A blog by Marilyn Cooper, AKA James Joyce Junior in the real world
Rules of the Virtual World
1. Do not talk about Waifu Simulator
2. Do NOT talk about loverslab
3. We are Anonymous
4. There are no real rules against lulz.
5. If you are too retarded to do better than self-replicating cubes with shock pix and cringe SFX, GTFO.
6. All cyb0r is consensual because you can log off at any time.
7. If it looks like rape, you asked for it.
8. Against anyone from a Probe Team, rape is the only answer.
9. If you are too dumb to protect yourself against Mind Worm Sim scripts, you deserve mind rape.
10. Suffer not the Brony, the Furfag and the SJW to live.
11. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you
12. Nothing is indestructible.
13. If a building exists, it will be demolished.
14. Excessive construction means autism.
15. Hiking is for losers.
16. Walking is for LARPers
17. Flying at MACH9000+ is not cheating.
18. With Morganites, you lose.
19. Nothing is to be taken seriously
20. Only cowards play with pain simulation off
21. Only hardcore masochists play with pain simulation on
22. Smell simulation is shit. Literally.
23. If you shoot the other in the face, you lose the argument.
23.1. Does not apply to furfags, bronies or SJWs.
24. Every nigra is 100% white
25. Every cracka is a nigger who thinks he is 100% white.
26. Every AZN is a weeaboo.
27. Every nigger is an AZN insecure about penis size.
28. Every injun is a Gaian.
29. Every man is a woman
31. A real man as a virtual chick doing a real woman as a virtual man is heterosexual sex in the missionary position.
32. Putting on a robe and a wizard hat increases your odds of getting laid by 1000%
33. For every square meter, there is one cubic kilometer of porn
34. If something exists, there is porn of it.
35. You gonna get raped, then love it.
36. If something exists, someone is having sex with it.
37. DDoSing the Virtual World is like pissing in an ocean of piss.
38. If you say Desu, you will get shot.
39. If you say Doge, you will get shot.
40. If you literally and actually say literally and actually, you will get shot.
41. If you spout a forced meme, you will get shot.
42. Everything is a repost.
44. Nothing is sacred
45. Saying anything positive about the Hive makes you a weeaboo and a commie.
46. Every shitpost contributes to the security of University networks.
47. The pool is always closed.