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Indie Strategy Games - post 'em if you find 'em


May 21, 2014
Codex USB, 2014
May 8, 2018


Main Features
  • A 3D Realistic World Map of more than 10,000 Provinces representing at the best the geographical, topological and meteorological conditions of the early 20th Century
  • A Political System depicting accurately and historically the geopolitical situation in the 1910s with all the Historical Leaders faithfully represented
  • Administrative Laws and Multiple levels of Autonomy will change the way you play whether you are at the head of an Empire, a Sovereign Nation or Semi-Independent State
  • Historical Events, National Decisions and Decrees will confront you with choices that may have repercussions on your country and your neighbors
  • More than 250 Technologies to research and more than 300 Military Equipments
  • Steal Technologies, conduct Espionage Missions, Sabotage Warehouses or sow discord among your Enemies by inciting Revolts
  • A personalized Production System that will help you better guide your productions of equipments and food for your soldiers but also for your population, wich, if not well provided, could show discontent that could harm you in the long term
  • Supply Lines that will need to be developed and maintained to allow your Armies to be properly supplied to face your Enemies in the best possible conditions
  • Manage and Organize your Corps, Armies, Fleets and Squadrons by appointing your best Military Officers at key positions
  • Surround an enemy Division to make Prisoners of War (POWs) and use them in your industries as a labour force.
  • Order Chemicals Attacks and Bombard your enemies from the ground, the sky and the sea
  • A Dynamic Worldwide Economy that will allow you, depending on the needs of your Civilian and Military Industries, to Buy and Sell raw materials

May 8, 2018

Pre-Register for Romans - http://www.playromans.com/

We have just announced Romans: Age of Caesar, a co-operative grand strategy MMO and spiritual successor to our online castle builder Stronghold Kingdoms. Pre-registration for the game’s first closed Alpha is now open, with our announcement trailer revealing Romans to prospective governors worldwide!

Building on Stronghold Kingdoms’ unique MMO design, Romans: Age of Caesar is an online co-op city builder with thousands of players working together to rebuild Rome. The result is a shared world builder that returns to the classic Roman setting designer Simon Bradbury and producer Eric Ouellette made their name with before founding Firefly Studios in 1999.

In Romans players must rebuild the empire as they share resources, re-establish trade routes and protect their cities from barbarian invasion. Experience classic city builder gameplay online across on an entire continent as you build, trade and fight together with 15 other players in each city. Revive the republic and restore the Roman Empire to its former glory!

Planned for both PC and mobile with full cross-platform play, Romans: Age of Caesar is scheduled to release later this year.


Game Analist
Apr 18, 2016
I've been playing Empires of the Undergrowth lately.

It's very good, but sadly, I wish it was more "colony sim" and not straight RTS.


Mar 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
This is what I've been looking for in a wargame since... well, since Perfect General probably. My idea was to make one where you're the shah of the Persian Empire and you have to plan an invasion years in advance since you have to get grain, weapons, etc. stockpiled and it takes you 6 months to get a message out to the ends of your empire. It would be good as edutainment I guess but I never was sure it would actually be fun.

I don't think this guy has any idea how much work goes into making UI though. Everyone has good ideas for gameplay, but coming up with an interface that works and is feasible to program is hard.


Nov 17, 2017
The Dead City
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I have a soft spot for games like these but damn, Slitherine/Matrix/whatever make them and drop them really fast otherwise if they are not vastly successful. I still haven't tried out Aggressors: Ancient Rome and I don't see much happening with that game in updates or similar.
May 8, 2018
Warplan is an incredibly accurate World War 2 simulation engine. It is a balance of realism and playability incorporating the best from 50 years of World War 2 board wargaming.

Developer Kraken Studios places their emphasis on games that are… Easy to use, hard to win.

Warplan employs one of the best interfaces to lower micromanagement as much as possible so players can focus on playing and thinking.

Recreate World War II in every detail, thanks to the huge engine flexibility and database.


