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Neverwinter new pics - OH GAWD ITZ HEAVAN


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I wonder how badly the "launch" will go tomorrow.
Depending on how much it being "launch" affects things, it's two alternatives:

1) ITZ coming
2) Just a bigger patch than usual.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
Did all those of you who wanted a blue doggie get one? I have two on my storage account but I never play more than a single main character at a time and I can just transfer the one when I do switch, and right now I am just saving shit up in case I can actually play the game from Seoul (I did just notice one of the screenshot contest winners is from Seoul so, yeah, I'm kunfused) so I can give you dudes one for cheap/free if you want.


Feb 12, 2010
mexico of europe
got two white doggies for my two chars ...but those horibiru laggs and aoe spammers kept me from scoring better ...[managed even to kill few wights...i think ...but u never know with this lagguspamfest fo sure]

but keep em doggies to u'self coz even without using they probly sell for few nice hats or whatnot .. :)


May 14, 2008
Fucking hell, just spell the words normally. The computer assists you in doing so.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
@ eklektyk

Well, you can have one of my blueys. :D They go up to level 25 so they can get the third skin. They look pretty badass like that.

At first I was going to sell it but, uhm, a lady does not partake is commerce. :obviously: And once I am in Seoul I will get my own credit card (my dad will remain here for at least another year or two and my brother does have to do the service) so I will just buy my AD if I need it. And according to Perfect World's official FAQ I will not be able to play anyway so, like, it will just rot in my bank.

Can skeletons rot? :?

@ J1M

Was that directed to me? :?

If so, by now you should know I do write like that intentionally. :oops:


Nov 5, 2007
The blue dogs might be cheap now, but they'll definitely go up once the source is gone. And as someone said, once the warlock is released.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
That's pretty much the entire reason I did farm for a blue doggy. If I can play the game once they do release Warlocks I'll use the blue dog as pet no matter how much it does suck. I'll name him Eldritch and hug him a lot.

On that, has there been any word about when will Warlocks be released? Or, like, any class with any kind of flavour or character for that matter? :( One has to wonder what was Cryptic thinking when they did decide to do a Control Wizard with ice and shit instead of going with those crazy control spells like Tasha's Hideous Laughter, those weird huge hands that grapple people, the tentacle grape from hell, and the like. Where they trying to be as generic as possible or some shit?

Oh, gee. Ice based control wizard. Never heard that one before. :roll:


Jun 17, 2012
I wouldn't expect the new classes to be dramatically different from the ones so far. It's just going to be reskinning the same basic concepts, and the incredibly low number of abilities on the skillbar at any given time means there will never be mechanical complexity.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
I know. I was mostly speaking about conceptually interesting classes: Bards, Druids, Warlocks, Paladins, Monks, etc. They have, uhm, 'personality.' The classes we have right now are, uhm, boring. Generic. They have no flavour. Sometimes I find myself wanting to start a Dwarven DF Girl just so that I can have a little touch of... something. Dwarf Tanks are always cool and just by virtue of being Dwarf Tanks have lots of character and feel.

I'm with you on the skillbar, though. It is retarded. And it is even MORE retarded when the game does force you to build up most of the skills to a certain point. Gee, at least give us something akin to brewing potions or inscribing scrolls or crafting wands so that we spend gold building limited-use items for those spells we learn but never really equip because it is highly situational. Which was the entire point of brewing potions and inscribing scrolls and crafting wands to begin with. Take shield, for example. It is a fun spell? Yup. It is useful? At times. Is it worth lossing 25% of your Encounter DPS (wizards having four encounter slots) on a boss fight or on PvP? LOLNO.

Particularly in PVP where you can't actually use potions from your belt and with Clerics being more of HoT than spike. If I survive a fight with 15% health instead of 5% health I am still going to die as soon as someone does sees me or I am still going to waste time looking for a potion spawn instead of DPSing. *shrug* Useful shit.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
Jesus, dood. Take the walking stick out your arse.

