Where is my fucking Gold Box SSI games KS?
What do you want done to them? Surely any ks for them would probably stuff it up and make the ios ports with voiceovers or somesuch?
Where is my fucking Gold Box SSI games KS?
IceBlink engine?Where is my fucking Gold Box SSI games KS?
IceBlink engine?Where is my fucking Gold Box SSI games KS?
Added.Antharion gives it another try: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/879484120/antharion-an-old-school-rpg
Already signaled, people didn't seem very thrilled about it.Days of Dawn http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bumblebee/days-of-dawn - open world RPG in the vein of the old Ultima and Final Fantasy games, with beautyful hand-drawn graphics
Same as above.WASDIO http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matterdaddy/wasdiotm-the-pc-game-controller-for-action-games - peripheral that wants to replace the keyboard for PC gaming
Fixed, thanks for signaling it.Kz3r0 You've listed Limit Theory in the Quick Links section but forgot to list it to the Space Simulators section.
Bumping this because you fucks will give your money to another project rtwp instead.War for the Overworld - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/subterraneangames/war-for-the-overworld - "We've fused together the best components from the RTS and god game genres to create War for the Overworld; here you will find familiar elements from Dungeon Keeper, Overlord, StarCraft and Evil Genius."
Bumping this because you fucks will give your money to another project rtwp instead.War for the Overworld - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/subterraneangames/war-for-the-overworld - "We've fused together the best components from the RTS and god game genres to create War for the Overworld; here you will find familiar elements from Dungeon Keeper, Overlord, StarCraft and Evil Genius."
Its pretty much Freelancer crossed with X3 has proceedural generation and its already met it's goal.
Yeah, that sounds interesting but the models look late-'90s/early-2000s bad. If they manage to pull off everything they're promising, I'll learn to live with the fugly graphics because I think the ideas aren't bad at all.Consortium is an FPS set in space, with adventure and RPG-lite elements, and C&C. Got System Shock 2 and Deus Ex vibes from the video; it also has timed dialogue like TWD. Looks interesting.
Its pretty much Freelancer crossed with X3 has proceedural generation and its already met it's goal.
You're right. I pledged more than a week ago, but it's nice to see other people taking notice of this game.Pledged. This is the perfect example of the kind of developer who truly needs and deserves support. He's young, he has a strong vision, he gave an excellent pitch, he has a lot to show already, and he wants to make the kind of games pre-consolization players like to play.
We need as many of him as we can get, stat. Dig deep.
Exactly like me.Even after I stopped actively playing tabletop RPGs—not enough time, couldn't find a group of dorksenough for my taste, et cetera—I enjoyed collecting and reading core rulebooks and sourcebooks for quite a while.
I sort of like the graphics, it's like the pixel art of 3D.Yeah, that sounds interesting but the models look late-'90s/early-2000s bad. If they manage to pull off everything they're promising, I'll learn to live with the fugly graphics because I think the ideas aren't bad at all.Consortium is an FPS set in space, with adventure and RPG-lite elements, and C&C. Got System Shock 2 and Deus Ex vibes from the video; it also has timed dialogue like TWD. Looks interesting.
I sort of like the graphics, it's like the pixel art of 3D.Yeah, that sounds interesting but the models look late-'90s/early-2000s bad. If they manage to pull off everything they're promising, I'll learn to live with the fugly graphics because I think the ideas aren't bad at all.Consortium is an FPS set in space, with adventure and RPG-lite elements, and C&C. Got System Shock 2 and Deus Ex vibes from the video; it also has timed dialogue like TWD. Looks interesting.
However, my concern is that they won't be able to pull off what they're claiming. They don't talk about their writing credentials at all.
From the very beginning of this project we’ve believed that MUSIC is one of the most important storytelling tools we have at our disposal. This is why we have on our team who we believe to be the single greatest game composer in history – JEREMY SOULE.
From the very beginning of this project we’ve believed that MUSIC is one of the most important storytelling tools we have at our disposal. This is why we have on our team who we believe to be the single greatest game composer in history – JEREMY SOULE.