You're all shills

I wasn't going through the list with the mindset of whether it's well implemented in the PRC, but as a character class and how it would gel with the others already present in NWN
I wasn't going through the list with the mindset of whether it's well implemented in the PRC, but as a character class and how it would gel with the others already present in NWN
I have no idea how anyone can enjoy playing any archer in NWN precisely due to the issue you described.Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Lacrymas said:Fighter or Rogue/Bard or Wizard/Arcane Archer is fairly okay if you want to go AA. Starting out as Fighter would be easier in SoU because there is no melee companion to take the heat off, so you'll have to rely on summons if you start out with Rogue or Bard.
kama-using monk
A pure Druid or Druid/Shifter is also fun throughout the epic levels.
BarbarianBtw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
BarbarianBtw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Not if you single class, I won't.but gave up on account of I think you'd murder
Not if you single class, I won't.but gave up on account of I think you'd murder
It's very useful to take spell focus (enchantment) and greater spell focus
Why Enchantment out of all?
Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
I'd say factor in your henchman options. HotU lets you have 2 at once and is better rounded with one of each in the first part, then Fighter, Rogue, Bard and eventually Paladin or Blackguard for the rest. SoU, however, has a 1 henchman limit with a Sorcerer that can multiclass to Barbarian (with low Str), a Rogue that can multi to Cleric, and a Bard in the second half. If you choose to multiclass henchmen, remember to repeat the instruction when you transition chapters. Or if you'd like a dedicated warrior for SoU, I recommend Vulcano's Mischa Waymeet mod.Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal.
I'd say factor in your henchman options. HotU lets you have 2 at once and is better rounded with one of each in the first part, then Fighter, Rogue, Bard and eventually Paladin or Blackguard for the rest. SoU, however, has a 1 henchman limit with a Sorcerer that can multiclass to Barbarian (with low Str), a Rogue that can multi to Cleric, and a Bard in the second half. If you choose to multiclass henchmen, remember to repeat the instruction when you transition chapters. Or if you'd like a dedicated warrior for SoU, I recommend Vulcano's Mischa Waymeet mod.Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal.
Yes, definitely.
Hurrrrrmmmm. I wonder if Misha there could offer a painless (well... less painful...) archer experience? I could go for an Arcane Archer.
Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Single class monk is always a lot of fun, and the advanced combat animations adds several cool martial arts styles that are fun to see at high levels. Arcane Archer is good from start to finish and never gets old, you can get really insane in HoTU.
Shadows doesn't have the mob-army problem, so don't worry about it.
HoTU is the best of the original campaigns, and Shadows is short enough and the first chapter isn't bad imo.
If you aren't playing with advanced AI, you really should. By HoTU it makes a big difference.
For example there are numerous generic NPCs called "Dalefolk." It takes 20 minutes to copy-paste random Faerun names, make the world feel more alive.
This would be bad because it would make you think they're important quest NPCs instead of background extras.
Btw something else entirely: I'm looking at what I want to do with Shadows of Undrentide. I'll probably be taking the same char through Hordes, so it has to have low-level and high-level appeal. My first thought was an Arcane Archer because I almost never play archers in RPGs and it seems like it would be very fun at high levels in NWN, but then I recalled my experience with the OC. Being bum-rushed by a thousand mobs on a bow build with nothing but a single retarded henchmen in the way of me and my enemies does not sound conducive to a good time.
Single class monk could also be on the table, I don't think I've ever played one in 3rd ed.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Single class monk is always a lot of fun, and the advanced combat animations adds several cool martial arts styles that are fun to see at high levels. Arcane Archer is good from start to finish and never gets old, you can get really insane in HoTU.
Shadows doesn't have the mob-army problem, so don't worry about it.
HoTU is the best of the original campaigns, and Shadows is short enough and the first chapter isn't bad imo.
If you aren't playing with advanced AI, you really should. By HoTU it makes a big difference.
Thanks friendo. What's advanced AI, a mod? Mordaedil said TonyK's AI would break PRC, so I didn't install that.
Reptile God's Orlane had all the townsfolk named because all of them were involved in the plot in one way or another, so not all modules can have this. Reptile God is extremely well made and polished to a mirror shine, one of the best modules ever made, so it's not entirely fair to compare the two, considering SoS' age and circumstances. However, it can be touched up significantly and it probably won't take more than a week for an experienced modder to do so.