You have some of the most shit taste on the entire site.This thread made me realize that over time, the Codex average IQ is dropping like a bird turd over a finely coiffured dandy.
Drova is a great game out of nowhere from indie developers, a true spiritual successor to the good Piranha Bytes games, and instead, there are multiple retards in this thread shitting on it, for the dumbest reasons possible. Oh it has women guards, or it has no 3D dimension, or it's not as good as Gothic 1.
I was so incensed by such utmost retardation that I had to look up the recent posting history of some of these retards. One guy, named something like BotanicalSuljukCuck has recently posted 5,000 times in the Mass Effect thread, and has spent the rest of his time here surfing the Jew thread in GD. Another, loosely named SoldierBoyShiner, has joined since Crispy took his last dump, and spent most of his time perfusing BG3 anti-woke mods thread and threads pondering whether anyone likes halflings. I mean, need I say more? We must do better, 'Codex.
Now let's recap what I said that was so retarded in this thread:
Dozen or so messages discussing the game & its mechanics and mostly praising it. Then, some retard says it's better than Gothic, so I say it isn't. Oh, the HORROR!!!!! Also, saying the games exploration suffers in comparison to Gothic because of lack of verticality is retarded now? Oh wait, it's a retard who thinks Witcher 3 is a master piece. Kill yourself already.
You're such a special brand of retard it actually boggles my mind.
Ah, I see. You're butthurt because I said Geneforge 2 is a better RPG released this year. I guess Drova being second best RPG really upset you that much?