucible League.
Sounds jank af, but I'll be the last person to dissuade you from having fun.

Myself, I'm very unprepared this league. GF came by to visit and stalled out my BG3 progress so I'm still in the middle of that.

TBH I loved last balance patch, because it gave you a couple of clear outliers to chose from. Vengeant Cascade let me league start as an archetype I hadn't played in a long ass time. This patch everything seems equally "okay", which just makes my dick soft when choosing. Strongest impulse so far is Cold DoT Elementalist, so you can start contributing early in the new League mechanic with the Bing Chilling.


Dec 29, 2010
Is Trickster any good?
It's decent for Cold DoT and is potentially going to be very strong in the new Sanctum due to the Evasion + Energy Shield mechanics. Trickster is rarely the best Ascendancy choice for any particular build, but looking back at some of your creations I think that the Ascendancy choice is the least of your problems and Trickster is going to be a good fit.
Thanks but I've fallen for Scion/ Ascendant this League! I've always wanted to build Eternal Youth and pathing out of Scion island through Templar is just too juicy. Maybe not Split Personalities, it depends on how cheap I can get STR/ Life ones on console trade. Will be some combo of Necro/ Pathfinder/ Hiero. Hiero seems like an ideal fit but if I did Hiero I'd want to play Searing Bond/ Scorching Ray Totems Fire build which is too similar to what I played Crucible League. Also my original Rowan Mayfair build was a Witch (since... she's a witch) but blonde being book lore accurate feelsgoodman.
I do this but elemental+ inpulsa on AG instead of witch+profane bloom it's a bit ghetto until you get echoforge/voidforge, and need 3 curse even until then. Also enough chaos resist on AG to use ancient skull. Voll's headgear on AG works .
!!! IMPORTANT: Use Anomalous Feeding Frenzy. AG is nearly immortal with it

wow I even missed that but used leech lab enchant boots he missed that.
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Mar 16, 2015
I am certainly going Guardian summoner, new aura summon is interesting. Not sure if I should do SRS (not poison), Absolution or Skeleton Mages. I will try to go for that unique body armor that lets your summons ignore enemy elemental resistance.
I will need to play this one on my PC as I will need to trade a lot to get items for Animated Guardian and shit.. unless there are valid options to not use that. Animated Guardian shenenigans is one of the main reason I usually do not enjoy doing summoners in PoE. D2 Necro was fun, you just summoned everything and cast your curses. No need to all this PoE shit.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Totems again, from someone who run gauntlets with them.
No cursing body rags this time.... storm burst


Dec 29, 2010

nice start til T16 but not a delirium farmer like the chains.

Last time I did standard animate weapon till act10 and got chains of command already in act10 might try this instead now until I get an echoforge with chains ( replica oro's sacrifice was super fun till they got minion frenzy charge) . I think speedrunners drop chains of command on white tower maps already or you can farm it, so it's easy to get in act10 but its kinda high maintenance because need tons of flask charge generation.
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Dec 29, 2010
I will try to go for that unique body armor that lets your summons ignore enemy elemental resistance.
that's for skelly mage because the projectile's element is random. You can still use punishment curse with that. BTW they found the recipe for skeleton mage jewel.

Minions die easily now unless you know what's up. Certain clusters are mandatory even in chains of command (blessed rebirth,life from death ).

I think skeleton mage also needs blessed rebirth, that's a nice 2 div jewel unless you craft. Animate weapon resummoning itself with chains is kind of a boon. But then they can also fall but usually that takes some posessed conqueror or soul eater or so, it's always an "event". :lol:

AG is not mandatory if you can't afford Kingmaker you can use mines instead, like high impact mine supporting portal (0 mana cost).
Each Mine from Supported Skills applies 2% chance to deal Double Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 100%
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Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Which Ascendant Forbidden Flame/ Forbidden Flesh would be cheapest/ easiest to trade for, Necro, Hiero or Pathfinder?

Wow, I didn't even imagine that they would let Ascendant have 3 notables with the Forbidden jewels. That's insane.


