ATOM RPG: Trudograd dev update #2
Hello, friends!
It’s time to do good on our New Year’s promise and share some more news about ATOM RPG: Trudograd.
We’ll start with information on new developments in the field of exoskeleton research! We perfected our walking tank visually, and made it capable of attacking enemies in melee combat! Here’s how it looks at the moment:
However the combat system improvements do not end with the exoskeleton. We also made a special skill that will allow you to attack your enemies with the buttstock of your weapon, along with new weapon mods that will be discussed in a later post.
Since we have updated many combat-related stuff in the game, we decided to change the look of the inventory as well. Here’s how it will look during your travels in Trudograd. Something akin to this style was suggested by some of our players. We hope you like it!
Now we’d like to show you the changes we made to in-game menus such as the minimap, stats or skill tree. Here’s our new menu system!
This new menu system is highly optimized for comfort and style. We really hope you will enjoy it!
Last but not least - some in-game art. Here’s a loading screen we particularly enjoy.
Work on Trudograd is constant. Next time we will share some new location screenshots and news about weapons and combat in general, as well as many other new stuff.
ATOM RPG: Trudograd will be released for closed testing on February 29th.
Thank you for reading and we really hope that you liked what we shared. See you next time! And let there be ATOM!
Finaly, news!
...along with new weapon mods that will be discussed in a later post.
Replies coming soon! I'm so busy!!!! OH GOD!!!
Slav engineering.I see guy fireing bullet while butstocking opponent, this John Wick trick or engine problem?
You have some boring dungeons that really feel like a bottleneck in an otherwise open world game. Especially the bunker lab with plant monsters(?) was a game ruiner for me. Also the place with the castle was boring as fuck.
You have some boring dungeons that really feel like a bottleneck in an otherwise open world game. Especially the bunker lab with plant monsters(?) was a game ruiner for me. Also the place with the castle was boring as fuck.
34 hours in I'm pretty stuck in this plant monster bunker. These killer flowers one-shoting my PC 50th time in a row are so fucking irritating I'm not sure I will complete it (
I mean, how many AP could fucking flower have?
Huh, when I did the caravan my car stayed at the origin point (though I only did it from Peregon).
Hey, guys!
Today, we're releasing version 1.112. We are doing this because we moved our game to the brand new, improved Unity version 2019.2 which fixes a lot of problems some of you may have experienced in the past, and furthers our game's optimization.
However, since it's a very large file, we understand that those of you that do not have optimization issues and glitches described in the changelog, may not want to download it. For you, we have created a new Steam branch 1_11 which will allow you to skip this version and continue playing 1.111.
Here is the changelog:
- Transferred the game to Unity 2019.2;
- Fixed impassable tiles in Krasnoznamenny Centre;
- Fixed incorrect AP and Ammo information;
- Fixed Dzhulbars barking glitch;
- Fixed the Ghillie suit and protective suit exploit which granted an extra turn;
- Those who saved at the New Year location will now appear in the Mountain Pass of Woes;
- Fixed several graphical bugs.
However, since it's a very large file, we understand that those of you that do not have optimization issues and glitches described in the changelog, may not want to download it. For you, we have created a new Steam branch 1_11 which will allow you to skip this version and continue playing 1.111.
it was until the 2019 would be empty and haphazard
Leave and return with maximum drugs and automatic rifles.
2 x sweet cake
1 x toadstool
For DEX+3 is essential.
Buff up your endurance and HP as well.
Equip stealth suit and helmet to maximize aggro distance.
Vintorez or Scorpion SMG shreds these grasses easily.
Revisited the game in 2020 and noticed some nice changes in the quest resolutions. E.g KRZ Bunker door price is free if you can find the right girl to date.
Saw a few 'modded' weapons as well. There's a Speedloader Nagant for 2AP reload, a scoped Hunting Rifle for additional crit and enables the Sniper perk usage. The game also hand placed the new Saiga Shotgun at a nice 'late-game' place that many complained there wasn't much of a reward despite the challenge of getting there.
They also revamp the 'hidden occult boss'; it was actually challenging now trying to take it down before you unlock automatic weapons.
I do wish the dev would just answer the demand for manual party control during combat to make the non-combat build more viable and there's still one minor bug that remained:
When the Cult sent me to murder the pig and leave a note, the game could not detect that the note is left behind if the NPC is informed of the Cult's intent. I smoked the pig after taking the thank-you money from the guy, left the note and the game still thinks I forgot to leave the note.