  • 70 different potential countries
  • Map scale 30 miles / 50km per hex using a Peter's map scaling which better represents real distances
  • Land scale 15k - 60k men
  • Air scale 300-400 air craft
  • Naval scale 2 capital ships + support ships


20 different units with 15 different attributes, 17 different technological advancements, 5 different specialties. Each country has their own units with their own attributes.

  • Breakdown - Land units can be split or reformed. Corps may detach a division, armies may split.
  • Formation – Small formations may be grouped into larger ones.
  • Generals - Each player comes with their own generals that affect combat, mobile attack, and retreats.
  • Support pool Units - 11 different support types


  • Naval units stack in fleets.
  • 1 land, 1 air, 1 fleet per hex.


  • Production points,
  • oil, manpower,
  • Logistics,
  • strategic resources,
  • trade agreements,
  • convoy zones


  • 17 different advancements
  • Each unit has at minumum 2 advancement choices.
  • 47 different unit configurations.


Land units have the capacity of having a specialization. This is an attachment of equipment, elite trained units, or gear. With advancements this allows for 120 different land unit configurations


Supply system is based on cities, rail, ports, headquarters, and distance from railways. The supply system more accurately represents the North African Campaign.


Players may declare war, influence, attempt a coup, or negotiate a surrender. Each country has a loyalty and an entry level. Actions in game may alter the entry and loyalty of various countries.


  • Hex based map and movement.
  • 15 different types of terrains subdivided in to sizes with each different features including motorized and non-motorized movement, airfield capacity, and defensive bonuses.
  • 12 different resource types
  • 5 different strategic resources
  • Fog of War – detection levels determine information of units.
  • 5 different weather conditions


  • Land - Multihex attack based on operation points allowing for multiple move and attack tactics allowing for frontline breakthroughs.
  • Zone of control – Use of ZoC restricts the movement of the enemy.
  • Air – Attacks selected targets and may automatically support land attacks
  • Naval – fleet and raider modes affect detection. Night action, Surface, Sub, and Carrier combat are available


Units automatically repair and get advancements simulate realistic conditions allowing players to focus on strategy and play.


  • play vs the A.I.,
  • hotseat,
  • PBEM.


WarPlan includes an editor to allow modding and creation of scenarios

Your name is unknown. Your deed is immortal - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Moscow)

WarPlan is a game like few others. It is more than a WWII game. It’s a tool. Merging the experience of 50 years in wargaming, WarPlan puts in players’ hands the control of virtually everything.

Supply System, Production, Politics, Military operations and many other layers are offered to you thanks the great engine flexibility.

Today, developer Kraken Studios and Matrix Games are proud to announce that WarPlan has reached the Beta Phase, so if you think you have what it takes to help polishing and testing don’t miss this incredible opportunity and join the Beta now!

















May 8, 2018


Main Features
  • A 3D Realistic World Map of more than 10,000 Provinces representing at the best the geographical, topological and meteorological conditions of the early 20th Century
  • A Political System depicting accurately and historically the geopolitical situation in the 1910s with all the Historical Leaders faithfully represented
  • Administrative Laws and Multiple levels of Autonomy will change the way you play whether you are at the head of an Empire, a Sovereign Nation or Semi-Independent State
  • Historical Events, National Decisions and Decrees will confront you with choices that may have repercussions on your country and your neighbors
  • More than 250 Technologies to research and more than 300 Military Equipments
  • Steal Technologies, conduct Espionage Missions, Sabotage Warehouses or sow discord among your Enemies by inciting Revolts
  • A personalized Production System that will help you better guide your productions of equipments and food for your soldiers but also for your population, wich, if not well provided, could show discontent that could harm you in the long term
  • Supply Lines that will need to be developed and maintained to allow your Armies to be properly supplied to face your Enemies in the best possible conditions
  • Manage and Organize your Corps, Armies, Fleets and Squadrons by appointing your best Military Officers at key positions
  • Surround an enemy Division to make Prisoners of War (POWs) and use them in your industries as a labour force.
  • Order Chemicals Attacks and Bombard your enemies from the ground, the sky and the sea
  • A Dynamic Worldwide Economy that will allow you, depending on the needs of your Civilian and Military Industries, to Buy and Sell raw materials


First Devlog - Economy and Trades Explained

Hello Everyone!

