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CKII is released.


Jan 28, 2011
In my fledgeling mod attempts I've run into a few questions regarding adding mercenaries and holy orders. It seems pretty forward as you can add the titles in landed_titles.txt and the company and troop numbers in static_modifiers.txt. Then add their names to the *.csv and it should be done as far as I can tell. If you want to get fancy you might even copy-paste the events regarding holy orders with the new names and titles added and they should work as they do for the templars and hospitalers.

What I don't get however is where I can find and edit the values for cost and upkeep. Nor can I find the trigger that controls in what year a holy order becomes available. Anyone who knows?

Formation of the knights is in events/religious_events.txt (not under the common/ hierarchy).

Cost and upkeep are determined in common/defines.lua, but it's a global modifier based on what classification of hirelings they are and how many troops you have. (Though I'm guessing levy_size in common/static_modifiers.txt is the only attribute that determines cost at full strength.)

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
It's nice that they added the ticking warscore for Independence Wars. However, in my experience, the reason HRE and BE are so indestructible, is that their vassals seem to prefer trying to depose the emperor instead of breaking away. I've been using Vaarna_Aarne's fix for my current game, and while it does make most of the world periodically crumble into a bunch of random duchies, both the empires are as strong as ever. Occasionally you see a kingdom break away, but it gets absorbed back in shortly. The few times I've seen BE fall apart, it was as an effect of a plot to depose the Basileus, and it returned to normal the moment the war would end. Maybe the AI just likes deposing emperors?

Also, I don't know how smart the AI is with educating its children, but with guardians always passing their main trait to their wards, it could make a line of superhuman emperors even easier to achieve. Which sucks, because nothing breaks an empire like an inbred retard on the throne.
I am thinking about adding a penalty modifier for BE for the first hundred years or so (and making the title titular), and making HRE so that Crown Authority, Feudal Levies, Taxes and so on are next to impossible to raise above minimum, not to mention making changing Elective even harder (and of course, removing the ridiculous bonuses of Elective).

That certainly sounds more historically accurate. I think around a hundred years for BE is good, it's enough for the Seljuks to take over the Anatolian Peninsula, but not enough for the Shia Caliphate to become an unstoppable killing machine (and it won't do that anyway if the 1.05 changes to crusades stay as they are). Actually, the Shia Caliphate is the one blob your fix affects in a good way - sometimes it's huge and threatening if the caliph is an ubermensch, but it also fractures a lot, and I've had a bunch of local powers develop in the Arabic Peninsula. Mosul was kicking ass for over 50 years, but have since succumbed to the might of Iconoclast Georgia, and now Syria appears to be defending against Byzantian holy wars just fine. Although it probably helps that the AI cannot into desert warfare with its 10k+ armies.

But yeah, some combination of nerfing an emperor's power and making vassals more inclined to becoming independent is what we need. Isn't it easy to edit the former? I might try it later today and see what happens. For the time being I'm not letting Steam update my game to 1.05 anyway.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
In my fledgeling mod attempts I've run into a few questions regarding adding mercenaries and holy orders. It seems pretty forward as you can add the titles in landed_titles.txt and the company and troop numbers in static_modifiers.txt. Then add their names to the *.csv and it should be done as far as I can tell. If you want to get fancy you might even copy-paste the events regarding holy orders with the new names and titles added and they should work as they do for the templars and hospitalers.

What I don't get however is where I can find and edit the values for cost and upkeep. Nor can I find the trigger that controls in what year a holy order becomes available. Anyone who knows?

Formation of the knights is in events/religious_events.txt (not under the common/ hierarchy).

Cost and upkeep are determined in common/defines.lua, but it's a global modifier based on what classification of hirelings they are and how many troops you have. (Though I'm guessing levy_size in common/static_modifiers.txt is the only attribute that determines cost at full strength.)