I will continue to write just like I enjoy to write and you just go and ignore me if you don't likey. Then everybody's super mega hyper uber duper happy.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Take shield, for example. It is a fun spell? Yup. It is useful? At times. Is it worth lossing 25% of your Encounter DPS (wizards having four encounter slots) on a boss fight or on PvP? LOLNO.
This is incorrect. Shield is actually one of your strongest DPS spells, the shield effect itself is useless. It's all about the pulse.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
It does depend on the build, I guess. I am currently fooling around with a single target Ice DPS spec mostly for PvP and Bosses (mostly because I did discover it is easier to top the DPS chart by focusing on the burly enemies and slaughtering them before the party can do much damage to them than by helping with the trash :oops: Attention whore here.) so I do am not spec-ed for AoE or Arcane. So generally in PvP if a GF is close enough for me to shield burst I am already dead and the damage is not going to do a lot to save me, and if a TR is close enough to me to shield burst he did just uncloak on my back and locked my skills. Given how IMBA GFs currently are Hit&Run is the only way for a CW to get shit done (particularly because all GFs and TRs are, like, CW DETECTED! ATTACK! IGNORE ALL OTHER TARGETS LOL! Cue me blinking around like a bitch and swearing like a trucker while stacking chill and setting up for a nice hit).

Edit: Also, PvP is currently broken as bleep. Lookie look! A DC! Free kill score, yay! Also, it is amusing the system currently rewards being a bitch and not helping your team in a tactical manner. Are half of my dudes fighting all the other dudes? Cool! I'll go cap this out-of-the-way point with my other dudes to get 300 points each instead of helping fight the other dudes and save our middle point for less than 200 total. LOL, fuck strategy I want my glory.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I haven't tried out Ice DPS options, but I've been doing fairly well with my same old Renegade AoE build. Shield Pulse for instance deals around 7k damage on average, and builds up over one-third of the Action Point die if the mob was of decent size. As for my quick gear-up in PvP, I used a different build there, which was the standard cookie-cutter PvP at the time. After that I haven't visited PvP again at all.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
Well, PvP right now is all kinds of broken. Yeah, I know. Like, totally surprising coming from Cryptic and shit.

On the Thaumaturge Ice build I am kind of enjoying it. It does good damage and it is easy to use, but to be honest I am not just using it because of crazy DPS but also because it has a 'theme.' Right now 'Ice Wizard', 'd0rf-in-a-can', 'angry d0rf with huge sword', and 'angry orc with huge sword' seem to be the only 'thematic' builds there is. :(

I do still have some walking to do before finishing the build so maybe it will suck later. On the test character I am just about to reach the 'signature' skills for the build as I did plan it so we will see. I am 100% sure it will suck at 60 mostly because at that point is all about purple equipment and T-stacks so, yeah, I am not going to grind that much for a game I am not even sure I will be able to play in a few weeks. I guess I'll roll an angry d0rf-in-a-can to level up just in PvP then.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
I got one from the very first portal I bothered attending. I still have it up on the AH, I think I was asking like 30K AD for it. Obviously it hasn't sold yet.

If it's still there tonight I might pull it off and just send it to you IF you really just want one and don't already have a bunch of them stockpiled. Give me your name@handle again, Gerrard.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The Elven meta-quest sounds rather similar to New Romulus content.

EDIT: Also, we are now ready for Gauntlgrym. I joined us up with Delzoun Explorers, those noble Urists trying to incline a place where ITZ came. Luskans are a bunch of a decliners.


Feb 12, 2010
mexico of europe
just went for a quick harvest sweep of vellosk and got !!! 3 !!! yes THREE new alchemy ingriedients [from 17 nodes and 4 chests]

needlest to say it will be interesting and painfully slow grind coz good luck finding help on AH ... yes u guessed it thers no tabs for that shit there :)


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Got my first true taste of endgame content last night, running the epic doggy dungeon. Was previously just running the easier T1 dungeons.

It wasn't that it was especially hard -- we only wiped once on the final boss just because I think no one was concentrating enough on him to end the encounter -- it's just that I was rather humbled in terms of my kills and damage output for pretty much the first time. I was disappointingly mid-field in both. The GF led the whole way. He was a very good 13K gearscore (!) player who seemed to be very fast and very deadly. I felt rather inadequate but I guess that's to be expected against such an uber-equipped player.

I think it was a bit ironic that we did wipe once at the end with him in the party, though. I kind of wondered why he was even there, but I believe he might have been running with a guildmate. At least I was the last player to wipe!

Next up is T2 content, but I think I'll run Gauntlgrym with ya'all to try to gear up some more before that.

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