He probably is on some stimulant to deal with jetlag."Swen is on drugs because he is happy and enthusiastic."
Only on the fucking Codex.![]()
The enhanced edition is fully voiced if reading hurts you that much.A cRPG where I stopped bothering to read things 30 minutes into the game to prevent brain cancer, is not the best cRPG by any measure.
The only thing that game has going for itself was the combat, which was fucking glorious.
The enhanced edition is fully voiced if reading hurts you that much.
My brain is melting.
Looks like Swen came activate dev cheats after he died a few times on the first encounter.
No, link?Did you not read the Codex article where they talk about the emphasis on being :inclusive:
The tutorial village has Witcher-style fantastic racism against dwarves. You will no doubt come across people prejudiced against elves, lizards, humans, and undead. Backgrounds may also be a factor.
Only about Darth Roxor hitting me over the head with his huegpenisAre you paranoid kind sir?
Creator Larian Studios LLC about 1 hour ago
So on the day/night cycle (Swen here again) - what we're trying to do at the narrative & scripting level is really complicated and my head is too small to even contemplate adding yet another extra dimension of complexity to that. The impact of your origins combined with at higher level of freedom than the already insane amount D:OS gave together with the option of multiplayer = complex development, and until we tame all of that, we won't add an extra layer. Perhaps for a next game, but definitely not for this one.
Larian Studios LLC 29 minutes ago
Garod: No, you have it right, the hoodies won't be signed. The $350 tier comes with the signed collector's edition pack, but it's just the box that the rewards come in which will be signed. We hope you'll actually wear the hoodies!
@Grinsevent: The 1.5mil stretch goals are being kept under wraps for the moment. And we do have a plan of scheduled updates, but since the KS campaign has moved so much faster than we imagined, we ended up having to shuffle it around a lot. It's currently being editing, but we are working on more updates, which will give you a little more detail on the game and on the world that we're creating.
Paul Schleck: We're not currently saying what platforms D:OS 2 will launch on. Right now we are 100% focused on building a great game, and porting that to platforms outside of Windows will come later. While a lot of the foundations have been laid to have this on Mac, and other platforms, we'll be making changes to the engine as we develop, and we don't want to promise anything yet.
Larian Studios LLC 17 minutes ago
Garod We have spent a lot of time fleshing out a story that we're very excited to be telling. It's hard to tell the story of an 80-100 hour game in a paragraph though, so we can understand if the brief summary on the KS page hasn't grabbed you yet. (Yet!) We will be revealing more about the main story later, and will flesh it out a bit more, but rest assured that narrative is something that we're SUPER focused on right now. Larian tripled the size of their writing staff because we want to make sure we have the resources to tell an amazing story, and the new writers that we have (myself included) are very, very excited to follow through on that.
Also, I wouldn't downplay the importance of the individual characters and their motivations. That's something that will very much affect the main story on each play through. They're not necessarily separate from the plot, so you'll get quite a different experience of the main story depending on who you play. That's certainly our intention, anyway. It'll really add to the replay value of the game if you have several different characters whose eyes you can experience the world through.
Larian Studios LLC 8 minutes ago
@DartyDavy: I'm sorry, the update should have been clearer. It means that if you back any reward tier that is higher than (and therefore does not include) the $200 tier. So if you back a $200 tier you do not get bonus concept art, but if you back $300 or more, then you do. I hope that's clearer?
Garod: Yeah, but you have to remember that D:OS was under intense time pressure, and there was a lot that we weren't happy about with it. That's why the Enhanced Edition has made pretty sweeping changes to the story, and addresses quite a few of the frustrations that I know the team had with the game.
@Jimmmious: Well we are playing around with a lot of ideas like that. Characters on your team will definitely have personalities that clash, and some will absolutely want to work against you at some points in the game. And if you're playing with multiplayer, then it's SO much worse, because your friends can be sadistic monsters. (Well, mine can be...)
Larian Studios LLC 4 minutes ago
@Neonivek: One of the things that I'm very happy about with D:OS 2 is that it won't force you to play it any one way. If you want to do the right thing, no matter what character you're playing, then you absolutely can do, and your character will likely react and change due to your style of play (rather than you having to change the way you play based on decisions that we writers think your character would make). It's all about freedom, really. We want to make you feel like you're playing a Pen & Paper RPG on your computer. But with fewer dice rolls and interruptions when people lose their character sheet and have to make a new one... *Sigh*