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Assassin's Creed Shadows - Yasuke confirmed Samurai, cope and seethe - coming February 14th

Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi

Hoarder of loli kats./ Funny ^._.^= ∫
Mar 4, 2019
Codex+ Now Streaming!

Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi

Hoarder of loli kats./ Funny ^._.^= ∫
Mar 4, 2019
Codex+ Now Streaming!
the fuck would i know, everyday those retards come up with new lingo.
EDIT: Googled and it's: (vulgar, offensive) A promiscuous woman, typically overweight or ugly and only sought after for pumping and dumping.

911 Jumper

Jun 12, 2023
Is that image a photoshop or did she temporarily change her X bio? That stuff isn't on her profile (I just checked).


Jan 23, 2020
That kunoichi would eventually forgive nigger samurai, even through he was one of the murderers who attacked her clans. In the finale, she bear nigger's child.


Nov 21, 2015
Beyond the Grave
It was probably only a matter of time before someone brought up Odyssey because it's one of the better games, like Black Flag. It's okay to admit you like it.

But for much as I thought Odyssey was good fun, and Alexios was a bro (gave me huge Kevin Sorbo Hercules vibes), the best of the game was probably the stupid funny writing and memes. The combat was bad and easily cheesed even on the highest difficulties, the naval part was dumbed down from Black Flag, the islands were samey, and the game was full of modern video game BS.

The game was saved by its feel-good atmosphere and some comedic writing, which if they even still had the writers, probably can't be replicated.
WTF!! No. Odyssey is utter garbage. It's one of the worst written garbage I've ever seen, insane amount of gameplay padding and running around empty space. You guys have no standards, you bitch about garbage AAA games while simultaneously gobbling it up. Odyssey is the worst mainline Assassin's Creed, the worst one. Even worse than Valhalla which is also garbage.
Worse writing than Origins, Valhalla, Unity, Syndicate, Mirage, etc?

I get that the plot of Odyssey is shit, like all AC games, and granted I didn't play half of these, but I actually want to hear your reasoning behind this.

Maybe you played the sister instead. I don't know how the writing differs between the siblings.

Look at this shit! It's like a parody. I've time stamped it for convenience. This is the epic meeting between you & your long lost sibling. It insults itself. I don't need to.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
Oh, I was just reading reactions to Alissa's tweets about AC Shadows (which were hilarious btw) when she 'protected' her accout :-D

Poor piggy couldn't handle the roast


Jul 7, 2011
I don't get it, is there something in AC lore (lol. Lmao even) that precludes the character from being the ethnicity of the nation in which it takes place? I don't want to be a Toddiro either.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
I don't get it, is there something in AC lore (lol. Lmao even) that precludes the character from being the ethnicity of the nation in which it takes place? I don't want to be a Toddiro either.
On the contrary, in every other AC, except maybe for Black Flag the MC is of ethnicity typical for the place where the game is set. Altair was Arab, Ezio Italian, Bayek Egyptian, Kassandra/Alexios Greek etc


May 5, 2012
Bayek Egyptian
Except they made all Egpytians subsaharan, Egypt had its highest levels of subsaharan in it during the end of the Ptolemic dynasty of course... at about 1-3% of workers IIRC. Even his Greek wife was probably half black and was way darker in complexition than her brother.


Feb 20, 2024
I once read that the moment you give women the vote is the moment your country starts to fall. When I first read that I thought it was misogynistic nonsense, but seeing the West as it is today I've come to understand it. Many women who hear that will of course be quick to take offence, but it's not so much an attack on women, but an attack on feminism and all its offshoots. We are of course referring to wokeness, political correctness, and outrage culture—all of which are products of feminism and the emotional female mind.

But when we talk of male and female we don't just refer to men and women, but the primordial forces that form the cosmos. Taoists call these forces Yin and Yang. Yang represents strength and masculinity, Yin represents softness and femininity. So it's not so much women we're targeting here, but unchecked feminine energy, which men are just as influenced by. The West as it is today is a result of unchecked feminine energy, or, unchecked feminism.
Feminism is the seed that began the decline. It was the original social justice cause. Because in order to remain relevant once women were able to enjoy the same freedoms as men, feminism began spreading from one cause to the next, seeking to defend every discriminated group from feminism's greatest enemy—the white male.

This first began with other racial groups, then to homosexuals, then to transgenders, then to immigrants, and so on, and when no underdogs are left to defend, feminists will simply invent one in order to stay relevant. Enter the non-binary genders, transgender kids and so on.
Violent anarchist groups like Antifa and BLM are extensions of feminism. They are movements born out of feelings before logic. They are movements born of unchecked feminine energy. The radical left hysteria that's caused so much death and destruction over recent years is an offshoot of feminism and the Yin polarity. Wokeness, progressivism, cancel culture... all born of the feminine's emotions-before-logic view of the world.
So when we say the moment you give women the vote is the moment your country starts to fall, what it really means is that your country falls once you put feelings before logic. This simple flow chart explains it well—

Feminism = women given the vote
Women given the vote = women in politics
Women in politics = rise of political correctness
Political correctness = obsession with defending the oppressed
If no oppressed group exist > invent one
... and here we are with wokeness

Notice how wokeness does not exist in non-feminised nations like China or Russia. This does not suggest that a masculine-dominant society is the solution. A balance of both polarities is required for a healthy individual or collective, but the West is no doubt in need of a masculine-renaissance.
Such a statement might imply that we regress women's freedoms back to 1950s housewife status, which isn't true at all. The challenge of our time lies with men. And this is the other side of the equation. The rise of feminism has simultaneously led to a decline in masculinity. It's made men believe that "manliness" belongs to a bygone era. It's made them believe that being weak and submissive, somehow equates to higher intelligence.
Weak men are ultimately the issue here. Without the strength and logic that comes with the Yang polarity; without strong men to keep it in balance, feminism will continue to run amok, inventing new underdogs to campaign for once their previous underdog gains equality.
Each new invented underdog becomes more unnatural and distorted than the last, for any ideology with the intention of "moving forward" cannot by definition admit the existence of an acceptable status quo.

