'Sup guys? I managed my installation and I went for a core STEP install + Requiem and Morrowloot 4E, game is very stable and even with heavy post processing I get 30FPS 99%, I'd call this a success

Atm I'm having fun with a 2hnd axe, heavy armor warrior, with alchemy, smithing and (in the future) enchanting support, I actually find the game still a bit easy, even with the crafting restrictions from ML. I managed to finish the Companions by level 16 (companion's questline pacing is still way off, the first mission is still the hardest one and act as a cockblocker for the rest of the content which is actually quite easy) and by level 18 I was able to take the Dragon Priest guarding the shrine of Namira, so stamina is a non-issue, thanks to her ring. Got some nice items, still unable to forge dwemer armor properly because morrowloot forces you to do unfathomable depths to get the perk and I still get slaughtered by dwemer constructs...
All in all playing as a warrior with craft support is still too easy. Mages are whimps, between the Lord Stone and agent of Mara I have about 20% MR, on top of that Nord elemental resistances means the only thing that can seriously damage you is fire, and a single spellshield potion using a nirnroot at 50 alchemy (I train-rushed alchemy for the regeneration perk, since I have no other means of healing except for potions/poultices) gives me +38% MR. Still need to tackle the main quest though, maybe Dragons will make me regret my build...
A couple questions: which marksmaship perks would you take to get just a little ranged support and pew-pew dragons in the sky? I got the first perk+overdraw since even at low skill Crossbows are great openers, is gruesome shot worth it?
What does "Alchemical Intellect" do? (edit: skill 100 alchemy perk)
I tried searching for a mod to give enemy npc protection from traps, I'm tired of entering a fort and having half the population darwin-award themselves on a single pressure plate, I know there are mods to give such protection to your followers, does anyone know of something similar for the enemies?