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Game News Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear Released


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.
You are lurking since 2007 and just come to shitpost on a shitty thread? Why?

I've made posts throughout the years. The difference is that I have a life outside one tiny website on the internet. And yes, speaking out against bigotry by a bunch of lowlives and an admin that apparently has the same fixation is worth coming out of the woodwork for. If not that, then what is worth it?
How the fuck is it "worth it"? Are you changing the world? Are you doing something? "Speaking out" on the Codex lol yeah so worth it. Sorry bro, if you want to only post occasionally, the only thing "worth it" is spamming 40k pictures.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.
Actually exactly what some of the edgier posts made me think off.


Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.

Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.
Actually exactly what some of the edgier posts made me think off.


Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.

Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"

Be more positive Dreaad, Beamdog is burning down, whys and wherefores are incidental.

So far Beamdog has broken mod support, net code is apparently shit, SoD has plenty of bugs, original titles will now only be available packaged with their Enhanced Edition, hired David Gaider, written a few ham-fisted gay, trans characters to meet diversity quotas (handled way better in New Vegas, but Obsidian could actually write back then), rewritten 2 female characters due to sexism, Minsc Goobergate speak, added a refugee crisis (no prizes for guessing the nuance in that situation), added a fan fiction tier ending that makes no sense next to the Lore.

PoE on the other hand was disappointing as a story fag game, it was probably more polished and had better combat than some of Obsidians previous efforts, but people don't buy Obsidian games for combat and polish. In fairness, not SoD level trash atleast.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.

Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"

That's some fine moral equivalency there.

Also I think the SoD rage has more to do with the abject disappointment people feel in the company. Why people (not me though, nope, no way) had any faith/hope in them making a decent contribution to BG is bewildering. The tranny, the gay stuff, and the idiot employees of Beamdog are just low hanging fruit.

But the outcry may have other consequences. Bioware went to shit a long time ago but they still sell a shit-ton of games with their formula (progressive dating sim + dumbed down streamlined RPG mechanics) which encourages other companies to beat you over the head with their writers political beliefs. If beamdog tanks because of this (probably not but who knows) maybe other companies will take some of the stupider stuff out of their games as well.

Probably not.

Art Vandelay

Mar 17, 2011
traveling without moving

You realize a lot of the people who post racist and sexist stuff are either

1.) Trolling
2.) 14 year olds who just like to say inflammatory shit
3.) And actual racists and sexists.

What makes you think there is any point on going on a diatribe against groups 1-3?


On a more serious note ,this has quite unexpectedly, turned into a scandal :). Also,"don't play it if you don't like it" attitude is pure comedy gold too....i'll definitely maybe play it again ,perhaps,only not your "EE-for mentally challenged" version.
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Oct 3, 2012
The question rises,

Did no one at Beamdog team up with Arcade Gannon and take a cue from him?


Jul 19, 2009
I've made posts throughout the years. The difference is that I have a life outside one tiny website on the internet. And yes, speaking out against bigotry by a bunch of lowlives and an admin that apparently has the same fixation is worth coming out of the woodwork for. If not that, then what is worth it?
So let me get this straight. You only post when it's to defend gay people's honor on the internet?

You could even say that he's being a warrior for some kind of social justice.


Mar 16, 2015
It's not about gay characters or not, it's about having them shoved down your throat by means of agenda. A lot of gays and trannies pretend like they're not represented. Bullshit. Game of Thrones has gay guys, trannies are on prime time TV and having a gay guy is a staple in most shoes for ages and ages now. Gay guys don't need 'more' representation, especially not forced representation.

I'm gay. I like when I meet a gay character I can relate to. You know the key to that? Make him the same as every-fucking-one else. Don't make him stand out, don't make him special, don't shield him from bad things happening. Being gay should be incidental. A footnote. You shouldn't even be able to tell the character is gay unless you specifically push your way into it and go out of your way to get to that content. Everything else is retarded. No matter what televitz and SJW games might have you believe, most gay people aren't hugely flamboyant queer faggots that stick out like a sore thumb. Most people are guys you'd never be able to tell with.

(Not including me, obviously.)

Being gay shouldn't be anything of importance. It shouldn't define a character. It shouldn't even be the center of his fucking arc unless you can do it well, which 99.9% of writers cannot for lack of being both gay and a good writer at the same time.


The worst part is, this shit is patronizing and pandering. Gay guys don't need your shitty SJW pandering or 'help.' Fuck off and leave us alone. Do they not realize how condescending it is to assume that oh, us poor fags, we can't play a game unless it has hard gay dicksucking? Fuck off.
And one random NPC does nothing you described. You people have taken your pitchforks and torches over 5s content for 30 hour game. Come the fuck on. The game is not about SJWing, there are just 3 LGBT characters in the game and you can ignore them. I think less pitchforks and torches were raised over "Ride the Bull"-shit... at this point it just seems like 'Dex is looking to create drama where there is very little of it.

Yeah Jasede, you need to pipe down while the only intelligent person left on the Codex, tells it to you the way it is.

For example when you go to the bank don't you want to tap the shoulder of the stranger in front of you, ask them if this is the gay line, explain you're gay, then go into intimate details of your fursona? This is the nuance of human interaction, and how gays need to act in a world where they don't suffer from terrible internalised homophobia.

With the refugees there's another perfect example of nuance, you either feel bad for the refugees or murder them. You see, you've been given choice and agency, between the only possible attitudes to the situation (good vs evil), really Jasede you are German and should be helping refugees no matter what, you should know better!
Actually I said at least one intelligent person and I was talking about that other person I quoted.
I don't care to leave intelligent posts, I just want people to stop this bullshit and talk about gameplay and quests that represent 99.9% of content of this expansion instead of focusing on this .01% of it


Jan 2, 2012
So didn't read 13 + 57 pages, is the game any good, all I can see is people from Twitter clogging up my Codex

If you want to find out if something is good, you shouldn't have come to the Codex. Nothing here is ever good. It's like the motto, or something.


