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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Henry's coming to see us on February 11th


Apr 16, 2022
I was really hoping they would've reinvented the combat but it looks the same.


Sep 15, 2023

Interview with Vávra but no english subs. Some anon on /v/ translated some highlights but im unsure if hes legit or he is messing around:

Some info from Vavra himself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4q6fJZN7Ko (DANIEL VÁVRA o Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - Vše co potřebujete vědět!) [21:14]

>They do not know what kind of expansions they will make yet, as there is still work to do on the main game.

>Right now most of his work is playing the game and finding mistakes/bugs that include improving stuff that he thinks can be improved, and there are still many ways to improve the game before release.

>He thinks the game ran pretty well, and they are still optimizing. He also belive it will run better than the first game.

>There were three acts, and he finished the first one in 30h The second act should be slighlitly shorter than the first and third act.

I go take a shower will translate rest after dinner.


Oct 12, 2018
Fourth Rome
Master strike was the least of my problems, the godawful lock-on system was a much bigger issue. It looks way better now in the sequel, so hopefully dealing with groups of enemies won't be such a pain in the ass anymore.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Master strike was the least of my problems, the godawful lock-on system was a much bigger issue. It looks way better now in the sequel, so hopefully dealing with groups of enemies won't be such a pain in the ass anymore.
True forgot about that.

Anyway looks good so far


Sep 11, 2013
looks exactly the same as kcd, even has that bit of stutter every now and then :P

not complaining ofc, it looking exactly the same is mostly a positive thing. i did kinda hope they improved the facial animation and mocap but honestly it's just cherry on top and not a deal breaker in any way.
That's okay by me since it would mean my aging PC might have a shot at running it. Not ready to do any upgrading right now.


Jan 26, 2014
I only discovered this streamer few weeks ago, but she is amazing. The stream when she was speaking about the KCD2 event and flight to Prague was damn funny. Anyway here she speaks about the hands-on with the game

Interview with Vávra but no english subs.

Fun fact, the interviewer is Michal Rybka, legend of czech gaming journalism who also worked with Dan on Mafia 2 and some other games.
The translation is somewhat accurate, but inaccurate when it comes to those acts. Dan says that he found photos from 2012 where he explored Trosky so even back then he wanted that location to be in the game, then they came up with the three act structure for KCD1 where each act was supposed to be on its own map with some 20 hours gameplay. This was of course scrapped and KCD1 was only on one map, but with 100+ hours of gameplay. But effectively KCD2's two maps kinda like those "acts 2 and 3" from the days of yore. He says the Trosky map in KCD2 easily takes 30+ hours and has good finale and he says (jokingly) they could have released it as its own game and then Kuttenberg as a finale of the trilogy and make more money that way.


Jan 4, 2019
Wow, the game world looks extremely comfy. A breath of fresh air after so much unhistorical brown and grey in medieval stuff.


Aug 2, 2024
Pre-order bonus armor set seems to imply Polearms are usable.


Dec 15, 2016
I only discovered this streamer few weeks ago, but she is amazing. The stream when she was speaking about the KCD2 event and flight to Prague was damn funny. Anyway here she speaks about the hands-on with the game

girl straight up explained the beginning of the game in detail, ima spoiled, they might as well show it now


Jan 26, 2014
girl straight up explained the beginning of the game in detail, ima spoiled, they might as well show it now
I stopped the video when she started describing what she played. But then I saw some footage from the beginning in another video anyway.


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Interview: How Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is going bigger and getting better​

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is all set to immerse players in the medieval machinations of warring kings and lords all over again, when it comes out on 11th February 2025.

We’ve played a few hours of the game, experiencing its opening narrative twists, as well as leaping ahead to the big city of Kuttenberg and the broader historical RPG action – you can read all about that here – but we also got to sit down with Warhorse figurehead and PR Manager Tobias Stolz-Zwilling to talk about a game that’s been a whole console generation in the making.

TSA: It’s going to have been 7 years almost exactly between games, which is basically a full console generation which is a lot of time in terms of tech, gaming and people’s attitudes. As a developer, has your approach for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 changed compared to the original, beyond the studio simply getting so much bigger?

Tobias Stolz-Zwilling: Yes and no. No, it’s still very much the same kind of game, so we’re trying to stay true to Warhorse, stay true to KCD, and deliver what we believe is a true, authentic medieval experience, but then again, now with more people and the cushion of a successful KCD1, we can make things bigger – everyone always says it’s going to be bigger and better, but in our case we do have more people, we have the financial funding that can support the development, but we also have the technology and the skills now to bring stuff into the game that we couldn’t afford before.

For example, we and [Director] Daniel Vávra always wanted to have a city in the game, and in KCD1 they’re teasing and talking about how in Kuttenberg something is happening, but we simply couldn’t [go there], because we weren’t able to have more than a few people on screen, the task of building a huge medieval city was too big, and so in KCD1 we basically have a bunch of villages and one overblown village, which is Rattay. Compare Ratai to KCD2 and it’s like one street in Kuttenberg. Now we are confident to tackle bigger things and that is what I think has changed most.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ambush

TSA: You’ve almost already answered my next question, which is what ways KCD2 has changed from the original? The scope, of course, but are you sticking with the alchemy system, the style of combat and things like that?

Tobi: Yes, the scope is the easy answer, but pretty much every element from KCD1 is being tweaked, fine tuned and upgraded. Even the dice minigame will be deeper and there will be some badges you can earn.