Thanks man! You rock.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Dammit. The hotfix was released today and everything seemed to be fine once more. Than it came to light that unfortunately now new characters need to have an age defined or the game gives them 0's for every stat. Probably because CKII now identifies them incorrectly as newborns. With decisions you can add the 'age=random' line to circumvent this but for characters the AI spawns you cannot. Which quickly leads to a gameworld filled with characters with 0's all over. Fuuuuuuu.

DLC is also up on Steam now. Fuck that ruler editor. The music however I'll get. If only because the regular songs are driving my girlfriend nuts.

Calem Ravenna

Jan 17, 2010

Dammit. The hotfix was released today and everything seemed to be fine once more. Than it came to light that unfortunately now new characters need to have an age defined or the game gives them 0's for every stat. Probably because CKII now identifies them incorrectly as newborns. With decisions you can add the 'age=random' line to circumvent this but for characters the AI spawns you cannot. Which quickly leads to a gameworld filled with characters with 0's all over. Fuuuuuuu.

Courtiers spawned by decision will be fixed, yeah. Courtiers spawned by the engine (new baron-tier rulers, members of a newly created court, new courtiers that appear at random, later on mercenary captains, popes, bishops and mayors) as well as courtiers spawned by event (if they don't have age specified) won't be.

By the way, any estimates on when a 1.05 compatible CK2plus will be available?


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Sounds like I should wait till patching, especially since I'm having so much fun with my current savegame.

My kingdom of Lithuania, which I have founded playing as the Rus Duchy of Polotsk, is... well, not exactly breaking apart, but I am having to bother with constant vassal rebellions right now, which are luckily broken quite easily. They're all pretty pissed at my current queen - who has a diplomacy stat of 0, average stats in the rest. She's not very popular with the vassals due to her shit diplomacy stat. She's also not very popular because a successful assassination attempt on a kinsman has been detected, so she's now branded as a kinslayer, which lowers relations to vassals further. Basically, everyone hates her guts. Liberally using assassination and imprisonment on vassals who do not agree with my opinions (such as the vote of my heir, which some vassals wanted to be a different duchess of my kingdom... who is of my blood but I want my own children to inherit the throne, so I just killed those who voted for the other bitch) doesn't really help much, either.

I do hope my queen's daughter will be a better ruler than that.
And yes, most of my rulers have been queens yet due to most of the children being born in my line being female.

And the current one is the sixth daughter of the previous king, whom I elected cause she was younger than the firstborn daughter I originally planned to inherit... well... it was a bad decision, because that firstborn daughter would have had much better stats and relations, and her reign would have been short (she was 50 already) but better than what the younger daughter can do...

Also my current queen has gained the title "the Cruel". YEAAAAH


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Fuck yeah. I just ended the worst clusterfuck of a rebellion by assassinating the leader of the rebellion. I didn't think it would work, it was a desperation move because I might have lost that war. The duke of Bulgar rebelled, and pulled in many other dukes who hate my queen... I would have conceded defeat if he just had wanted independence, but he wanted my throne, AND THIS THRONE WILL STAY WITHIN MY OWN FAMILY LINE. So I thought assassination might work. It did.

Queen Marina the Cruel has, up to now, solved about 90% of all her problems by assassination. It ruined her reputation, but who cares, it's effective. :lol:


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
By the way, any estimates on when a 1.05 compatible CK2plus will be available?

Wiz himself commented that he was basically done but now wants to wait for a hotfix or untill he's convinved the patch won't break the game anymore. Can't disagree with that sentiment.

Sad to see that the ruler designer is even more useless than I anticipated. At best I hoped it would let you play around and do fun and wacky shit like creating House Harkonen in the most sandy part of the map. Now it's just a cheat editor. A nerfed one at that. At least the music is rumored to be nice.


Jan 8, 2009
I'm bummed that you can't just edit an existing character, you always have to wipe - though I'm still tempted to get it since creating a brand new character and dynasty isn't that immersion-breaking for some random count that I don't know of anyway. If you're playing major historical dynasties or characters, then I'm pretty happy with the default options.

