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Fallout Fallout: Sonora - new Fallout mod from the Fallout: Nevada team


Jan 6, 2014
Hey all,

not sure if this was posted, but the Russian version of Sonara was released on March 20th.


Fallout: Sonora is the story of a simple peasant whom fate pushed on a difficult path. An ordinary person at a crossroads. Between the two cardinal points. Between the past and the future. Sonoran Desert is waiting for you, peasant. What will you do with your freedom?

The release took place on March 20, 2020.

  • Nonlinear plot
  • About 100 quests
  • New world map: 12 large locations, 7 small, 11 special meetings
  • High authenticity of locations
  • 1.9 MB of game text (1.7 MB in the first Fallout)
  • New music
  • Download from Cloud MailRu (1120 Mb) - the original author’s version without high resolution support, without sfall and without an installer.
  • Download from rutracker (869 Mb) - original version + high resolution patch + sfall (use at your own risk!)

Seems No Mutants Allowed will again work on a translation. Wonder how long it will take.

- Diggfinger


Mar 22, 2017
Is this a Mehico Fallout made by Cheekibreekis?
Time's two in fact. 1.5 Res was also set somewhere in north pendejostan. And czechs are also slavfolk.
The game starts pretty fucking terrible btw, F2 level Temple of Trials trash.
Playing it right now and it feels worse than Nevada. Its very used up and stale.
Literal Junktown, slavers, raiders, tribals, religious cult, klling king rat, repairing machinery... Its very boring.
The game is not about them. Just play a bit further, you ADHD'd nigger.
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Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
...And the patch was reeased.

- Исправлены гендерные ляпы: GCPit, NCHimadr, PCBrtrB, PCLloyd, PCRedPst, SCSlave, PCCltSpy.
- Исправлены опечатки: Генри Бимис ("плачь") + Оррис ("не переношу на душ") + Гарт ("к дежурного") + COMBAT.BIO ("тем ни менее") + MCRdrBld ("не куда") + TCBoss ("В тоже время") + NCHimadr ("по своей воли") + NCApcLab ("Всклое") + SCBoss ("от колонизатором") + Эль Гиганто.
- Исправлена путаница фраз в диалоге: Тодд в Гараж-Сити + Аарон в Фениксе + утерянная реплика у Каррингтона (запись error) + Диане удалено упоминание реактора для силовой брони (чтобы не вводить в заблуждение)
- Особенность "Испанский язык" переписана обратно в оригинальный вид (хотя её воздействие осталось прежним, то есть это "Кровавая баня" + перевод испанского языка).
- Исправлен баг с восстановлением ловушек-мин.
- Повышен на 200 максимальный перегруз без повреждения ног.
- Вилла: жителям снижен порог агрессивности от репутации (обход проблемы движка).
- Гараж-Сити: Лукас и его банда теперь пропадают с Завода, если Коган прогнал их во время сделки.
- Гараж-Сити: теперь фальшивокрышечный станок можно уничтожить навыками Ремонт и Ловушки.
- Гараж-Сити: беженец по квесту рейнджеров теперь пропадает с карты после раскрытия лагеря Мохаве.
- Флагпул: оператору станка добавлена поясняющая реплика по квесту Кнута.
- Флагпул: через Уго теперь тоже можно завершить квест по побегу из шахты.
- Флагпул: частично переписана реплика 446 у бармена, чтобы вызывала меньше недопонимания.
- Флагпул: уточнения в скрипте бармена по первому квесту
- Сан-Брамин: рейнджер Оскар теперь возвращается в пуэбло после успешной битвы с миссионерами.
- Рейнджеры: увеличен радиус обнаружения ретранслятора с помощью рации.
- Пуэрто: реплика со сдачей квеста по уничтожению дамбы теперь доступна при Интеллекте 1 + введена недостающая фиксация диалога.
- Каборка: на всякий случай заложнику-караванщику переведен режим агрессии с 1 (клановая вражда) на 0 (личная вражда).
- Каборка: отряд БС больше не переносится в пещеру в удвоенном количестве.
- Расширены и уточнены партийные настройки для Каррингтона и других напарников.
- На всякий случай удалена сомнительная позиция из WORLDMAP.TXT (строка 07 в RNGR_D)

Pope Amole II

Nerd Commando Game Studios
Mar 1, 2012
I've done a build guide/system review for Sonora. It is very sly in that fashion because it turns SPECIAL tupsy-turvy, fully and wholly going against the conventions of F1-2 - Good Natured being the new Gifted, can you imagine that? Oh, and Gifted is trash, lol.

Ofc, translation won't really come out anytime soon (though it'll probably be faster than Nevada as there is not as much text) but I did it to give some visibility and I'm retarded nowadays - my memory just ceased working. In half a year I won't remember shit about the game so I'm doing it now.