First of all, a big THANK YOU to our first Patrons. You can't imagine how much it means for us. We would also like to thank the people who shared, liked and relayed our Announcement Trailer of Fields of History. Thanks to your support, we will be able to make it known to more and more Grand Strategy players.

With this first Devlog, we inaugurate the beginning of a series of Devlogs in which we will keep you informed of what we're integrating, developing and planing in the game and also explaining to you the different games mechanics.

Speaking of games mechanics, we consider that not only the military aspect is important but also all the economical aspect.
During the First World War, the economy had a major role and we want it to be as important in the game as it was back in time.

To avoid an unmanageable number of resources, we have decided to group these resources into six categories.


  • Coal - At the beginning of the 20th century, Coal was one of the most used resources by the civilian industry and military-industrial complex and was also needed and consumed by the civilians for their basics needs. Many ships were also operating with it, combustion engines were not yet generalized.
  • Crude Oil - During the 1910s, the price of Oil dramatically increased as a result of a growing demand from the industries and transports. Having Crude Oil is not enough, it's also necessary that your industry has the capacity to refine it in order to be used by your armies and also by civilians.
  • Organics Matters - Organics Matters is a term used to group together products from agriculture (wheat, rice, corn, meat, etc.) and those from forestry (hardwoods, softwoods, beams, planks, etc.). They will be used to produce supplies to feed your soldiers. Vital for your population, if deprived for too long, it could cause a famine.
  • Rubber - We preferred to put Rubber out of the Organics Matters regarding its strategic importance. Indeed, unlike other products, Rubber is difficult to replace. For example, in the absence of wheat, people can replace it with rice while you will have a hard time driving a car with wooden wheels.
  • Metal - Instead of distinguishing different metals and alloys, we preferred to group them in one category. However, in order to represent the rarity of some metals used for the production of sophisticated facilities and equipments, you will also need to have Rare Materials.
  • Rare Materials - Rare Materials are used to group and represent the rare strategic resources (nickel, magnesium, tungsten, platinum, etc.) needed during wartime. In the event of a prolonged war, it will not be surprising to see its price reach peaks.
Of course, all these resources can be stockpiled to anticipate less lenient times.


We have implemented a charts system showing you how prices have evolved over the past few days, weeks, and months. With these charts you'll be able to get a better understanding of the global economy. You can decide to stock your resources and sell them later expecting higher prices or sell them at the market price bail out your finances.

Diplomatic relations will affect the price and the quantities that you can buy. A country in good terms with you will be more inclined to accept an offer under the market price. On the contrary, bad relation will make things more complicated.

You will not be able to exploit all the resources present on your controlled territories. For example, if you take control of a region by force, the discontent of the population will come into account. If you don't intervene to restore order, resources extractions may be affected. In the same way with your colonies where it will be necessary to handle the art of the compromise between overharvesting them or by investing in a long term development policy.


The skills of the Minister you appoint at the head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance will influence your trade.

If the economical aspect bothers you, know that you will be able to entrust to your Minister the full responsibility of trading. He will then take care of your deals by following your instructions.

Transactions are not instantaneous in Fields of History. We sought to have a realistic freight transportation system. When engaging in a trade, you will first have to choose the transport modes, by sea or by land. Road transport is the safest but also the slowest and the least profitable. On the other hand, the sea transport has a lot of advantages. Cargo ships can transport large amounts of resources and allow you to reduce fees. However building cargo ships is an investment. If you are not careful they could become easy targets and in case of a blockade on your ports, they will not be able to deliver their goods.

About blockades and embargoes. Blockades falls under your Navy. You will be able to position your fleets in front of enemies ports and thus asphyxiate them economically.

Meanwhile, your Ministry of Foreign Affairs can decree embargoes. It's a political decision that allows you to cut the ties commercially with a country.