That said, wondering whether the 0-stat bug is really that bad, as I'm really dying to start another game.


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
0-stat bug?
The executable now recognizes all generated (as in not born "naturally", like merc leaders, recruitable courtiers, popes) characters as newborns due to no hard-defined age. And newborn equals 0 in all stats.

do you guys have any idea if it's possible to revert back to 1.04 patch with a steam install? i forgot to turn off automatic updating and now cannot continue my moor game :x


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
I love the ruler designer. I don't like playing as big dynasties and I can make very good characters (genius, midas touched, patient, whatever) that are still only 20 years old by giving them traits that aren't really bad (lustful, hedonist, wounded).

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the dynamic kingdom thing though. The game starts out with Cumans as a titular king title. If all the land Cumans start with stays Cuman for 100 years, it will become the de jure kingdom of Cuman then, right? So some Russian guy can come along, take the land away and declare himself the king of Cumans, which was originally a titular title that is now de jure, even though he's not Cuman?


Jan 10, 2011
Cooking in the lab
I love the ruler designer. I don't like playing as big dynasties and I can make very good characters (genius, midas touched, patient, whatever) that are still only 20 years old by giving them traits that aren't really bad (lustful, hedonist, wounded).

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the dynamic kingdom thing though. The game starts out with Cumans as a titular king title. If all the land Cumans start with stays Cuman for 100 years, it will become the de jure kingdom of Cuman then, right? So some Russian guy can come along, take the land away and declare himself the king of Cumans, which was originally a titular title that is now de jure, even though he's not Cuman?

No, because the king titles have culture and religion restrictions. Only Pagans can create/usurp King of Cuman etc.

Multi-headed Cow


Played a little earlier and was going :3 as my wife inherited Wales, but now I don't wanna play now that I know another bug is lurking.


Jan 8, 2009
1.05c has been released, seems to fix the 0-stat bug in addition to a few others. They're pretty good with patches, aren't they.

Looking forward to starting a game tonight if I can.

20 Eyes

Nov 23, 2010
1.05c has been released, seems to fix the 0-stat bug in addition to a few others. They're pretty good with patches, aren't they.

Looking forward to starting a game tonight if I can.

I'd advise waiting a day to see what game-breaking bugs 1.05c added.


Dec 30, 2010
I have a Lunatic daughter that I married off to the King of Sweden, I didn't notice anything strange before I booted her out of my realm.

There are two anti-blob mechanics in this patch, first, the negative relationship modifier for distance has been ramped up such that ruling part of the Holy Land from Northern Europe is extremely difficult and second, there's a -10 stacking modifier for vassals whenever somebody revolts -- if one vassal revolts, everybody gets a -10 relationship hit, then somebody else revolts, the relationship hit goes up to -20, etc.

I noticed the difference immediately in my current game, in which the BE successfully pressed a claim to the HRE, creating a giant fuschia blob. In 1.04, every time somebody tried to revolt, there would be a short period of instability and independent realms would pop up all over the place only for everybody to be completely pacified within a couple years and the mega-Empire returned to normal. In 1.05, it took about a week for everything to turn into an absolute shitstorm -- so much of the old HRE revolted that it was actually difficult to find BE land to siege -- each BE county would have 3-5 different realms attacking it and with the ticking Warscore, I was able to enforce my independence without having a single BE troop step foot on my land, which kind of makes sense because I'm the Duke of Holstein, putting me about as far away from the capital as you can get. When the dust cleared, the bulk of Germany was a patchwork of independent states, with the BE hanging on to Bavaria and portions of land around the Alps, although Lombardia had successfully broken away.

tl;dr version:
There are a bunch of people over at the Paradox forums threatening to not buy any Pdox games in the future because their Europe-straddling empires are no longer stable. So this probably makes the patch a net positive.


Jan 8, 2009
The relationship modifier bit was one of the features in CK2Plus, and it is a good idea (though CK2Plus overdid it a little). A milder version like that should work well with join wars option.

