How about some constructive input man instead of just repeating that others are wrong, that POE is hot sauce and mindlessly labeling divergent opinions retarded?
I'm simply very tired of the repeated ad nausea blatant, nonsense lies and misinformation concerning Deadfire. About its "overbalancing", about how stats don't matter, about how people are not allowed to have fun with it or how there no broken builds or items in the game.
Its okay for people to have legitimate complaints with the game: how the main quest sucks, how the players have no agency in the story, how small most side/exploration locations are, how bare bones and repeatable and/or how unnecessary/futile the ship combat is.
Heck, even the combat might be divisive. Indeed, there are many enemies that are too bullet-spongy and the number of active abilities and effects makes it quite difficult to read and follow - outside of playing in slow mode and constant pausing. Despite this, it feels satisfying and fun for me. But I enjoy seeing the character's power develop and grow, discovering and exploiting broken combos and the micro-management aspect - still understand that some people may think differently.
But calling it overbalanced and bland? That's simply spreading false rumors. Blatant lying.
Or maybe trying to grasp the golden ideal of IE games from one's memories - one that never really existed.
For me, PoE is a better game then Baldur's Gate. There, I wrote it. Outside mage gameplay, BG combat was limited and not particularly fun. With flat, one dimensional character building from outdated 2nd ed. ADnD and non-mages being glorified road-blocks to enemies, with nothing exciting to do, but swing their shiny swords.