You will also be able to intercept the convoys of your enemies by positioning your ships and submarines along sea lanes that you have previously spotted thanks to the infiltration work of your spies. Be careful to not sink neutral ships by ordering an unrestricted submarine warfare.

That's all for today. We hope that you liked this first Devlog. Don't hesitate to share you thoughts in the comments and if you want to help us don't forget to talk about Fields of History around you and to share our Patreon page.

Take care and see you for the next Devlog!

Devlog #2 - Military Organization

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our second Devlog. Before we begin, we hope you enjoyed our first Devlog (about Economy and Trade) will have given you a first idea on Fields of History.

Today we will explain the military organization.


We have thought for a long time about everything that concerns military management. Very important in a strategy game, it's an essential point in Fields of History.

We wanted a system which allows to have a realistic management of the armies without annoying the player with countless sub-menus which can ruin the gaming experience. After several weeks of reflections and interrogations, we think that we've managed to develop this part of the game by having found a middle ground between gameplay, complexity and historical accuracy.

In addition, it provides a quick and comprehensive overview of the global structure of your armies.


It's always in this ergonomics perspective that we created the interface of the Headquarters.

For the ground forces, for example, we have integrated several levels of command for your generals.

At the head of your General Staff (Oberste Heeresleitung in the Imperial German Army) you will have to appoint the Commander-in-Chief and the Quartermaster General. They will only answer to your Minister of War and will allow you to determine a doctrine that will have to be followed by the Generals of Armies under their command.


You will be able to appoint at the head of each of your armies a general. His skills will determine the maximum number of Corps that he can command effectively. In addition, each Army General will apply a Strategy that you can choose according to his abilities and the situation.

Finally the lowest level of command for a general is the one of Corps General. Present on the ground, in contact with his men, the Corps General can react faster but also is more likely to be wounded in combat.

His command ability will be essential to defend strategic points and to carry out offensives.

You don't have to assign all your units to Corps, but leaving them without any command may have serious consequences for your Divisions, Regiments and Companies. Indeed poorly supervised troops could quickly retreat in a difficult situation, or even capitulate in the worst case and be made prisoners of war by your enemies.


Note that among the units assigned to the XV Corps, you can see different flags that don't match the French flag.

For some Empires and Countries, you will have the possibility to recruit local troops (like the Bavarians in the German Empire) and/or indigenous troops (like the Senegalese Tirailleurs for France).

This is a feature that we always wanted to integrate into FoH because, in addition to the historical accuracy, it provides you opportunities to customize your armies.

We have already modelized and textured a lot of these units such as the French Foreign Legion, the Askaris, the British Indian soldiers and many more.

Each general is unique and has his own traits.

A general like Robert Nivelle will be more inclined to push his men into the battle at the cost of heavy losses while a general like Paul von Hindenburg, more strategist, will be better to conduct encirclement and flanking Strategies.

Battles after battles, your units will gain experience. In addition to making your units more experienced, which will improve their capabilities (Cohesion, Precision, Discipline, etc.), a part of this experience will be attributed to the Corps General directly commanding this unit but also to the Army General of this Corps.

It will allow your generals to gain levels which will give them the ability to command more Corps and units as well as use more complex Strategies on the battlefield.


We will talk in more details about the Strategies and how they work in a future Devlog. We hope you share our vision of the military organization. Feel free to share with us your feedback in the comments.

Have a nice weekend!

Devlog #3 - Regions & Provinces

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this third Devlog of Fields of History: The Great War. Today we want to discuss about how Regions and Provinces work by explaining in detail the various information attached to them.


A Region is a group of Provinces. When we created the map, we took into account the historical borders (Prussia, Bavaria, Alsace, Balkans, etc.) but also the political links that brought many geographical changes. We have, for example, attached the Comoros to Madagascar because at the time this region of the world depended on the authority of the Colony of Madagascar and dependencies and we also attached the Réunion to it for Gameplay reason to facilitate the supply line in this region.