Multi-headed Cow

I'm tempted to pick up the music DLC, but I'm concerned since I heard some mention the DLC music only triggers under certain conditions. Do any bros here know 100% if that's how it works or not? I'd be tempted to snag it since I like CK2's music, but only if it goes in to general rotation.

Also was surprised to notice that Holy Roman Empire is getting smaller in my game.
Not sure how much of that is due to 1.05 since I've probably only played 5-10 years (Maybe) since the patch.

Also bros, I married a princess of Wales and killed her brother and father so she got the throne. Just got twin sons off of her. If she dies, the throne goes to one of the sons, but Wales remains independent even though a member of my house/dynasty is on the throne. How would I go about blobbing Wales in to Ireland in this situation? Would I have to make the son that inherits Wales the heir to the Irish throne? I've got elective succession, so I could do that if need-be.

Edit: Appears to be the case, but now things are going pear shaped.


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
another modding question
do any of you bros know how to change the name of a province? I'm in a constant state of rage when I see my pagan provinces named Marienburg or Danzig :x


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
tl;dr version:
There are a bunch of people over at the Paradox forums threatening to not buy any Pdox games in the future because their Europe-straddling empires are no longer stable. So this probably makes the patch a net positive.

Yeah, hilarious. The mappainting demographic really don't like it when they can't just waltz over everything. I do hope Paradox won't give in to them as that change alone is steep incline and together with the stacking civil war relationship hit a perfect and realistic anti-blob measure. Now we need some childbirth events and more deadlier diseases and the whole dynasty sim part also becomes a lot more dynamic. Not that this is hard to mod in btw.

Do hope we'll see more vanilla plots, ambitions, decisions and events next time though. It's tiresome to constantly have to steal and incorporate the good ones from mods.

Also was surprised to notice that Holy Roman Empire is getting smaller in my game.

Succesfull civil wars tend to do that. Personally I like it when the big blobs struggle a bit. Don't worry though, when they get a competent ruler they usually grow again. Anyway, music DLC are all tied to something. One to Britain, one to the crusader kingdoms and one to characters with high piety. When they do happen they make for a nice change to the vanilla music. I was sick and tired of hearing that same tune over and over and over...

Oh, and I do urge everyone to give the latest version of Ck2plus a try. Wiz has been doing a lot of stuff I wouldn't agree with but overall it's still miles ahead of vanilla in terms of content, playability and fun.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I have a Lunatic daughter that I married off to the King of Sweden, I didn't notice anything strange before I booted her out of my realm.

There are two anti-blob mechanics in this patch, first, the negative relationship modifier for distance has been ramped up such that ruling part of the Holy Land from Northern Europe is extremely difficult and second, there's a -10 stacking modifier for vassals whenever somebody revolts -- if one vassal revolts, everybody gets a -10 relationship hit, then somebody else revolts, the relationship hit goes up to -20, etc.

I noticed the difference immediately in my current game, in which the BE successfully pressed a claim to the HRE, creating a giant fuschia blob. In 1.04, every time somebody tried to revolt, there would be a short period of instability and independent realms would pop up all over the place only for everybody to be completely pacified within a couple years and the mega-Empire returned to normal. In 1.05, it took about a week for everything to turn into an absolute shitstorm -- so much of the old HRE revolted that it was actually difficult to find BE land to siege -- each BE county would have 3-5 different realms attacking it and with the ticking Warscore, I was able to enforce my independence without having a single BE troop step foot on my land, which kind of makes sense because I'm the Duke of Holstein, putting me about as far away from the capital as you can get. When the dust cleared, the bulk of Germany was a patchwork of independent states, with the BE hanging on to Bavaria and portions of land around the Alps, although Lombardia had successfully broken away.

tl;dr version:
There are a bunch of people over at the Paradox forums threatening to not buy any Pdox games in the future because their Europe-straddling empires are no longer stable. So this probably makes the patch a net positive.

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