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Any examples?
I am searching for a good hot take i saw last night. It had this underlying gripe about this being a "step back" AKA "not progress"
Anyways, Gehennas is queue-free at the moment!
Any examples?
This one came to mind.I like reading all the nu-journalists hot takes on the WoW Classic "blunder". According to them, once again the customers are in the wrong and everyone should be playing BfA and other soulless experiences.
Any examples?
Wow Classic is dividng us like Trump!121!!!This one came to mind.I like reading all the nu-journalists hot takes on the WoW Classic "blunder". According to them, once again the customers are in the wrong and everyone should be playing BfA and other soulless experiences.
Any examples?
If that trinity is the only thing that exists, why would you want to be worse in any role by design?
Ten Storms has started having a queue within the last 15 minutes, I'd guess.48 in queue. The ROLE PLAYING server Hydraxian Waterlords is High population.
To be fair RP servers are always the first to get invaded when people just need their fix and can't log into their server of choice. They won't stick around.
There's gonna be paid transfers, so it doesn't matter that much.I never understood the idea of just logging into another server if you can't get on your main one. It's not like you're going to seriously invest time on another character, and it's also not like doing the starting zones is anything close to fun. Just go play something else for a while FFS.
Should Warriors get nerfed for being both top DPS and top tanks then? Fury DPS is probably unfair to the Rogues, I assume.Because you can do more than one thing. If you are as good as any pure class there is no point in playing the latter. It's like you don't understand what the word "hybrid" means.
There was a certain prestige to being a warrior knowing you were the only real tank in the game. Without that the warrior class becomes a sad joke, which i think is exactly what happened, all though i didn't play wow long enough to actually experience that retardation.
There's also the fact pure classes have an entire skill set devoted to only one thing. Tanking as a Warrior is considerably more complicated than tanking as a bear, but if the bear is just as good as the Warrior again what's the point then of playing the latter?
Was just watching Missing in Action.You guys are missing out on some very fresh Chuck Norris jokes in Barrens chat.
This, kinda. A Warrior is a hybrid too. They aren't a pure tank class like Warriors in EverQuest are. They can either spec for two different styles of DPS and tanking. Priest is the same too. They can spec Shadow for pure DPS, and a pretty good one at that as they brought some extra utility as well. It was unfair and poor design to make the "hybrid" classes unoptimal and showed clear favoritism, or just plain amateurish design skills. A hybrid never played like a hybrid in the raid environment. How often were Druids, specced for healing, jumping into cat form to do some DPS on the side, or maybe going bear to grab an add? This is why the "but they are hybrids so they shouldn't be a master of anything" argument has always been flaccid to me. Yes, they have hybrid specs, but they don't actually play as one, except in PvP.Should Warriors get nerfed for being both top DPS and top tanks then? Fury DPS is probably unfair to the Rogues, I assume.Because you can do more than one thing. If you are as good as any pure class there is no point in playing the latter. It's like you don't understand what the word "hybrid" means.
There was a certain prestige to being a warrior knowing you were the only real tank in the game. Without that the warrior class becomes a sad joke, which i think is exactly what happened, all though i didn't play wow long enough to actually experience that retardation.
There's also the fact pure classes have an entire skill set devoted to only one thing. Tanking as a Warrior is considerably more complicated than tanking as a bear, but if the bear is just as good as the Warrior again what's the point then of playing the latter?
WoW's greater problem here is that the aggro system and lack of decent mob AI makes combat too much about shit like TPS/DPS/HPS meters (a concept that shouldn't fucking exist) because combat revolves around spamming your ability rotations to squeeze out the highest numbers instead of intelligently adapting to changing circumstances. And because it's all about meters, being a shitty tank is worthless and so is being a shitty DPS and so is being a shitty healer. Sucking with a wide variety of options just means you're undesirable in a wide variety of ways when the only thing that matters is the relevant meter you bring in one role. It's trash design to make a hybrid where the hybrid isn't actually viable in most roles.
Like I said, the design of the game is such that you doing everything at 70% just meant you can't compete with the other classes. You can't be 70% of the way to crit immunity or do 70% of the DPS, you are simply not capable of performing the job. Most fights also don't have adds which don't require being crit immune to justify keeping a suboptimal member for when a warrior who is already in the raid can do it. I don't think a hybrid class that can do a little bit of everything was going to ever be more than a meme in this game, it was either reworking the game to include support classes or balance around 1 role which a player can do at any one time.If that trinity is the only thing that exists, why would you want to be worse in any role by design?
Because you can do more than one thing. If you are as good as any pure class there is no point in playing the latter. It's like you don't understand what the word "hybrid" means.
This, kinda. A Warrior is a hybrid too. They aren't a pure tank class like Warriors in EverQuest are. They can either spec for two different styles of DPS and tanking.
Read further, that's exactly what I said.That's the thing, they aren't hybrids in the sense they can fulfill both roles at the same time, same with druids and other classes, they just have the possibility to spec one or the other. Sure, they off-dps when the fight doesn't require more tanks, but that's hardly hybridization or a hybrid playstyle.
The way to make "hybrids" or support classes viable is to give them something unique that they bring to the group.
For example, the ability Bloodlust is impactful enough that if you need to bring a lower-performing spec to have it in the group, you are still happy to have that person there.
Same thing with druids and Mark of the Wild/Innervate/Battle Res. Even if a priest is a better healer, you will always trade one to get a druid.
They could have easily gone in that direction by creating interesting support role gameplay, and then giving that role a force-multiplying ability. (ie. A short-range aura that increases melee haste by 20%)
Fucking Gehennas is just a pipedream for people with work. 10k queue when I got off work and I sat in it for 2.5 hours. Still 8k left when I got back just now.Anyways, Gehennas is queue-free at the moment!
Join the queue when you leave for work.Fucking Gehennas is just a pipedream for people with work. 10k queue when I got off work and I sat in it for 2.5 hours. Still 8k left when I got back just now.Anyways, Gehennas is queue-free at the moment!
If I can't play on it this weekend, I'll stick to Assbringer even though I'm only level 7 on there right now.