Dec 15, 2019
The writing in this game continues to be pretty bad, from style to content... and I'm mostly done with Phoenix by now.
You know how in shit rpgs there are 3 types of dialogue options: good, bad, goodbye. Yeah, like that, often enough that its annoying.

Junktown needs to be straight up cut from the game. Make it into a map in Flagpole.

All of the game feels raw and unfinished and ...regurgitated.

Before Phoenix I was counting rfile rounds, now there are a bunch of containers with loot that is trivial to pick up. The big head of the Church has a magnum .44 on his desk in his unlocked, unguarded room.
Random pistols and shotguns all around.

Random encounters spam is trash as always.

The only good part is that you can approach quests in different ways, but if the quest are shit...?
They should have continued stealing ideas from great movies...

Stealing now works like other skills, ie its not randomized that much, you need a min skill level.

The new weapons look great. The hobo laser pistol is very cute. The upgraded hunting rifle is great. And the sound! The sound of the shot and reload are fucking orgasmic.
And since it shoots and reloads once a turn, it gets so rhytmical while erasing raiders... Right click, Eeyes, BLAAAM, Blood Mess, press W for Reload and that bolt action sound! Press space, NEEEEXXXT! BLAAAAAAAAM!
Its the only thing keeping me playing

You, who wait for the translation, need to curb your enthusiasm.


Jan 12, 2019
Just wait until you play it for yourself. Then judge it. One person on NMA said the writing was excellent. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong. Just wait and see.


Dec 9, 2011
Wait a few years for it to cook. I didn't like previous one during early releases either (and main plot there is still retarded).

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
I completed mod a day ago, now I don't know what to feel. Perhaps it's a bugs, but I received ending that I wasn't expected at all and a bit contradicted to what I did in game.
I think moders made a weird choice for antagonist faction (I call this faction antagonist because game starts because this faction did assholish thing for main character) , perhaps this choice contradicts all lore about this faction in f1 & f2. Maybe my opinion is wrong, but let's wait for more people to finish game.

Pope Amole II

Nerd Commando Game Studios
Mar 1, 2012
Leave it to russian retards to go into full neigbhour-shitting mode. Probably the only joy they get out of their miserable existence.

Sonora is great and easily better than fallout 1-2. I can see fans of the origial disliking the overall atmosphere here as it is much less Fallouts and much more AoD. Not sure if intentionally so but that's how it is. Originals were pretty much post-apoc fantasy with everything being real clean and clear moral wise - karma bluntly telling you what's right and what's wrong and all the problems having a simple solution. I.e., the village is hounded by the raiders - kill the raiders, everything gets awesome. At the end of it all, your hero most likely becomes a living saint superman that has just utopized an entire wasteland, woo! Here we're talking motherfuckers vs other motherfuckers mostly, with "obvious" solutions easily backfiring on you. The entire plot is laid through the morally grey area and maybe even a bit too much so. Even your own people, which are supposed to be the reason you're going through the plot in the first place, turn out to be not so much likeable and, unfortunately, you can't just easily say "fuck them" because the plot must happen, duh. But, on the other hand, that's still better than just "I'm playing good character so I do everything that ups my karma, lol" stuff.

Sonora is not as big as Nevada but that's intentionally so - don't forget that this project is pretty much a one man effort. There are several guys on the team, yes, but it's like 80-10-10 work distribution or so. It's also stylized to be more like Fallout 1 which was very compact and tense, both in terms of its area, quests and dialogue. The quests themselves are also simpler than in Nevada - the almost adventure game feel is mostly gone and it's more of a skill point distribution manager. Once again, like AoD. It's not that bad in that part, though, and there's a ton of nifty stuff that you can do in the game.

Combat-wise its also much closer to F1 with everything being soft, lightly armored and burst/energy weaponed foes used rather sparcely. The guns have been greatly rebalanced and, overall, the weapons feel as good as they ever did in through these series. Initial ammo scarcity also makes things kinda fun.

Just like in Nevada, some metagaming options are present for your replays - whereas there it was either science/lockpick/heavy or gambling sightseeing, here it's mostly about maxed out Barter that now opens quite a lot of doors in such fashion.


Dec 15, 2019
Ooh, I forgot the best part!
They use the Reddit Starter Pack "Oof" transliterated into a disgustingly obscene Runglish "Уф" multiple times. It felt as if the russian language and me were being raped.
I even looked it up online, maybe its an old, obscure russian word - no, no dice.

Pope Amole II face when the mod was released.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Ooh, I forgot the best part!
They use the Reddit Starter Pack "Oof" transliterated into a disgustingly obscene Runglish "Уф" multiple times. It felt as if the russian language and me were being raped.
I even looked it up online, maybe its an old, obscure russian word - no, no dice.

Pope Amole II face when the mod was released.

