Every popular game is good. That's why they're popular. Duh!
*Every popular game is good
on some level. That's why they're popular. Duh!
Skyrim nor Oblivion qualify as good games when taken in their totality. They are both deceptively good first 10-20 hour experiences that only degrade in quality the further you go past that 10-20 hour mark.
Its really the same with both. They initially seem to have so much promise, they are easy to get into and both seem like they will be going far beyond what you see at the start. However both ultimately end up exactly in the same spot. The gameplay at hour 1 and hour 99 is effectively the same, the stories turn out to be as stupid as they are initially intriguing and the worlds end up as flat as they are big.
Luckily for Bethesda to see this you need to actually get a bit further into the games. You need to finish a guild quest or two, see some of the cities and dungeons, get some levels and... that is exactly what most players never do. Hence the massive disconnect between the public's opinion of these games and the gamer crowd.