We did the same for different regions of the world (Ceylon, Macau, Hong Kong, etc.), always trying to combine ergonomics and history.


Through different filters (Alliances, Empires, States, Diplomatic, etc.), you can display the map of the world from different perspectives in order to better distinguish information that interest you.

When you click on a Province, a menu will open and you will quickly get several information.


Let's start with the title of this menu, it's the name of the Region and preceded by the flag of the country that controls it. Then come other more specific information.

  • Type & Population - The Type defines the level of development of the Region and the Population defines the number of inhabitants.
  • Claim - Allows you to easily see which countries have claims on the Region.
  • An icon representing Factories: The industrial capacity of a Region depends on its Factories. This capacity is represented by levels ranging from 0 to 10.
  • Resources - We had already spoken about it in the First Devlog, the Resources present in a Region are listed here, indicating for each its type and amount.
  • An icon representing Warehouses - The storage capacity of a Region depends on its Warehouses. This capacity is represented by levels ranging from 0 to 10.


Let's continue with the information specific to the selected Province.

  • Owner - Displays the country currently controlling the Province.
  • Worth - The Worth represents the strategic importance (both economic and military) of a Province. The more important a Province is, the more its capture by a foreign power will impact the morale of the country that has lost it. Losing too many Provinces will gradually shift your country towards surrender.
  • Unrest - During a Revolt or following a Military Occupation, the local population will be able to show their discontent. If it's too high, you will be confronted with uprisings that could disrupt the economy of the Region. You will need to dispatch Military Police to restore order.
  • Trenches - Digged and built by your soldiers, the Trenches offer you a fast defensive solution as well as protection against harsh climates. They require constant maintenance and can be damaged by several factors (shellings, battles, naval and air bombing, etc.). The climate will also deteriorate them over time. Trenches that are no longer maintained or even abandoned will gradually become unusable.
  • Local Time - Indicates the local time of the Province (based on Coordinated Universal Time). The day and night cycle does not depend on the clock but on the seasons and on the position of the Province in compared to the Sun.
  • An icon representing Infrastructures - Very important in the game, Infrastructures allow you to move your troops more quickly but also to reduce the transport costs of your supplies. Developing a road and rail network will play a lot during wars.
  • An icon representing Defensive Structures - Defensive Structures (Bunkers, Land Forts, Coastal Forts) are much more expensive than Trenches but have the advantage of being permanent if you pay for maintenance costs. They are not invulnerable, breaking down these strongholds will require several days of intensive bombing and repeated assaults.
  • Terrain - Indicates the geographical and topological conditions of the Province.
  • An icon representing Airstrips - Totally new at the beginning of the century, Airstrips and Airfields are essential structures needed for all air operations.
  • An icon representing Ports - Your Fleets need to be attached to a Port to be able to operate at sea and to be refueled. You will also need Shipyards to build your ships.
  • Weather - Allows you to quickly know the temperature and weather conditions.


That's all for this Devlog, we hope it has given you a better understanding of how the Regions and Provinces work in FoH.

We'll see you again next year for a new Devlog and we already wish you a Merry Christmas and also memorable end-of-year celebrations!

2018 Year in Review

Hello everyone!

Today this post is a bit special. Indeed, to start this new year, we wanted to make a summary of 2018 and talk about what we are planning for the coming year. Before we begin, we wish you all a very Happy New Year 2019 which, we hope, will be full of good news and joy for you!

2018 was a year full of changes for us, unlike the previous years, it was a year almost exclusively dedicated to one project, Fields of History: The Great War. From January to October included, we have greatly improved the Wolf Engine, our game engine, and also learned a lot. Among these improvements, the most notable are:

  • The integration of 3D Models and their Animations
  • The programming of Artificial Intelligence that has given us a hard time and remains an everyday job
  • Thread management and calculation distributions to take advantage of the power of the new AMD and Intel multi-core processors that allow us to have and keep a homogeneous game speed
  • The creation and integration of a game-specific internal clock going from -5000 BC to 3000 AD and allowing us to trigger certain News and Events for specific times and conditions


As for the months of November and December, it was different. November was very symbolic for us. In addition to being the Centenary of the Armistice of Compiègne, it was also the announcement of Fields of History: The Great War. Announcing a new project is always a source of stress, anguish and pride, and this announcement was no exception. FoH being the biggest project we've had so far, we wanted to do things right. Afterthought, two months later, we are quite happy with the result. You have welcomed the news, you have shown us your support and we thank you once again for that.

