Alright, I tried to watch a LP to finish the campaign, but it was bad I eventually gave up. Good Lord, EVERYTHING that can go wrong, goes wrong, not just the writing. The super-duper she-engineer is also hilariously bad, being a combo of being a STEM student (somehow in the far future), going to the Capellan system on the other side of the galaxy (despite not being open to foreigners, at best), is good at engineering after divorcing her first husband, etc. It's such a shameless SJW wet dream that makes no fucking sense in-universe. She's also ugly as sin, but of course.
In fact, all of your crew is quite "diverse", which makes you wonder how the hell does your organization work when no-one has anything in common... And it doesn't. We have an intelligence officer that can't even tell you which enemy mechs you'll face, a mechanic that doesn't give shit about destroying a fucking archeotech cache (which was groan-worthy as said here already), an engineer that almost unleashes a super-virus by accident, etc.
Not sure if it's due poor writing or intentional that your crew is so incompetent. Also, despite being a "new" location to start off fresh, somehow the bull-themed guys are dragged in as enemies (do these guys have enough money to mount an invasion to begin with?).
Then there's princess Kamehameha, who's completely and utterly insufferable. Despite her rants about making things right, she acts in a very authoritarian way you can't ever disagree with, does insane stuff like ordering the destruction of a Jumpship and killing the entire crew (which is a big no in-universe IIRC, I was surprised there were consequences after doing that) and, best of all, proves right the bad guys:
The Espinosa ranted about how she would make Auriga weak by incompetence and misuse of resources, and then, after the war, Auriga DOES end exhausted and weak, for not to mention she owes favors to other Houses that will bleed her dry. Oops.
It seems to be a common occurrence for woke writing to have the paranoid bad guy accidentally be proven right (or even be made sympathetic) due the protagonists' incompetence. Extra points if the main cast used to be better and suffered a personality shift. RWBY for example suffers from both.
So I just read the synopsis and called it a day. I might try the 3050 mod at some point, perhaps. Shame there's no battle-log anywhere, even though one of these three main mods supposedly had it, but I haven't been able to find any video confirming it so.