Mar 16, 2015
It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.
Actually exactly what some of the edgier posts made me think off.


Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.

Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"

Be more positive Dreaad, Beamdog is burning down, whys and wherefores are incidental.

So far Beamdog has broken mod support, net code is apparently shit, SoD has plenty of bugs, original titles will now only be available packaged with their Enhanced Edition, hired David Gaider, written a few ham-fisted gay, trans characters to meet diversity quotas (handled way better in New Vegas, but Obsidian could actually write back then), rewritten 2 female characters due to sexism, Minsc Goobergate speak, added a refugee crisis (no prizes for guessing the nuance in that situation), added a fan fiction tier ending that makes no sense next to the Lore.

PoE on the other hand was disappointing as a story fag game, it was probably more polished and had better combat than some of Obsidians previous efforts, but people don't buy Obsidian games for combat and polish. In fairness, not SoD level trash atleast.
I can understand the hate about trans character (It could have been handled better but I don't care either way), I can understand the anger about what they said about Jaheira and Safana (although I don't care), I can somewhat understand Minsc thing (although only a small number of people will get that reference anyways and it is not out of place for Minsc) but the refugee things is just you projecting your wants on the game trying to create drama where there is none.
Just like people accused Tolkien of making Orcs and Sauron be Germans and he always claimed they were not. Unless you can find a quote where Beamdog says refugees are in SoD because of refugee crisis in real life, you got no proof and you are just shittalking (which is normal for you).
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Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
but people don't buy Obsidian games for combat and polish
That is why people have idiot philosophies.

I don't give a shit who the developer is. I don't give a shit who the publisher is.

If the combat is good.

If it is polished well.


I buy the game.

It's really that simple.

(Except for the fact that POE has shit combat/design philosophy in general)

People who care more about whatever socio-political message than the actual fucking game are idiots. By idiots I mean people who act the same as SJWs, busy trying to be anti-SJW activists. Black Knights whining about White Knights as if one type of whining is superior to the other type of whining.

Sorry folks, black knights and white knights are both dumbfucks, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.

Me? I simply like complaining about stupid people. Actually, I can't help it, really. Psychological issue I guess.

In any case. If it's a good game play the damn game. If it's a good movie watch the damn movie. If you disagree with the moral message, either pull your head out of your ass or stop whining and pretending you're any different than a SJW. Let me also point out the fact that I have made rants against idiot SJWs, but only when the discussion is based on said subject (no, I'm too lazy to do that on the Codex, and Jasede already made a great rant a page or two ago).
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Mar 16, 2015
I can understand the hate about trans character (I could have been handled better but I don't care either way)


Yeah I know it's a typo... Probably.
Fixed. Yea typo :)

I have lots of typoes in my posts as I don't read what I wrote before I click post. Then later I sometimes edit it multiple times to fix them and sometimes I move on.


Aug 28, 2013
It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.
Actually exactly what some of the edgier posts made me think off.


Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.

Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"

Be more positive Dreaad, Beamdog is burning down, whys and wherefores are incidental.

So far Beamdog has broken mod support, net code is apparently shit, SoD has plenty of bugs, original titles will now only be available packaged with their Enhanced Edition, hired David Gaider, written a few ham-fisted gay, trans characters to meet diversity quotas (handled way better in New Vegas, but Obsidian could actually write back then), rewritten 2 female characters due to sexism, Minsc Goobergate speak, added a refugee crisis (no prizes for guessing the nuance in that situation), added a fan fiction tier ending that makes no sense next to the Lore.

PoE on the other hand was disappointing as a story fag game, it was probably more polished and had better combat than some of Obsidians previous efforts, but people don't buy Obsidian games for combat and polish. In fairness, not SoD level trash atleast.
The funny thing is that despite all that crap its still a better game than PoE, so theres that.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
The funny thing is that despite all that crap its still a better game than PoE, so theres that.

It's just a little airborne, it's still better than PoE, it's still better than PoE.


Sep 1, 2013
So people who want to talk about games should register on RPGWatch because this site is about SJW/antiSJW bullshit now, right?


Apr 10, 2013
So didn't read 13 + 57 pages, is the game any good, all I can see is people from Twitter clogging up my Codex

If you want to find out if something is good, you shouldn't have come to the Codex. Nothing here is ever good. It's like the motto, or something.
I only trust the Codex for Truth.
Or rather, for allowing that kind of debates that bring you to the Truth.
(then again, every Codexer reaches a different Truth but that's beside the point).


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Everything after season 8 is garbage. I finally stopped watching it over a decade ago when it went through a string of episodes without a single funny joke. :M

So people who want to talk about games should register on RPGWatch because this site is about SJW/antiSJW bullshit now, right?

DU has decreed that your new thread won't get merged into a megathread if its topic is specific enough to justify its existence. You can make your [gameplay discussion only] thread but I doubt you'll see much discussion.


Dec 8, 2011
Isn't mod supports getting broken when an update/expansion is released kind expected, though?

I can't remember a game where it doesn't happen.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Isn't mod supports getting broken when an update/expansion is released kind expected, though?

I can't remember a game where it doesn't happen.

The mod support being broken is due to the way they package/protect the DLC on Steam/GOG. It's fucking frustrating because it doesn't occur on the beamdog version.

They are staying completely silent on the matter as well.

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