A turn based EotB2? If someone pulled this off that would be interesting for sure. It would be only a loose adaptation but still a fine idea.The module maker is so easy to use! Are you allowed to make anything you want or is licensing a concern? I wouldn't mind making an Eye of the Beholder 2 remake or something.
Dude probably meant Fizzy BubblechWhich one is Fizzarmelech?
You probably would do turning better with turning domain, it boosts the damage quite nicely at least early on . But that is in theory, I went with a cleric but this time magic, mystic.Argossian human bishop. Healbot. Surprisingly good with smite. Tried to focus on turning, but turning is meh. Domains: Healing, Magic, Reach.
I personally just don't like the tokens. I would have preferred if he found some way to stick with the old sprites and art-style of KOTC1 and improved them somewhat with some better, simple animations for attacking and casting and what not.
My custom token here disagrees
WHAT the fuck can I do to make this fight more manageable? I have tried to retreat to the small room behind the corridor, but a couple of people inevitably get left behind...
My custom token here disagrees
But which do you prefer, the foot or the brunette?
You probably would do turning better with turning domain, it boosts the damage quite nicely at least early on . But that is in theory, I went with a cleric but this time magic, mystic.Argossian human bishop. Healbot. Surprisingly good with smite. Tried to focus on turning, but turning is meh. Domains: Healing, Magic, Reach.
A propos or not, I remember a fun little bug from abandoned playthrough, maybe it's known and certainly is harmless:
In Finchbury, If you pay the spiders to release the boy and THEN return to the cave and kill the spiders, the boys becoming free scene plays again. Doesn't cause any problems, not even the ability to collect twice the prize.
The part of the item you are moving that registers in the game is the top left corner. So drag the top left corner into the inventory slot/another character's portrait, etc. and release the mouse button. The item will be moved/transferred.You might be drunk, we can't know, but you are also correct. It seems that the areas you need to drag an item to or click aren't identical (or are smaller) than the buttons you see on screen. I just have to do it slightly more precisely that in most other programs.is the inventory clunky or am I drunk already ? I have troubles drawing equipmen in the inventoty slots
Another one filtered by the tokens lol
I have no idea why people dislike them, the tokens have incredible visual clarity, makes the battlefield easy to read.
There are a lot less complaints about the art in competing D&D game Low Magic Age, even though it's kind of uninspired and sourced from some pre-done asset pack. Even though it uses static tile images without animations. Because it still represents the characters and monsters like a normal video game does, while KOTC2 just gives you some prosper fantasy clip art head floating in a circle.
Darth are you going mental now?There are a lot less complaints about the art in competing D&D game Low Magic Age, even though it's kind of uninspired and sourced from some pre-done asset pack. Even though it uses static tile images without animations. Because it still represents the characters and monsters like a normal video game does, while KOTC2 just gives you some prosper fantasy clip art head floating in a circle.
Have you played the game?
On a scale from 0 to 1000, Low Magic Age Encounter design rating is -2 000 000.
Dungeon exploration is also terrible.
Quest are generic fetch quests outside of the main story, which wasn't really interesting either last time I played.
You dislike the art, fine, enjoy LMA then...
By the way, are you a backer?
Because if you're not, you better shut your trap since Pierre never hid 2D animated sprites with the new extended bestiary was too expensive.
Anyway, the only way to fix it is to make a big donation, thanks in advance.
Darth are you going mental now?
"You can't criticise something because a different thing is worse in another product". What?
"You can only praise a game unless you are a backer". I seems that a customer that paid for a product cannot criticise it. It is an exclusive for backers only now!
<double Picard>.