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That dancing genie looks like it would make a fine emoticon for the Codex![]()
Have mixed feelings about this, really wish Eagle Dynamics would focus on their modern-day study sims.Legendary flight simulation designers Oleg Maddox, Ilya Shevchenko, and Igor Tishin, are excited to bring you a new WWII flight simulation for the PC. Built by industry veterans with the same approach that made the famous flight sims of the past great, and in partnership with the experts at the Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics, the simulation aims to satisfy seasoned aces as well as attract new pilots to the genre.
That looks very intriguing indeed - I'm getting a Call of Cthulhu vibe from it. I agree some more gameplay footage would be nice but I'll probably back it.http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/failbetter/sunless-sea?ref=category
Looks interesting, but I wish they showed a bit more of the gameplay.
I'm not convinced yet.
Posting in this thread to laugh at Ambrov X. Hope they weren't expecting to succeed.
Here's the text send out to Kickstarter backers:
"I'm going to go ahead and link everyone to this thread, since it's easier if we all start from the same page.
As was noted when I started said thread, things with the project have not been going so well. I was running into increasingly large problems with continuing with the development of the game engine in Python, and after doing some basic experimentation with switching over to another engine (Unity being the main candidate), it became obvious that going ahead with such a move would set me back probably two or three years' worth of work.
On top of that, I'm not finding myself as enthusiastic about the project as I was at the time of the campaign. Since there's nothing I can really do to 'make' myself enthused, that's simply the reality of the matter.
Facing reality, I want to pay back the debts I owe as a result of this campaign and move on with life. I am not satisfied with letting it sit here and stew for any longer than necessary. On the other hand it's going to take some time to be able to offer refunds, but I fully intend to make that happen as soon as I'm able. Considering that, as a result of the campaign being successful, I lived off of a salary of ~$14,500 (which was what I ended up taking away after KS, Amazon, taxes, and contractor fees) for roughly a year, I'm not exactly in the best situation financially right now. There is no point in lying about the matter. I guess this does show that there is some risk to backing a Kickstarter for something so ambitious (especially a single-dev project), and that one should not launch a project unless they really understand the pitfalls involved. I may well end up writing a book about the experience.
One thing I want to make clear is that I am not just throwing my hands up and saying 'well, I failed, too bad'. I understand there was (and is) an obligation and I am not walking away from it. I will work hard in whatever way I possibly can to restore the funds.
As for the source code and game resources, as I have previously made clear, I am willing to make those open source or allow an interested developer(s) to make use of them.
My apologies,
Not to defend the guy but, yes, if you are not business savy or, worst, you folow Kickstarter's guidelines that figures as taxable income, it's not the first time that happens.Amazon and KS is 10%, so that's about $30,600 leftover, and do you actually have to pay taxes on kickstarter payments? .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/cameron...g-kickstarters-policies-cause-irs-tax-audits/Could Kickstarter's Policies Trigger An IRS Tax Audit?
Everyone took either rocket guy or machine gunner and abused it. Damn cheaters.The co-op mode where you each controlled 2 guys and fought 5 cpu soldiers was one of the most fun things ever.
River City Ransom Sequel!
This looks pretty cool - RCR was always one of my favorite games on the NES.
I just watched the pitch, it's not really what I'm looking for. It sounds like he wants to make a full blown real time tactics game when the genius of the first one was that it was an action game with light tactical elements.http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/388449021/general-chaos-ii-sons-of-chaos
Spent endless hours with friends in my childhood playing this on SEGA but sequel looks like shit in terms of graphics. Maybe due to pre-al;pha footage.
70K already, looks like it's going to be a success.Harebrained is back with GOLEM ARCANA: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1613260297/golem-arcana
Our thread is in the Gazebo btw: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/golem-arcana-harebrained-schemes-next-ks.85015/
It doesn't add anything, it's just stupid gimmick for people to look hip playing tabletop games.I really don't think adding all that crap to tabletop games gives much advantage. I could understand it for games like Battletech which have incredibly tedious rules to process, but boardgames have long since moved beyond such clumsiness. From looking at him using that it seems it would be more disruptive to the flow than anything else.