Dec 29, 2010
Which Ascendant Forbidden Flame/ Forbidden Flesh would be cheapest/ easiest to trade for, Necro, Hiero or Pathfinder?

Wow, I didn't even imagine that they would let Ascendant have 3 notables with the Forbidden jewels. That's insane.
PF is sure pricey, Necro is only good vs Occultist if you have 3 offerings up and get block from 50% bone offering. Gladiator was better than bone offering before nerf BTW. You can see on above holy relic build has 3 offerings up. Well that and AOE because they killed the minion AOE passives but you don't need that with melee and anomalous AG has yuge AOE to begin with you just need +2 corrupt minion boots or helmet to socket into because you'll never get lvl21 anomAG. This is much easier than hungry loop ring or all minion skill gems gear.
A few leagues back,
AG with Inpulsa explode plus minion AOE passives used to scale hard :lol: . And if you managed to get endurance charge on AG the OLD endurance charge that was crazy, and it was even needed in sentinel league because sentinel plus expedition was some crazy shit. Nowdays you won't do simulacrum with AG, but delirium is ok.
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Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
good podcast with 4 very good players, if you're in need of some ideas on the upcoming league and have a couple of hours to fill:


Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Seventh Gate

Of Infinity


Mar 16, 2015
I will try to go for that unique body armor that lets your summons ignore enemy elemental resistance.
that's for skelly mage because the projectile's element is random. You can still use punishment curse with that. BTW they found the recipe for skeleton mage jewel.

Minions die easily now unless you know what's up. Certain clusters are mandatory even in chains of command (blessed rebirth,life from death ).

I think skeleton mage also needs blessed rebirth, that's a nice 2 div jewel unless you craft. Animate weapon resummoning itself with chains is kind of a boon. But then they can also fall but usually that takes some posessed conqueror or soul eater or so, it's always an "event". :lol:

AG is not mandatory if you can't afford Kingmaker you can use mines instead, like high impact mine supporting portal (0 mana cost).
Each Mine from Supported Skills applies 2% chance to deal Double Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 100%
Guardian new ability gives you all 3 elemental auras so you need to ignore all elemental resistances for most effect.
Also this is interesting about mines, I didn't know this but it sounds like too many buttons to press problem. But I only have 3 buttons for Skills on the controller for use during fast battles and one of those is a movement skill.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I was completely uninterested in this league but now I’m gerning FOMO
Do not fear. The league will either be shit (you miss nothing) or be added to standard (you miss nothing). The odds of good league that does not get added to standard is really small.


I will try to go for that unique body armor that lets your summons ignore enemy elemental resistance.
that's for skelly mage because the projectile's element is random. You can still use punishment curse with that. BTW they found the recipe for skeleton mage jewel.

Minions die easily now unless you know what's up. Certain clusters are mandatory even in chains of command (blessed rebirth,life from death ).

I think skeleton mage also needs blessed rebirth, that's a nice 2 div jewel unless you craft. Animate weapon resummoning itself with chains is kind of a boon. But then they can also fall but usually that takes some posessed conqueror or soul eater or so, it's always an "event". :lol:

AG is not mandatory if you can't afford Kingmaker you can use mines instead, like high impact mine supporting portal (0 mana cost).
Each Mine from Supported Skills applies 2% chance to deal Double Damage to Hits against Enemies near it, up to a maximum of 100%
Guardian new ability gives you all 3 elemental auras so you need to ignore all elemental resistances for most effect.
Also this is interesting about mines, I didn't know this but it sounds like too many buttons to press problem. But I only have 3 buttons for Skills on the controller for use during fast battles and one of those is a movement skill.
It's been over a decade but excited they finally implemented a returning proj support gem:

Next up is homing projectiles...


Dec 29, 2010
You can do the mine trick if minions go down too fast and the boss would like to fuck you up. Like they use that frozen gem for Kosis. You can even collect weapons for act3 piety to animate weapon from not always but happens. Also exarch can fuck with AG. Or the knights expedition boss has low crit chance but it can one crit hit.

There's a specific corrupt that's very good for ag body armour 40% less crit taken. But not even that will be much in simulacrum, I packed my ball at 27 because 10div gear, lol.
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