Some questions and impressions regarding Requiem (the good stuff has been mentioned before, I'm focusing on the stuff I don't like about it today):
1. Dragons (...) I figured that heavy armor would give me some survivability here
Maybe short of few ludicrously overpowered uniques or customized self-made improvements if you're a master smith getting chomped by a dragon = dead.
Meleeing dragons is scary. If you don't want to branch out into magic, ranged or whatever your best option is to try to not be right in front of the dragon (but avoid tail too) and do hit'n'run. If you must attack frontally, then you can try bashing the dragon in the tonsils whenever you're about to get headnommed, but it's not something you want to if you have any choice. Short of some uniques you're generally best served by something that can help break through dragon's natural AC so maybe a mace, enchantments can help too.
If you were a 2h guy I'd tell you to get Volendrung as it trucks everything and is borderline broken.
Requiem goes a bit too far in the other direction here, with dragons being out of reach for many characters (I played with a mage before, and afair that was much easier) for quite some time - and thus certain quests and abilities as well.
Well, dragons.
They still feel underpowered considering power of dragon priests if it's any consolation.
2. Damage in general
Too much being one-shotted. It's ok as long as you are low-level. But when you are mid-level with twice the health and a decent armor with some resistances and many enemies still one-shot you, it becomes a bit stupid, imo.
Nah. I'm sick of lvl>9000 RPG heroes that can tank Chicxulub class asteroid impacts with their bare dicks because HP. If you catch a huge 2h hmmr from an overhead swing squarely in the face you should be dead.
Requiem does that without robbing you of the feeling of power connected to leveling up.
My current lvl40 battlemage (2h, HA) can just stroll through a bandit camp converting all the lowlifes contained within into unrecognizable red slurry with melee alone and they can't do a single fucking thing about it (in fact there are few things left in Skyrim I would still considered challenging with this char), but if I get careless and let a bare-assed guy with a shoddy iron hammer and shitty fur skirt get a good, powered up swing at me, then I get a loading screen. As it should be.
Strangely you either take relatively little damage or it's very much. Hardly seems to be a middle-ground. It sure makes you creative at using your resources, but too often it results either in an almost flawless victory, or insta-reload.
Heavy armor. it does an excellent job stopping arrows and light attacks, especially with swords. Power attack with a 2h axe or hammer will likely end you, though. Either you kill the actual threats off before they kill you and get lightly scratched by everything else or you don't and you die.
Had you used light armor it would work and feel different.
3. Magic damage and resistances
With the damage levels of many magic-using enemies in Requiem being very high in comparison to base health, resistances are likewise required to be very large in order to have an effect.
Unfortunately potions are both expensive and not effective unless stacked with other sources (equipment). This is especially jarring with non-elemental magic effects that rely on magic resistance to supress. Good luck finding much stuff that gives noticeable +magic resistance.
What would I change? Either the damage levels should be reduced (being routinely one-shotted by a mage with a non-dogable lightning bolt is not that much fun, imo), or the effect from resistance potions should be increased. They are already expensive, make them useful. When I am in an appropriate situation it should have a bigger effect than increasing my survivability form 2s to 3s.
Potions are still very valuable as they reduce damage and help avoid secondary effects. Try facing a vampire with cryomantic spells with and without resistances if you don't know what I mean. Also, try getting protective gear. There is not much to add, heavy armor sucks against wizards, so you can consider them your nemesis. Well, one of.
If you carry a backup ranged weapon you can try this, either to kill wizard outright or as a poison delivery method.
Also, if you can close the distance without dying you can try sprinting INTO the caster attacking you - a scrawny guy in a bathrobe WON'T keep standing if a large pile of meat covered by thick layer of metal runs him over, even if he has the most awesome protective spells keeping him from getting hurt in the process (it's something I always wanted to do against stoneskinned faggots in IE - just knock the fuck over or wrestle him to the ground then sit on him until his buffs run out).
4. Poison resistance, does it exist?
I have a nice +stamina necklace that also gives immunity to most paralyse effects from poisons, but other than that there doesn't seem to be much in Requiem you can find or buy?
Yes, there are certainly some unique armors with that effect, there are potions and I think some amulets can turn up as well.
You can always play an Argonian or

if poison gives you too much trouble - then you will be able to take a few hits before it gets actually bad.
Or get one of these as follower to give you an edge against poison users.
5. Pacing
More care should be put into keeping the pacing of quests plausible regarding difficulty.
Well, yeah, but that's Skyrim's retardedly short quest-lines for you.
At least the Companions are fully doable even on low level as you are not forced to take on anything particularly BRÜTAL at any point.
I think a good solution short of full blown questline mod would be to identify spots in guild questlines where quests are loosely coupled enough to allow insertion of unrelated quests and just pad them out to acceptable length with radiant quests.
6. Silver weapons
FFS, let at least a few vendors sell silver weapons.
Just sink a perk into smithing if it's that much of a problem. Or do Dustman's Cairn for Companions.
Or find that hidden silver katana.
Also, AFAIK silver weapons are broken in current version anyway (something not working properly in the initialization scripts, it'll be fixed in the next version).