Guadsmen that survive the horrors or the 41st millenium aren't the ones most proficient in combat, or those that are simply smart or handsome. They are the lucky ones, who stood at the right point in a battle, had a lucky hit on a stronger opponent or were lucky enough to be granted mercy, where none should have been expected.
Personally, I don't think the Inquisitor is tainted at all. He got rid of almost all witness who most certainly died in the refinery, and now he tried to get rid of us too. He wants to be left alone, considering he didn't even tell us something about the enemy that caused the whole situation, even though he certainly knows what we're facing. Which basically means it is something that should be kept low profile. Although the comissar is more likely to be a BRO, it's no big deal for our friend Nils to get rid of him too, especially after meeting up with us. He'll just claim that the comissar is tainted aswell, or pull some psyker shit again, and thats that. The LG on the other hand may not believe us, but we don't need him to. Considering that his whole ship, and probably the whole planet is at stake here, and so far there's only been little information at all, he will either be informed what caused the whole mess down on the planet by the Inquisitor himself, or he'll be taking into account every little piece of information he can get his hands onto. Either way, there's plenty of room for a single guardsmen to get a second chance, and the LG probably knows more about the shit the Inquisition pulls off every thursday than anyone else on this ship. Or I'm totally wrong.
Also, I don't think the Inquisitor had the little breach in his power armor that caused this whole shit repaired yet, so there might be some proof to support our story.
Btw, what happened to the provost that apparently got hit by the psychic attack aswell, or atleast felt some of it?