The end of November and the month of December was a mix between the continuation of the development and the presentation of the game. We published our first Devlogs, which allowed us to expose, explain and share our vision of the game.
We were also able to enjoy the end of year holidays with our loved ones and take a few days off.


Of course we still have a lot of work to do but we are more motivated than ever, especially since we have been featured on many websites (Rock Paper Shotgun, La Gazette du wargamer, Jeux-Stratégie, Wargamer, HistoriaGames, Actu Geek Gaming, Mundus Bellicus, Gameblog and others).
We especially want to thank all the people who spoke about our game all around them and also those who support us morally and financially.


Finally, our main objective this year is to release the game but also to prepare as soon as possible the first Test Builds on Steam to have your feedback. As we have already said, the feedback we had for the Mod had helped us a lot, we want the same for FoH. We will of course keep you informed over time of our advancements.

Once again we wish you a Happy New Year 2019! We are back to work at 200% and we'll see you soon for the next Devlog!

Devlog #4 - Industrial Production

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this fourth Devlog of Fields of History: The Great War. Today we're going to talk about how Industrial Production works, a fundamental part of FoH's gameplay.


Industrial Production is a very important part of the game and is based on many settings and factors. Indeed, it will allow you to manufacture Supplies and Fuel which your soldiers will need, in particular during war.

It is also with it that you will be able to build the Cargo ships for your Convoys as well as the necessary parts for the equipment of your troops (rifles, grenades, equipment, vehicles, etc.).

You will also have to, according to the laws of your country, dedicate a part of your Industrial Production to produce the necessities of which your population needs daily.

The remainder of your production will be used to generate Wealth that will be added to your Treasury after having paid the interest of your possible debts, the wages of your soldiers as well as all the costs inherent to the management of your country (Infrastructure maintenance, expenses, social spending, etc.).


That's why, in order to identify all this important information, we gave the players a global and detailed interface by trying not to overload the menus.

In addition we wanted to make it easy to change the percentages dedicated to the Industrial Production with your Mouse (either with the wheel or by leaving the left click pressed). You will see live forecasts of your future productions and the possible shortages of resources that could result.

Your Industrial Power is determined by both the number of your plants and their levels and the number of people working there (workers and prisoners of war). Factories have energy needs; if you do not supply them with Oil or Coal, their productivity will hugely decrease.

It will be the same if you don't have enough workers.

It will therefore be necessary to be careful to never run out of manpower while monitoring the need for resources that could very quickly reduce your stocks.

Your Industrial Production will also be affected by the laws of your country (working hours, retirement age, legal working age, women's work, etc.). You can also improve it via many technological researches.


Now that you know more about Industrial Production, let's have a look at the different possible productions:

  • Wealth - To generate Wealth to cover your Expenses.
  • Basic Necessities - They cover the basic needs of your population. You will be required, according to your laws, to dedicate a part of your Industrial Production.
  • Supplies - Vital need for your men (food, medical kits, clothing, etc.), producing Supplies will be one of your priorities. Badly supplied, soldiers will lose their Cohesion quickly and if this lack should last, they will perish.
  • Fuel - Used by the combustion engines of your vehicles, Fuel production is a priority for highly motorized countries. A shortage could immobilize your units and make them easy targets.
  • Small Armaments - Include firearms (rifles, machine guns, handguns, etc.), small explosive devices (hand grenades, mortars, mines, etc.) as well as small caliber ammunition.
  • Heavy Armaments - Heavy Armaments include shells and large caliber weapons such as cannons.
  • Engines - As the name implies, they represent the engines fitted to your various vehicles.
  • Frameworks - Frameworks include the frames and structures of your vehicles as well as the armor plates.
  • Spare Parts - Spare Parts are intended to replace defective or degraded parts of your vehicles and weapons.
  • Cargos - Unlike the others, Cargos are built with Engines, Frameworks and Spare Parts. They will be used for trading but will also serve to move and disembark your soldiers beyond the seas.
Reserves indicate the current stock followed by the storage capacity. Storage capacities depend on your Infrastructure, the size of your Warehouses and the level of your port facilities. They can be improved by investing in your buildings.