Wokeness will continue eating all that is good until nothing is left. It has been allowed to do this because men have lost both the will and ability to fight. Our sedentary lives and decline in physical labour jobs are just some of the factors behind this. In short, it is men who must learn to become strong again, take back the reins, and cultivate the masculinity that feminism castrated.

Man's biological instinct is one of logic and innovation. The STEM fields were born of and pioneered by the male mind. The only reason anything exists whether a handheld gadget or a space station, is because men built it. Women are not driven by the same curiosity. Their biological instincts have not demanded it from them. A quick look at your average female gossip magazine is a good indicator of where the average woman's interests lie.
Apply these gender differences to national governance and you can see why migrant Mohammed's sob story is all it took for Angela Merkel to abolish borders, condemning indigenous Europeans to minority status by 2060.FN All it took was one female politician to not see beyond her maternal instincts.
Merkel's feminine nature prevented her from considering the long term implications of her immigration policy. All she sees in migrant Mohammed is a sweet young boy who just wants some candy.

Any country with a feminist government will follow the same trajectory. Feminists do not operate on logic but from what "feels" nice. If we paint enough rainbows and unicorns then all will be well. The masculinity which would've once put such whimsical thinking in its place (and thus defended a nation from its ethnic and cultural replacement) is seen as primitive.

Ultimately, this one decision to give women the vote set into motion a chain of events, leading to the multicultural, anti-white, anti-male shitshow, that the Western world's become. It all began in believing that the female human was equal in physical and mental capacity to men, which simply isn't true.

It's true that women being childbearers fulfil the most important and sacred role of all, but in reality, man's capacity for logic, wisdom, philosophy, science, technology and foresightedness, exceeds that of the female.
That men are the greater sex; that they are stronger, smarter, more creative, competent, and rational than women, is the final red pill many need to swallow. When you truly and fully internalise these gender differences then the current state of the Western world will make a lot more sense, and also the relationships with all the women in your life will improve, and they will be more attracted to you.
You might think this all sounds awfully offensive to women, but many women I've shared these thoughts with are in total agreement. The women who don't agree react with the typical outrage that underpins cancel culture, thus proving my point.
Imagine your loved ones are stuck in a burning building. Two fire trucks arrive. Out of one steps an all-female team of firefighters. From the other, a team of men. Whom do you trust to save your loved ones?

So how does a man cultivate masculinity? First and foremost he needs to exercise. Any exercise will do but lifting weights is most effective. In the prehistoric world physical strength was a man's most valuable asset and nothing has changed. Lift weights, learn to fight, do nofap to raise testosterone, and be politically incorrect in thought, word, and deed.
Because there was once a time when people spoke more freely, where people of all colours could laugh at casual racist jokes and not throw a toddler tantrum. The primary variable between then and now is a hyper-feminised society that's driven by knee-jerk emotions rather than logic and common sense.
The war on men has been very deliberate, for the purposes of engineering a generation of weaklings who will offer less opposition to the state. The media of course has been the primary way of doing this.
Just look at TV 50 years ago, men were strong, stern and commanding. Look at any man on TV today and they're nearly always weak, bumbling fools.
The action heroes of old have been phased out in favour of strong female leads. From talks of a black or female Bond, Disney's hyper-woke Star Wars or Amazon's Lord of the Rings, the entertainment industry has worked hard to engineer the West in which the strong, white male ranks lowest on the pecking order.

The Lucifarian, pedophile global elite know that weak men, when neutered of their role as protectors and defenders, will be less likely to resist their demographic and ethnic replacement. Globalists know that weak men will be "totally cool dude" with becoming racial minorities in their own homelands.
History will look upon this time as The Great Emasculation. When all's said and done, when all the invented genders come and go, when the soft cosmopolitans are conquered by strong, unfeminised third world migrants; when all the limp-wristed sentimentality has had its time, nature will correct itself as its always done. It'll cull the weak, reward the strong, and realign society to its pre-woke, pre-feminised, pre-politically correct days.

Until then... enjoy the decline.


Jun 23, 2020
What are the implications of this? Are stores going to stop selling Sekiro and Tsushima because they portray Samurai as (ugh) Japs and caucs? Like you can't rewrite history if there are other countries not playing along, that's called schizophrenia


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Look at this shit! It's like a parody. I've time stamped it for convenience. This is the epic meeting between you & your long lost sibling. It insults itself. I don't need to.

Well yeah, it's basically a parody. It's funny to point at it and laugh, which you can't do with the other AC titles because they're just bad. Like I said,

stupid funny writing

Not smart funny writing. That's all that Ubisoft can muster up these days. I think fundamentally we're saying the same shit, Ass Creed is irredeemable garbage, Shadows is going to be the nadir of the franchise.

Hilarious failure launch on the way. Maybe it'll even be worse than Redfall.


May 1, 2020
Here is a prediction of the dialogues:
- Yamete koda sai.
- Yamete

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