I think the most prominent example is with the combat […] We said of KCD1 that combat was easy to learn but hard to master, and I think the hard to master we nailed, but the easy to learn, not so much. Many people liked it, but some struggled, so the idea now is to have different animators come to the studio so that they all feel different, but they ca also offer different playstyle. So if you want to play the intricate combat system, then you can take a sword and do all the combos and moves, but if you’re a character that doesn’t want to combat at all or want a more straightforward style, then there’s weapons like the mace where you pretty much just whack the opponent on the head!

Then in the UI there are less attacking zones, it’s a bit more straightforward, the combos are not so difficult, and so on. It’s also stayed true to each weapon historically and what it was used for – of course the crossbow was easier than a bow, that’s why they invented them, and of course a pole weapon is easier that fencing, that’s why they used them. The intent is for a more entertaining game that offers you this choice.

TSA: You mentioned hitting enemies on the head, and video game developers have got a rich tradition of exploding watermelons. Usually it’s for first person shooters, I think, but did you get through many watermelons during development?

Tobi: [laughs] I don’t want to spoil too much, but many watermelons were harmed!


TSA: It also feels like you’re taking a step forward in the storytelling and the cinematic stylings. Perhaps a lot of that is from experiencing the opening hours and getting people into the setting, but does that continue as the open world is exposed to you?

Tobi: Daniel Vávra is a huge cinematics fan, and one day wants to shoot a film himself, so of course you can see this in his games – you can also see this in Mafia and Mafia 2, his earlier products. He has this hand for dramatic scenes and sequences, and KCD 2 especially is not different.

In the beginning of the game, it’s a little bit more hands on and we bring you up to speed with the video sequences to introduce you to the game and the surroundings. This will be less through the rest of the game, however, I think we have 4, 5 or 6 hours of cinematics in the game, and they’re extremely powerful and important for us to deliver the story. We have a 100 hour game, after all, and it’s a story driven game first, and an action RPG and the fighting and so on, so therefore the cinematics are very important.

TSA: I like that you can really put Henry and Sir Hans together as two characters that have a lot of growing up to do in this game.

Tobi: And that’s what makes them so lovely! Hans Capon in the first game, if you check on Reddit and so on, most people are saying the same: “I hated this dude in the beginning, but then he became my most loved character!”

He had this interest arc in KCD where he became a friend to Henry, but still there’s the difference where he is a noble and Henry is a Squire, a bastard. This is still present, but KCD2 will focus strongly on the bromance between those two, as they face terrible situations through the game where they’re on the edge of surviving (maybe even further), and that’s a dramatic part that we have a big focus on.

Henry, in KCD1, pretty much solved everything by himself, but in KCD2 that will not be the case. He will find out very quickly that he needs friends and he needs other misfits to get things done.

TSA: I get the feeling that Hans would like Henry to still sort everything out for them! [laughs]

How important is that you kept Mutt in the game? Was that a day one addition to the plan?

Tobi: Yes, and you can finally pet him! That was a big thing and even our own guys said we have to have a pettable dog, and to go one further, we have a petable horse as well, which is great.

Some of the perks and stats we are taking over to KCD 2, like the dog for instance or Henry being able to read – it doesn’t make sense to make him learn to read all over again – however, things like combat and other intricate things, he has to rediscover.

I like to say it’s like he’s the champion of a Sunday league, but now he’s going to the Premier League, so he will suck at most things in comparison. However, he now knows how to play soccer, but now needs to step up the game to deal with armies, knights, lords, nobility and so on. It’s not like he forgot everything, it’s more like he needs to refine his skills.

TSA: He didn’t just take a mace to the head and forget stuff.

Tobi: Exactly.


TSA: There’s obviously still areas that you might still be able to improve and add in future, so you talked about not having jousting in the game, which I’m sure a lot of people would be nagging you to do. Is that the main thing that is still on the wish list?

Tobi: Honestly, I think everything that’s in the game and everything that’s not in the game is exactly as intended by Warhorse – this is how we do it, this is what we wanted to deliver, and we are looking forward to getting this out.

Jousting and these things are coming from fans that are very often used to Hollywood scenes, like A Knight’s Tale. Yes, jousting was a thing in the Middle Ages, but it definitely wasn’t as present as people might think…

TSA: Also, it was probably just for the rich folks.

Tobi: For the very rich folks. For the nobility mainly, and even then, when they were participating, it was a problem because you were actually hurting a nobleman!

But there will be tournaments: swordfighting tournaments, archery tournaments, horse tournaments and so on and so on. There will be cool stuff in there, but jousting would be a bit like a Quidditch game for Harry Potter. Of course everyone wanted Quidditch in there, but…

TSA: I mean, jousting you can understand, but Quidditch is impossible to figure out how to make into a workable game!

Tobi: Just catch the golden ball! [laughs]

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Kuttenberg

TSA: Lastly, I was wondering about big picture for Kingdom Come. Obviously you will tell a story of its own in KCD2, but is there still another chapter in a grander saga? I’m not sure you’re allowed to say right now…

Tobi: I’m allowed to say anything! KCD1 ended with a cliffhanger, and KCD2 will end a story, but I don’t tell you which story. What the future brings, we don’t know yet.

In our history at Warhorse, we had two sink or swim situations. One was the Kickstarter, and the other was the release of KCD, because even then we weren’t sure if it would be a success or not. it’s not a sink or swim situation anymore, knocking on wood, but we have to wait and see how KCD2 performs. I am positive, I think the game is great and in very good shape already.

I can tell you already that Warhorse tries to aim to get bigger. We want more people, have bigger studios and again tackle bigger challenges.


Atomkrieg, ja bitte
Feb 24, 2011
Nordic Mongolia
Wasteland 2
I might just buy my first Collector's Edition since Witcher 2. :eek: (And before that it was New Vegas and W1). Just because it's been years I have been this excited for a game.

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