Jason Liang
It's a bit of work, sure. But you aren't exactly on an adventure, and there's a lot to do and explore around the city.
YRsh... some of the areas have so much potential but now they feel kind of empty and dull.It's a shame Valine vanished off the face of the earth and never polished the second ADWR module as much as the first. I'm suprised no one ever picked up the work either. I would have expected at least several modded versions to be floating around by now.
You could try Vampire: Heaven Defied but I think you will be disappointed at the end. It's another module with potential but now it feels more like a demo. There is some cool scripting at work (vampire abilities and some other stuff I'm not going to spoil) but ah was I irritated at the end because it could have been so much more.But anyway. I'm feeling slightly edgy. Are there any Vampiric or even any evil aligned modules worth a look?
If you let me know the details of the problem you encountered, I'll try to fix it, to help other players.I'm playing Dark Energy right now. It's nice. Setting is... bizarre, to say the least, and I'm not yet sure if it's written to be the way it is or it's simply written badly (I hope for the former). Very linear module, which is not my style, and I managed to break it very early on with my exploring (had to restart whole thing, one trigger didn’t fire, I guess because I visited a location before I was supposed to). Module gives some choices but I fear that there are no true consequences, but it's still too soon to tell. The premise is unique and I’m having some fun playing Dark Energy because of that, but I’m feeling that it wasn’t utilized to its full abilities, not nearly, and it’s sad.
This review is just for the overall game. I want to make a page just about the Aurora Toolset, plus one just recommending mods & modules.
And now comes the real challenge battle: Lilura , you made a great guide to NWN and know a lot about their modules... wanna write this part? Or, failing that, can I blatantly copy your recommendations?![]()
Unless Lilura was fooling us all around and also took care of NWN2 too.
really? Really?! REALLY!?! The one and only Lilura is here too from the BD forum? OMG! <3 xOxO
If anyone is looking for Lilura to make something, check out her blog for Siege of Dragonspear walkthrough and see some top-notch quality for a top-notch game! Detail is what Lilura is all about!
how the FUCK has no one mentioned HEX CODA yet for NWN1?
oh, and quick, recommend me nwn2 modules pls.
The Mortherfucking* Conan Chronicles.oh, and quick, recommend me nwn2 modules pls.
This review is just for the overall game. I want to make a page just about the Aurora Toolset, plus one just recommending mods & modules.
And now comes the real challenge battle: Lilura , you made a great guide to NWN and know a lot about their modules... wanna write this part? Or, failing that, can I blatantly copy your recommendations?![]()
I don't even accept requests to write for cash. And who wants to taint their rep by writing for your twaddle-tome? Moreover, you are a fucking hack, charlatan, and slimeball.
This review is just for the overall game. I want to make a page just about the Aurora Toolset, plus one just recommending mods & modules.
And now comes the real challenge battle: Lilura , you made a great guide to NWN and know a lot about their modules... wanna write this part? Or, failing that, can I blatantly copy your recommendations?![]()
I don't even accept requests to write for cash. And who wants to taint their rep by writing for your twaddle-tome? Moreover, you are a fucking hack, charlatan, and slimeball.
I have absolutely no idea of what horrible crimes I've committed, but whatever.
The Mortherfucking* Conan Chronicles.oh, and quick, recommend me nwn2 modules pls.
*Motherfucking not included.
Don't worry, felipepepe , that was a very Finnish way of saying "yes". Trust me, I'm an expert.This review is just for the overall game. I want to make a page just about the Aurora Toolset, plus one just recommending mods & modules.
And now comes the real challenge battle: Lilura , you made a great guide to NWN and know a lot about their modules... wanna write this part? Or, failing that, can I blatantly copy your recommendations?![]()
I don't even accept requests to write for cash. And who wants to taint their rep by writing for your twaddle-tome? Moreover, you are a fucking hack, charlatan, and slimeball.