Ok, let’s not start sizing up code dicks. Especially ones as old as VIC-20.
“top-down / 2d / grid-based” I think that was said from the start. I haven’t reviewed some of the older descriptions in a while of course, gonna do that soon. Same about roguelike, though I really hate how ppl all have their own definition of the word it seems.
But the effects have a long way to go that is true, never were meant as the game's focus so maybe I’ll just drop some for the final version.
No, it's quie alright. I don't post updates for games to get stuff. I hope the campaign goes great. I hope that your game is amazing and that word of mouth will make me want to buy it in the future. I'm still cheering for you to succeed.No problem I can send you a key for your efforts updating this thread, just give me your email![]()
With this video made from Extended Backer Demo footage I would like to express my gratitude to all who have supported the project.
Our campaign will be complete on October 11th. Although we have not reached our funding goal, the road to Early Access will be much easier thanks to your support.
News by Eidolons: Netherflame
Wed, May 13
Plans, commitments and estimates
Uncertain times require certain goals - so today we're making commitments about the Early Access plans!
I can confirm now that 13 is a lucky number for the game, as it seems that I got fired and approached by a business partner on the same day - yes, things seem to be ramping up to another all-in crunch!
Among most recent areas of progress I can list the new Level Editor - which will be made public and ready for modding soon after EA:
... And some new combat-UI: (WIP)
... vs an old one here for comparison:
Now, as I said in the last ominous update, the plan is to go into Early Access this winter. So let's make a baseline reality check:
The EA version will be Act I (out of 5) of the campaign and have the following:
- 4-5 locations to make dungeon-runs into (each one will be randomized, but have a core quest)
- 20 playable Eidolon heroes (and of course custom-hero creation, but with a trick)
- A singular Boss-Dungeon
- 2 brutal Bosses - Soul Harvester and Storm Lord
- 8-15 hours of gameplay
- Beside the campaign, a Custom Dungeon mode with lots of templates and settings
The idea is, it's already an experience representative of the franchise, so I can let people buy it and not lose sleep over it![]()
Next - can we make it in time? Let's see:
Progress estimate for Eidolons
(relative to *EA* release, not full!)
- Gameplay mechanics: 80%
- Artwork: 50%
- Graphics systems: 60%
- Hero content: 60%
- Enemy/Level content: 30%
- Dialogue: 10%
- Audio: 40%
Long ways to go, but I feel confident that we can have a solid playable version and start iterating towards the ultimate goal! I also feel we’re close enough to release so I can make some concrete promises now. Let's get into it:
1. Eidolons will be a No-BS RPG
Time is precious, and patience is scarce! To bring a great RPG experience in the modern way, one has to make sacrifices. Thus, E:NF will have no fetch quests, no junk loot, no forced dialogue, no grind or save/load chores and... no orkz!![]()
2. Though hard, the game will be fair
Unlike what our testers may think, I do not take pleasure in making the player suffer. Especially if it means resorting to grind! You will not be forced to play overcautiously, on the contrary - risk-taking and dogged perseverance are rewarded. The mantra is - dying is also moving forward!
3. Dark Fantasy genre, not vibe.
Eidolons is “that dark” in its theme and presentation not to stand out or outdo some other dark game. The setting has evolved over nearly a decade and I have tried to never let the concept of ‘style’ of ‘fitting the trend’ drive the decisions I made.
The death-centric focus of the story is not a glorification, but an exploration that I hope will be interesting to engage in. Expect to delve deep into realms psychological, spiritual and emotional.
4. Replayable - in the way you want to replay
The campaign is shaping up to be very modular, so each Act will be accessible as a new game's starting point once you’ve unlocked it.
I never understood games that did not do this, and as a result, had their bad-ass end-game packed into 1% of playtime (or people just resorting to YouTube to find out how else this could have ended...).
So if you want to replay a certain part of E:NF, you will be able to do so, with some options for past-choice and hero-asset customization.
On top that, we will have Custom Dungeon mode where you can create your perfect run and get to play a twisted version of it!
5. E:NF will not force its setting on you, if you’re in for the gameplay
Though heavy on the story, it will not force it onto you. There will always be a ‘slaughterhouse-shortcut’ that you can take if you just enjoy killing more than plunges into lore and soul-digging the game's characters and protagonist.
6. E:NF will make the most of being Indie
All in all, we're not smoothing out the hard edges. No political correctness, no sjw NPCs and no sj in general - it's medieval times, and it's not the point...
Yes, this means we’re not likely to find a publisher (or are we?..), but you can’t have it all. And yes, the game is shaping up to be M or even AO rating. No explicit content of course, but no playing dumb either.
7) It will surprise you!
That’s more of a personal ambition, I just like surprising people, but I hope that others will benefit from it as well (and maybe suffer just a little). Mostly it's about RPG-tropes turned upside down - questing, trading, crafting, hero-progression, party-adventure and more. If you think you know how those things work, think again!![]()
That's all for now, thanks for reading!
Actually, no - while I am working on a comprehensive in-depth post about Eidolons key features, I invite you to ask away if you want anything cleared up - it’s much easier to answer concrete questions!
It's the difference between a one-eyed dwarf trying to hit a zombie with a bolt, or taking an ax to 'em!![]()
Hello friends!
I hope this finds you all healthy and full of enthusiasm for the coming New Year.
First, I must apologize for the long silence. There is a rather prosaic reason for it however - the development has been on halt through most of Fall 2020. I will not go into much detail about why things didn’t go as planned this year, I am sure we all have a similar story of upset plans from 2020, and will not soon forget them.
Instead, let us focus on what is ahead.
The good news is - the project is now much better on its feet in financial terms. Using unorthodox gamedev technology (the notorious *Java*) turned out to have at least this perk - the skill allows me to have a sustainable income without sacrificing too much time for it. Yes, in the form of a somewhat boring corporate job - but after all, who would know best about selling one's soul than me, a man with a whole story written about it?
The proceeds from that bargain however will not be idly spent.
The art direction will be revisited to accomodate the updated, ever more _psychological_ vision that Eidolons pursues. In the passing months, the story has grown considerably in my mind and in my private ominous texts. And yes, I am planning to get a "real" writer on board as well, never fear!
The story has already gone through some revisions by others, which has helped me to keep it on just about the right side of weird. I hope.
Either way, I am very much convinced that it is a story worth telling, hence my unwillingness to give up on the project, despite its apparent weight.
Gameplay-wise, I have come up with a number of ways to compress the game’s extensive ruleset and make it more interconnected, reflective of the game’s main theme - the (dis)unity of the Soul!
To conclude let me say that my own belief in the project has never been stronger, or should I say, my own insight into it. It might be too early to set concrete goals, but once the team is re-organized, things should get clearer as the worst problem has been solved for the project (namely, its financial instability).
Thank you very much for your patience and support. It am sure that 2021 will be the year to get back at its predecessor!