Hamster said:
Silellak said:
I don't recall being able to tell the Overseer to fuck off and die when he told me to go find the Water Chip.
I don't being presented with stupid false choice in that situation.
I would be better if that Gay Warden guy just told you "You have no choice, join us or die!" or smt like that. It will be the same railroading, but at least that would explain why are you not given an option to refuse.
That's not a fake choice - all options are clearly "yes", you're only choosing the tone to "match" your character, or whatever. It's larping, not fake choices. I'm sure the game has plenty of fake choices, but try to identify them correctly.
Fake choices are "Yes" or "no" that both turn out to be yes, etc
Metalcraze said:
I think another retarded fanboy defence was born along the lines of "you can't criticize the game unless you completed it 3 times!!!"
You can't criticize auto-resurrection, auto-regen and lots of other casual shit unless you play it on hard (where the only difference is that enemies deal more dmg)!111
Black said:
Yeah, your brain isn't capable of creating words. What else is new.
Attention dumbfucks.
Normal difficulty means (or at least should) NORMAL DIFFICULTY, not SUPER EASY DIFFICULTY.
Grow a brain or two before you become a pathetic apologist, sucking Gaider's fake dick with fake pubic hair.
Will you self parodies stop putting words into my mouth? I was just wondering why the seasoned hardcore players of the codex wouldn't just crank it directly to the hardest setting, regardless of whatever wankery concept you have about what difficulty levels "should" be.
Metalcraze said:
And of course the defences ala "Baaawww you criticize DA for forcing stuff on you but in Tetris you can't have choices at all!!!1"
Tetris? Let's read it again.
Sillelak said:
I don't recall being able to tell the Overseer to fuck off and die when he told me to go find the Water Chip. Where was my "hide out in the Vault and ignore my responsibility" option? Or "refuse on pain of death" option? Man, I forgot how much Fallout sucks. Fuck that game.
Hmmm. Apparently in Fallout you can't ignore the quest either. Oh well, should've put in some "no, lol" option followed by a gameover screen - lol choices. happens a lot in Jrpgs, best genre evar
Black said:
Except in Fallout you can finish the game without finding the water chip.
you're still forced to accept the quest to find it. In DA, you're forced to join the wardens, let's see if you're forced to do whatever the wardens tell you to ultimately do (like, "kill the X dragon", and you can finish the game without killing it).
I expect some super witty response like "Holy shit you don't have a brain, how do I reply to that :facepalm:" or some kiddy shit that avoids any real answer while still trying to look smart, just like in fucking third grade. Don't bother. I'm not even interested in playing at all so avoid the lol fanboi witty shit (if I was a fanboy I'd be in the bio forums, not here). I just want a review that tells me why it's shit, not just "lol its shit, gimme my cool points". But you fuckers are too busy trying to outdo each other.
I mean, what the fuck is this shit?
baronjohn said:
Writing, story: Jesus fucking christ, it's like you took a bunch of dumbass celebrities and put them on an island with castles and orcs and shit. I swear to god I've never cringed so much in my life. Will Bioware buy me a new ESC key? Because I think I'm gonna use mine up if I decide to continue.
This doesn't tell me anything, it's just like hearing a 13 year old trying too hard to come up with cool comebacks. It's no better than gushing reviews about it being the "best game evah!!!" I'd get at the bio forums.
circ said:
As opposed to
Graphics: GOTY!
Gameplay: GOTY!
Writing: GOTY!
hur hur reviews can either bash or gush, never actual info
circ said:
I think that review told me plenty about a POS that I'm convinced I'll hate anyway.
It didn't tell anything, its just another kollect kool kredits move.