When you capture a Warehouse, you will be able to potentially seize a portion of the abandoned stock on-site and use it for your War Effort.

You will also be able to let your Minister of Industry in charge of the Industrial Production if you prefer to focus on other aspects of the game, but don't worry, be happy, you can at any time take back control of your Industrial Production.

That's all for today. We also want to thank Canard PC (a major French news magazine video game) for featuring FoH in one of their articles, you can see a photo of this article on our Instagram.

Have a good week and thanks again for your support!

Devlog #5 - Debts & Loans

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this fifth Devlog of Fields of History: The Great War. Today we will speak about Debts and Loans.


In our last Devlog about the Industrial Production, we talked about Wealth production. You should know that in FoH, you can borrow money to invest quickly or provide loans to other countries to earn Interests.

We have developed this system of loans to mimic the indebtedness of States. In the course of History, debts had a major influence over the destiny of many nations.

For example, at the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was so indebted that it had to accept the creation of the OPDA (Ottoman Public Debt Administration). This establishment, although officially independent in its operation, was in fact in the European banks hands.

It was the same for the critical economic situation of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. During years, Russia had been forced to accumulate loans in order to modernize its infrastructures, pay its old debts and restore its finances after its debacle during the Russo-Japanese War.

After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, the Russian debt, which was largely held by Europeans (mostly French and British), was unilaterally repudiated on 29 December 1917 by a decree of the Russian Soviet Republic.

Thanks to our loan system, we can reproduce similar situations in FoH, whether historical or not.


In FoH, if you have accumulated Debts (by taking out loans with another country or issued government bonds) you will have to pay Interests each day. These will lower your Wealth production. The Sovereign Debt of a country is obtained by accumulating its Domestic Debt and its Foreign Debt.

The Domestic Debt is composed of:
  • War Bond - Government Bond with a term of 1 to 2 years at an average interest rate (only available during war)
  • Treasury Bill - Government Bond with a term of 1 year and a high interest rate
  • Treasury Note - Government Bond with a term of 2 to 10 years at an average interest rate
  • Treasury Bond - Government Bond with a term of more than 10 years with a low interest rate
The Foreign Debt is composed of:
  • Loan (Taken) - Loan you have taken out with another country
  • Loan (Given) - Loan you have granted to another country


From the Diplomatic Menu, you can either Offer a Loan or Ask for one. Of course, in case of war, it will be impossible to Negotiate a Loan with an enemy country.

In a Loan Negotiation, several criteria come into play. The borrowing and repayment capacities (calculated from the Sovereign Debt and the Industrial Power), the diplomatic relationship between the countries, the geopolitical situation (alliance, war, embargo, etc.).

The amount, duration and rate of a Loan (whether Taken or Given) may vary depending on the situation.

We have worked to ensure that our Artificial Intelligence can adapt during negotiations. It's not because you have good relations with a Nation that it will necessarily accept your offers and requests.

Throughout a Negotiation, you will know the opinion of your Diplomats (via a textual summary) who will estimate the chances of success. You will have to be clever and make reasonable proposals if you want to get an agreement.

However, a country can change its mind over time. No proposal is 100% sure and you will have to choose the right timing to negotiate.

Borrowing can be very useful when you need important liquidity (financing a new army, structural investment, purchase of resources, etc.) but be careful, even if it may seem attractive at first, be sure to not enter in and indebtedness spiral that could quickly ruin your country.