Oh, it's you.
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Dec 15, 2019
Running around Phoenix sewers, fighting rats (literally...).
Find door, open door with 80 in Lockpick and a lockpick tool.
Inside is a room with 6 people.
"whacha guys doing here?"
"we are resistance fighters against the church! wanna join?"
(me in church outfit, that just allowed me to enter the church base)

Ghouls running a powerplant! Wow much fresh, so new! Cant wait to help them fix it!

Gang wants a member freed from prison (remember Nevada? top recycling).
You pay 100 caps to get him free and get a 200 caps reward.

Cannibals lol

Flagpole is a slaver town - very gray.

Leave it to russian retards to go into full neigbhour-shitting mode. Probably the only joy they get out of their miserable existence.
As compared to you, who is shitting on Underrail now because Styx told you to fuck off with your crappy puzzle game with tits? lol, fuck off

Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Leave it to russian retards to go into full neigbhour-shitting mode. Probably the only joy they get out of their miserable existence.

Sonora is great and easily better than fallout 1-2.
How exactly Sonora can be better than f1 & f2 if it has all mechanics of these games? It basically more of the same.

Originals were pretty much post-apoc fantasy with everything being real clean and clear moral wise - karma bluntly telling you what's right and what's wrong and all the problems having a simple solution. I.e., the village is hounded by the raiders - kill the raiders, everything gets awesome. At the end of it all, your hero most likely becomes a living saint superman that has just utopized an entire wasteland, woo! Here we're talking motherfuckers vs other motherfuckers mostly, with "obvious" solutions easily backfiring on you. The entire plot is laid through the morally grey area and maybe even a bit too much so. Even your own people, which are supposed to be the reason you're going through the plot in the first place, turn out to be not so much likeable and, unfortunately, you can't just easily say "fuck them" because the plot must happen, duh. But, on the other hand, that's still better than just "I'm playing good character so I do everything that ups my karma, lol" stuff.
There no such thing as grey area in game where exist karma and reputation labels like "murderer" ( I earned this btw just defending myself from random encounters and not killing "civilians"), "child killer", "grave robber" and etc. If devs wanted "grey area" - they should been remove karma and make only reputation in cities matter. And you should have possibility to say fuck off to ungrateful villagers, because this natural reaction to any ungrateful bitch and plot can go fuck itself. I don't know these people, my views are different and world would not end if I decide to abandon these retards. In fact, wastes will become a much better place. Making them ungrateful is too cheap to show "grey area" trick for my taste.
I don't hate this mod and sometimes had fun with it, but it does have problems and acting like it ideal isn't solving any.

Ooh, I forgot the best part!
They use the Reddit Starter Pack "Oof" transliterated into a disgustingly obscene Runglish "Уф" multiple times. It felt as if the russian language and me were being raped.
I even looked it up online, maybe its an old, obscure russian word - no, no dice.
Fuck off retard, government "raped" language for centuries with their retarded reforms which force people to speak as government wants (in result Czech, Polish and Ukranian is more Russian than modern Russian lol), people on reddit can be blamed in some things, but they at lest don't reinforce their slang in laws. Fucking grammar nazi.
Not to mention that using "wrong word" is least of mods problems.


Mar 22, 2017
How exactly Sonora can be better than f1 & f2 if it has all mechanics of these games? It basically more of the same.
Because it has different writing, different assets and flips this mechanics almost upside down? That's a lot more effort and thought than "more of the same". The effort is on the same level as Fallout 2 which is referred as "more of the same" the most wrong way possible.
Leave it to russian retards to go into full neigbhour-shitting mode. Probably the only joy they get out of their miserable existence.
You said it plural, effectively equating all russians (everyone else seems liking this total conversion a lot, essentially loving it and putting on the same pedestal of awesomeness as Fallout 1-2) to this individual. Boyish maximalism. Spoken like a true liberal. No wonder you guys are hated by everyone from conservatives to experts in marxism.
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Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Because it has different writing, different assets and flips this mechanics almost upside down? That's a lot more effort and thought than "more of the same". The effort is on the same level as Fallout 2 which is referred as "more of the same" the most wrong way possible.

You said it plural, effectively equating all russians (everyone else seems liking this total conversion a lot, essentially loving it and putting on the same pedestal of awesomeness as Fallout 1-2) to this individual. Boyish maximalism. Spoken like a true liberal. No wonder you guys are hated by everyone from conservatives to experts in marxism.
You know I was considered to give adequate reply to you, but you retarded enough that person that shitting on Russian populace can be considered as liberal. What next, person who calls gypsy as thiefs can be considered liberal too? Or person mocking niggers are liberal too? Pope Amole II was maybe overly critique towards Russian populace, but this does not make him a liberal.
Something tells me that you are vatnik , who calls anyone liberal or fascist for saying "wrong opinion" that does not follow your retarded nazi ideology about Russian superiority.

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