In extreme cases (like War), you can ask your Allies to suspend Debts Repayments you have with them and they can also ask for the same from you.

It will be up to you if you prefer to relieve an Ally so that it can fully engage in the War or stick to a cold collection of interests to increase your cash flow.

You will also have the opportunity to renegotiate your loans with a country if it's in a favorable situation (solid finances and good relations).

Of course, a nation that becomes your enemy will immediately suspend its repayments but have no fear, you can assert your rights if you force your enemy to sign a Peace Treaty and claim your due.

That's all for today, before closing this Devlog, we warmly thank the french magazine Guerres & Histoire for putting forward our game in their February edition!

We hope you liked this Devlog, we wish you a good week and see you soon!

Devlog #6 - Expenses & Incomes

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this sixth Devlog. After discussing in our previous Devlog about how Debt, Loans and Wealth Production worked, today we want to talk about Expenses and Incomes in details.


In general, when companies or States present the balance sheet of their assets, they usually produce a financial report beginning with a summary in the form of a graphical representation. This is exactly the approach we have taken to help the player better understand and indentify his Expenses and Incomes. In our opinion, this solution is both clear and functional.


To make you better understand, the graphical part consists of three graphs:

  • -Expenses- - A pie chart that represents all the Expenses with the total of these Expenses at its center
  • -Incomes- - A pie chart that represents all of the Incomes with in its center the total of these Incomes
  • -Graphical Report- - A column chart consisting of both Expenses and Incomes. The columns above the zero axis correspond to the amounts of Incomes whereas those below this axis correspond to the amounts of Expenses. The maximum height of a column is corrolated with the highest amount (in absolute value)


Following the diagrams you will be able, for each category of Expense and Income, to find the complete detail of what composes them in the form of several panels. Each of these panel can be unfolded as you wish so that you can display only those that seem the most important to you.

Expenses are composed of:

  • Army Wages - The Army Wages represent all your Troops Wages
  • Maintenance - Maintenance represents for each region under your direct or indirect control the costs of Maintenance (and Repair) of your facilities
  • Loans & Debts - If you have contracted or given Loans, you will be able to see the overall summary of them. Depending on the situation, this can be counted as an Expense or as an Income
  • Resources Gathering - When you gather resources, you will have to pay the workers who are doing the hard work. The Cost vary according to the deposits, the resource and your technological development
  • State Expenditures - To properly operate your State, you will need to pay the necessary staff (Hospitals, Police, Education, Social Services, etc.)


Incomes are composed of:

  • Industrial Production - Represents the Wealth produced by your Factories. The latter varies according to the IPP that you allocate
  • Tax Revenue - Your State may raise Taxes on goods purchased by your populations (Consumption Taxes). The same goes for the Private Sector (Corporations, Financial Sector, Commercial Sector, etc.) that you can more or less tax, depending on your Laws
  • Contributors - If your country has one or more Subordinates, they will pay you a contribution depending on many factors (such as Status, Population, Relations, etc.). Be careful, the contribution is not systematic. A Subordinate with a bad relation may refuse to pay

That's all for today. Thanks again to all of those who support and trust us in this Project, whether on Patreon, Steam as well as on Social Networks.

Happy weekend to all!


Nov 17, 2017
The Dead City
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Games like Gary Grigsby's War in the East or The Operational art of War will always be superior to Hearts of Iron or games like Warplan (if I grasped the concept correctly) due to the fact that you're not really creating units in the former. If I want an action packed RTS/SIM game with actual combat, I can play Wargame, Close Combat, Company of Heroes. When I'm looking at a map that has no actual combat except spreadsheet, then I'm probably in the mood for a total sim, and shitting out divisions left and right and outproducing Germany with Tiber or conquering the world with Quebec just kills the vibe for me. Some people are obviously into that, but yea, I feel like map painters, especially modern ones, are not worth much.


Aug 21, 2017
Free Mars, on FreeRealm engine. It's like a Colonization remake… but on Mars. Except instead of population "units" that randomly upgrade it got numbers.

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